Flex Legends - free cheat on apex legends (Aimbot, Wallhack)

  • Developer: Flex
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.07.19
  • Current version: [11/07/2019]
Hurry up to download free cheat on Apex Legends - Flex Legends, which is currently working, free, and most importantly not found for anti-cheat. This hack recently in the game market, but the developers something went wrong and they decided to put it for General use, it is unlikely that the hack will be updated over time, so have time to download it for free while it is working and protected. We do not recommend to use on the main account, create a new one and have fun while there is time.

The functions here are diverse, there are the most common and aggressive, which you can fully access to test yourself. The main two features are the Wallhack (ESP) with a bunch of settings to see enemies through walls, weapons, crates and more, and the Aimbot (AIM) feature with a lot of settings to improve your shooting.

work in win 10 - build 1803 or 1809

1. We put two options in the folder "1" - ready to run the hack. First, run the cheat, and then the game.
2. In folder "2" - net .dll file that you want to run through the injector
Choose, check

Free Download Flex Legends - free cheat on apex legends (Aimbot, Wallhack)

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  1. JDRGamerHD
    15 July 2019 14:08
    I got banned too

    1. laurence35
      Real Cheater
      laurence35 · Laurence35
      15 July 2019 14:49
      try hide the 1 and 2 file..

  2. swenson
    15 July 2019 11:33
    I got Banned

    15 July 2019 11:27
    cheat dd i have ban

  4. trisnahopkins
    15 July 2019 10:13
    I got banned

  5. ku4lper
    15 July 2019 08:32
    Fix for Windows 10 1903 pls

  6. Alexandru32423
    15 July 2019 06:15
    fucking retarded cheater.fun disocrd full of cockers

  7. Cloud9
    15 July 2019 05:12

    The Apex hack is detectable do not download it the moderators of the page should say so

  8. MyrkoKiller33
    15 July 2019 00:24
    Dont work at all

  9. Alexandru32423
    14 July 2019 23:20
    blue screen win 1809 soo please remove this cheat thx

  10. Ronyl
    14 July 2019 19:26
    hey can you post a tutorial vid on this one im new to this and i think everyone can benefit thank you!! :>

    1. sebnop
      14 July 2019 20:37
      There's no need for a tutorial, this cheat is one of the easiest to use if you have crash or the hack is doing nothing it means you don't have good version of windows. Learn how to read before claiming that the cheat is bad or that it's not working.

      1. DragonSlayer148
        Real Cheater
        15 July 2019 05:45
        i agree, it works for me

  11. playkun
    14 July 2019 18:32
    Apex crashed

  12. ahmedsom3a
    14 July 2019 17:43
    Why i get this blue screen when i start it can any one help winver 1903

  13. HO98
    14 July 2019 17:27
    Why it does work on one account but on the other account, The client shuts once it opens

  14. XenoPala
    14 July 2019 17:25
    Please help (Failed to load driver)

    1. ManaTata
      14 July 2019 17:41
      download windows 10 build 1803

  15. dawntitan1
    14 July 2019 17:00
    Played 10 games.....works flawlessly

  16. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    14 July 2019 16:56
    it didint detected me it works fine for me

  17. 3iaanq
    14 July 2019 11:41
    lo....not even in the game and got banned

  18. Trey
    14 July 2019 07:56
    this hack is detected I literally got banned at lvl 5

    1. 3iaanq
      14 July 2019 11:40
      wich injector do you use

  19. roanyongky
    13 July 2019 22:17
    my windows 10 pro 64bit bluescreen.... why?? can you explain?? cold_sweat 

    1. sebnop
      13 July 2019 23:48
      It is said : work in win 10 - build 1803 or 1809 so maybe your build version is not the good one. Personally with build 1903 i got the BSOD and when i inject its doing nothing

  20. laurence35
    Real Cheater
    laurence35 · Laurence35
    13 July 2019 21:38
    i cant use aimbot?? Lols help

  21. mafeamylove
    13 July 2019 19:07
    does it detected?

    1. laurence35
      Real Cheater
      laurence35 · Laurence35
      13 July 2019 21:38
      actually no just hide the 1 and 2 files

  22. lopouch1
    13 July 2019 13:38
    why only windows 10?

  23. pocvi
    13 July 2019 08:00
    i cant enable the cheats someone reply with a fix please

    1. bbaltheway
      13 July 2019 08:01
      i can show u how to use it add my discord obey#9648

      1. Ronyl
        14 July 2019 19:28
        dude can you show me how??

    2. Monokuma1202
      13 July 2019 13:25
      use arrow keys

    3. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      13 July 2019 16:44
      press insert when u done injecting

  24. bbaltheway
    13 July 2019 07:34
    i just get banned when i try to join a game

  25. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    13 July 2019 01:43
    and thanks for the hack it is so fun for me 

  26. Anthony2929
    13 July 2019 01:34
    can you make compatible for 1903 

  27. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    13 July 2019 01:32
    works fine for me 

    1. laurence35
      Real Cheater
      laurence35 · Laurence35
      13 July 2019 21:40
      And? aimbot is working??

  28. Kabiggles
    Real Cheater
    12 July 2019 20:04
    There's no smoothness option and the esp doesn't work properly on 4:3, once I swithced to 16:9 it was fine. I'm not saying the cheat is bad, this is actually an amazing cheat I just wish it had support for 4:3 and had a smooth option. You're a mad lad for sharing btw

  29. ku4lper
    12 July 2019 17:59
    Not working (blue screen) when "Build" say waiting for Apex ...

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      12 July 2019 22:58
      try running the hack as admin wait for hack to say waiting for apex launch apex press insert

  30. Baroyash
    12 July 2019 17:48
    how do you inject the cheat if the game does not appear in the process list even though it is running??

    P.S : I tried closing EasyAntiCheat process and then injecting again but it still doesnt show up (I'm using LiteInjector btw, dunno if the injector is the issue)

    1. Ilovehaxxd
      Real Cheater
      12 July 2019 22:58
      launch the hack wait untill it says waiting for apex legend launch the game press insert