Lunar Aim Assist - Free Fortnite Undetected Hack

  • Developer: zeyad-mansour
  • Status:
  • Updated: 13.06.22
  • Current version: FREE

Lunar Aim Assist - Free Fortnite Undetected Hack

Lunar Aim Assist is a great free hack for Fornite. Use it in the game and the neural network will help you during the aiming, making your shooting much more accurate and smooth. A great solution written entirely in the Python programming language. At the moment this script is absolutely free and has Undetected status, so you will not get a ban in the game and can use this hack-script safely. Lunar can also work with other games, but at the moment it has been tested exclusively in the game Fortnite.

Fornite Hack 2022 Download

Follow the instructions and you will be fine! Any questions? Ask in the comments.


  1. Install Python version 3.8 or later.
  2. Navigate to the root directory. Use the package manager pip to install the necessary dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt



To update sensitivity settings:

python setup

To collect image data for annotating and training:

python collect_data

Free Download Lunar Aim Assist - Free Fortnite Undetected Hack

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Comments: 191 Views: 117 408


  1. getila5277
    1 December 2024 10:18

    Hey, great code but it requires some knowledge in Python, and btw the module that moves the mouse is outdated, and EAC wont let you move your mouse this way.

  2. KronuzEatsPancakes
    24 February 2024 03:50
    js reply 2 me in the comments

  3. KronuzEatsPancakes
    23 February 2024 14:17
    oy some1 help me pls

    js reply 2 me in the comments

  4. atyhrfghnjmhggfghjkghjk
    16 November 2023 01:19

    Can someone show how to setup this cheat because "pip install -r requirements.txt" dont work

    1. elexirr69420
      22 December 2023 06:46

      if you havent installed python it wont work

      1. landon burcket
        2 February 2024 08:08

        yo can you add me on discord and show me how to do ts its qrbstunna2k

  5. grwgrwlkjgnwlgnrgwlgrgwgrj
    6 November 2023 01:33

    Cuda error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device whatto do ?

  6. grwgrwlkjgnwlgnrgwlgrgwgrj
    6 November 2023 01:24

    i got this error Cuda error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device 

  7. Vecx
    27 September 2023 01:24

    make a vid tut

  8. husivagyok
    21 August 2023 14:40

    if someone got error at pip install
    navigate to the file path in cmd

  9. Taschdo
    21 August 2023 00:12

    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.11.0+cu113 (from versions: 2.0.0, 2.0.0+cpu, 2.0.0+cu117, 2.0.0+cu118, 2.0.1, 2.0.1+cpu, 2.0.1+cu117, 2.0.1+cu118)

    ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.11.0+cu113 

    pls helppppppppppppppppp

  10. wewef
    11 April 2023 00:39

    what package manager

  11. bobbbbbbby152
    29 March 2023 09:50

    whats the password

    1. Desired Factorability :)
      8 April 2023 07:25

      its 123

    2. retergdfgsdgfet54645
      23 August 2023 16:35

      123 you welcome

    3. seawaska123
      26 December 2023 03:49

      it is 123

  12. benj123
    27 March 2023 07:55

    hi, how can I set the sensitivity correctly?

  13. bobibi
    5 March 2023 22:20

    Hey, i know it sounds skid-ish as a question but when i run 'pip install -r requirements.txt', i get this in the cmd:

    Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
    Looking in links:
    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.11.0+cu113 (from versions: none)
    ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.11.0+cu113

    What would be a solution?

    1. dzarger
      14 April 2023 14:46

      same problem

    2. thepainofbattle
      12 May 2023 01:00

      the reason you get that error is that the requirements.txt is specifically attempting to install outdated and unsupported versions of the Python modules, the solution for this is that you can manually open the requirements text file and using your environments terminal, type 'pip install "module name here"'

    3. THXRayz
      14 February 2024 18:02

      do pip install torch

  14. demon_solo
    24 February 2023 09:06

    when i try the commands for the aim assist like pip install -r requirements.txt  it says install is not a command or pip is not a command Any help ?

    1. bobibi
      8 March 2023 19:21

      gotta install python

  15. kepar5324
    20 February 2023 19:30

    1- not showing the window (with esp)

    2- Not even aiming at peoples, just randomly aiming everywhere

    works fine, just extremly laggy for lower spec pc

  16. Osmos1
    15 February 2023 04:09

    can yall pls help my discord is SFL#0001

  17. pejsanuwu
    7 February 2023 01:22

    is it detectable?

  18. clearbann
    6 February 2023 02:31

    can anyone please help me? i have no idea what to do and if someone can pls walk me though what to do on discord it would help alot! disc: yothistyler#3688

  19. envii00
    14 January 2023 17:50

    can someone make a tutorial or something

    1. brokenstuhlbitch
      1 February 2023 17:09

      Hello my friend looks like you need help add me on discord to get started ! Antony#0712

      1. klevi34A0
        4 February 2023 01:28

        I will add you

  20. Noob Geary
    2 January 2023 04:42

    doesn’t work for me

  21. monkeysquader
    30 December 2022 00:15

    how to i turn on collect image data for annotating and training i cant type anything after enabling the aimbot

  22. i am gooddddd
    26 December 2022 08:40

    it says No module named 'IPython' help pls

  23. fniteproman1234
    21 December 2022 18:55

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "C:\Lunar Aim Assist\lunar aim assist\lunar-main\", line 6, in <module>

        from pynput import keyboard

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynput'

    1. pateuwe
      24 December 2022 16:58

      pip install pynput  it might work

  24. felfgis
    21 December 2022 04:57

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "E:\lunar-main\", line 71, in <module>

        from lib.aimbot import Aimbot

      File "E:\lunar-main\lib\", line 2, in <module>

        import cv2

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'

    please help´guys 

    1. KristijanVugrinec
      22 January 2023 17:55

      same there

  25. Crimisone
    3 December 2022 01:13

    I have to say, this is probably the ONLY LEGIT FREE cheat for Fortnite without a virus that actually works.

    1. benj123
      27 March 2023 16:12

      hi, I need help, I was able to do all the steps but when loading the game and configuring the sight it goes a lot to the left, please someone give me advice on how to fix it.

      1. axelpixel1
        10 August 2023 17:53

        you need 1920x1080, any other res and it breaks

  26. pashdom
    9 November 2022 22:58

    : <urlopen error [WinError 10061] Connection failed because the destination computer rejected the connection request>

  27. hangout
    hangout · hangout#1880
    7 November 2022 18:16

    a package is not installed and the script then closes again 🤨 

  28. WKN
    14 October 2022 22:32

    i have better aim without

  29. romeong
    8 October 2022 20:56

    File "C:\Users\.........\Desktop\fn\\lunar-main\", line 6, in <module>

        from pyinput import keyboard

    ImportError: cannot import name 'keyboard' from 'pyinput' (C:\Users\shend\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packa

    help plz


  30. Jovanotti13121312
    29 September 2022 21:40

    yo, so i've been struggling 3 days to download but i know now, if any1 needs help abt it dm me, ! Account#4995

    1. TarekGee143
      2 October 2022 08:16

      Hey whats your discord?

    2. pit3r_joke
      3 October 2022 03:18

      pis aiutami a scaricare questo

    3. bobrik58542
      3 October 2022 15:08

      add me my name is bobris

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3