Flex Legends - free cheat on apex legends (Aimbot, Wallhack)

  • Developer: Flex
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.07.19
  • Current version: [11/07/2019]
Hurry up to download free cheat on Apex Legends - Flex Legends, which is currently working, free, and most importantly not found for anti-cheat. This hack recently in the game market, but the developers something went wrong and they decided to put it for General use, it is unlikely that the hack will be updated over time, so have time to download it for free while it is working and protected. We do not recommend to use on the main account, create a new one and have fun while there is time.

The functions here are diverse, there are the most common and aggressive, which you can fully access to test yourself. The main two features are the Wallhack (ESP) with a bunch of settings to see enemies through walls, weapons, crates and more, and the Aimbot (AIM) feature with a lot of settings to improve your shooting.

work in win 10 - build 1803 or 1809

1. We put two options in the folder "1" - ready to run the hack. First, run the cheat, and then the game.
2. In folder "2" - net .dll file that you want to run through the injector
Choose, check

Free Download Flex Legends - free cheat on apex legends (Aimbot, Wallhack)

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  1. mellester
    9 August 2019 10:00
    how to open?

    1. Preta
      9 August 2019 10:12
      don't use it you will be ban in few minutes or hours it's an outdated cheat

  2. joaogomes
    9 August 2019 02:31
    sempre da ban na 3 partida e na quarta pq sera

  3. nanak
    Real Cheater
    7 August 2019 02:19
    nice one :) always update ;)

  4. firdanwalang
    6 August 2019 14:52
    Who is create this hack i wanna know !!!

    Who is create this hack i wanna know !!!

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      7 August 2019 17:58
      flex created the hack but its sad that its not gonna get updated it was the best hack :{

  5. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    5 August 2019 17:28
    update update update update update update waiting soo many days 

    3 August 2019 03:15
    Button open please

  7. apexcheating121
    2 August 2019 14:24
    No new update for apex? win 10 version 1903

  8. thrusha420
    1 August 2019 02:54
    can we get something updated possibly boss man? and holy hell thanks for all of your hard work and cracking on these, they works awesome.

    31 July 2019 22:49
    Guys is working or not ?

    1. Blintues
      31 July 2019 23:58
      yes but ban after 30 minutes

  10. bimalmacrock
    31 July 2019 05:37
    This cheat is working now update admin & undetected also

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      31 July 2019 21:07
      are you sure ?

      1. Blintues
        1 August 2019 00:00
        don't use it if u want to not getting ban

    2. Blintues
      31 July 2019 23:59
      shut up or I will fuck u up this cheat will ban you after 30 minuts maximum 1 hour bitch

  11. 92loky92
    30 July 2019 01:00
    I have win 10 - build 1903 I want a solution weary  sob

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      30 July 2019 12:58
      well the hack is outdated so if u had build 1803 and turn on the hack u whould get banned

  12. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    29 July 2019 23:51
    here are some hacks https://corsair.wtf/forum/8-apex-legends-hacks-cheats/

  13. aloyka5
    29 July 2019 20:24
    when will make update for hack ?

    1. Consele64
      Real Cheater
      31 July 2019 21:41
      We don't know.

  14. saswat011
    28 July 2019 00:36
    Why is it stuck at initializing????

    1. Sonsi
      Real Cheater
      28 July 2019 01:08
      bcs is outadted

    2. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      29 July 2019 16:51
      its not for me

  15. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    27 July 2019 00:48
    pls update or new hack pls creator do it 

    1. Blintues
      27 July 2019 17:42
      create cheat is easy but make it unditected from EAC is hard

  16. GalibMahin
    26 July 2019 04:51
    Got my 5 id banned

    1. Consele64
      Real Cheater
      27 July 2019 00:50
      Might be because it is outdated

  17. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    26 July 2019 02:00
    is this hack gonna update soon i liked this hack

  18. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    25 July 2019 22:06
    its working on win 10 ur computer needs to be build 1803 or 1809

    1. Blintues
      27 July 2019 17:43
      working but easy ban after 30 minuts dll doesn't work just use buu

  19. apexcheating121
    25 July 2019 21:05
    Every time I run this and then I try to open the game, I get a blue error screen. Could anybody please help me with this?

  20. Nausea
    25 July 2019 15:05
    ive been testing this hack few times even if its outdated wateves so 13 acounts banned no vac ban the longest ive played with all hack options on was about 4 hours usiing only smgs and ars using snipers and lmgs gets me insta ban anyways using only esp no aimbot seems to work just fine still using on one account been 2 days still no ban just letting you guys know if anyone feels like giving it a go 

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      25 July 2019 20:26
      did u get banned when using smgs ?

    2. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      26 July 2019 02:01
      and how did u get 13 accounts xd

  21. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    24 July 2019 13:16
    update pls 

  22. shitman
    24 July 2019 03:06
    Hey everyone i got a problem, i launched the cheat once, on ONE account, then all my account are ban now if i use it, even the new one, re-install the game, still banned ! x4 account ! WTF did you do  ???

    1. gustav00
      24 July 2019 03:20
      i have used this cheat for 2 weeks with no aimbot and still not banned just giving info to my team ez predator

      1. Blintues
        27 July 2019 17:46
        using dll or build.exe?

    2. Blintues
      24 July 2019 08:14
      you are really dump that it said it detected but you used it nice job

    3. apexlegendmax
      24 July 2019 23:14
      because u r super duper dumbass~ wan to use cheat but duno read!

  23. shitman
    23 July 2019 20:47
    How to launch a menu or something in game ?

    I USED IT ON A LVL1 account, that was not working, then connecting to my main and banned my main ... fu

  24. HrD
    HrD · B&E#5914
    23 July 2019 01:21
    Quote: Nausea
    yes this hack gets you banned still looking for a working one dont bother with youtube all fake if anyone finds something let us know same goes for me 

    came across people using hacks just now ingame they didnt want to tell me where they got them :/

    Well I have played with this cheat and have not received ban yet, I believe that even if playing 'legit' maybe pass, I was banned in another account using the "apehex" I do not recommend, was insta-ban careful.

    1. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      23 July 2019 09:47
      If you got banned for using apehex is maybe because you got reported or the cheat was outdated and needs a update.

  25. Nausea
    23 July 2019 00:18
    yes this hack gets you banned still looking for a working one dont bother with youtube all fake if anyone finds something let us know same goes for me 

    came across people using hacks just now ingame they didnt want to tell me where they got them :/

  26. HrD
    HrD · B&E#5914
    22 July 2019 20:58
    Guys would like to know if anyone took any ban using this cheat in the last week? I'm dying to play and I've seen that even with the "OUTDATED" cheat status there are people using it.  bowtie

    1. SlashOzeroXA
      22 July 2019 23:52
      I try Today but i got ban

    2. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      23 July 2019 09:51
      This cheat is currently detected after an update. If you want to continue cheating, I recommend apehex since the premium is free from surveys.

  27. quegui
    22 July 2019 19:35
    it's working thx

    1. Blintues
      22 July 2019 19:45
      what injector u using my injector doesnt work with this hack

    2. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      22 July 2019 20:27
      did u got bammed ?

  28. BrightProGamer
    21 July 2019 20:50
    My pc crashes when i try to inject and for all people the hack still works i used it 5 times after it got "patched"

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      22 July 2019 20:28
      did u got banned if it still works ?

  29. jonnyjonny12
    21 July 2019 19:28
    Update this hack plz

    This is a nice hack but you need to update plz

  30. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    20 July 2019 21:43
    Guys. Apehex.com has free premium by doing serveys. Thats how u get free cheats