Genshin Impact Cheats | ESP, Teleport, InstaKill

  • Developer: bangba
  • Status:
  • Updated: 08.06.21
  • Current version: 08/06/2021

I recommend downloading a new working and free cheat for Genshin Impact, which is available on our website. This is a universal cheat with a large number of functions on Genshin Impact, convenient control of functions through the menu, a cheat without bugs and crashes. If you want to use more game features that are not available to other players, then we definitely recommend using this hack.

Using this free hack on Genshin Impact, you will be able to see the enemies through the textures on the map, and also have the option to enable the display of objects through the textures, thus you will know about the location of the enemies and the location of the items you need. In addition, the developer has added a popular Teleport function with which you can move to any point on the map. There is also a monster Instakill function, various additional settings, and much more.

  • The cheat works on Chinese and global servers.
  • To run the hack, you will need a Genshin Impact game injector to inject the cheat into the game (use Extreme Injector or Cheat Engine)

Free Download Genshin Impact Cheats | ESP, Teleport, InstaKill

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Comments: 31 Views: 26 093


  1. killerslote
    Real Cheater
    3 July 2021 11:02

    detect ban in 1 day !! :(

  2. She3naLyn
    25 June 2021 15:36



    also already detectable

    got banned after 5 hrs


    1. She3naLyn
      29 June 2021 14:18
      PLS. Update for ver 6.1 i'll be your tester if you want

  3. GermansMitkovs
    24 June 2021 20:08

    its trash its trash its trashits trash its trash its trash its trash its trash its trash1

  4. akkiwi_
    24 June 2021 00:06

    It's dont work for me 

  5. pittsburghguins
    19 June 2021 10:39

    can you get banned for using this?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      21 June 2021 12:34
      isnt that always the risk you take when u cheat and miHoYo has quite a good AC so its always possible

  6. tpom
    19 June 2021 07:17

    Hi Guys,

    I´m going to show you how to inject the cheat.

    First you need to bypass Genshin´s Anticheat with Cheat Engine.
    Watch this video to see how to do it:
    After that you can inject the DLL through Cheat Engine. Make sure Genshin Impact process is selected in Cheat Engine,
    then click on memory view, go to tools and select dll inject.
    If you don´t know how; here´s a short tutorial:
    Inject the DLL and you should see the menu ingame. You can simply change the language within the cheat to English, it´s the first option.

    Have fun! 🙂 

    Quote: tpom

    Hi Guys,

    I´m going to show you how to inject the cheat.

    First you need to bypass Genshin´s Anticheat with Cheat Engine.
    Watch this video to see how to do it:
    After that you can inject the DLL through Cheat Engine. Make sure Genshin Impact process is selected in Cheat Engine,
    then click on memory view, go to tools and select dll inject.
    If you don´t know how; here´s a short tutorial:
    Inject the DLL and you should see the menu ingame. You can simply change the language within the cheat to English, it´s the first option.

    Have fun! 🙂 

    UPDATE: So the dll is injected and the menu is also showing up, however none of the functions seems to be working. Maybe I´m doing somenthing wrong. Let me know if the cheat is working for you guys or if somebody finds 1.6 Genshin Cheat Table for Cheat Engine.

  7. DevilAccounttt
    18 June 2021 02:05

    update pls.

    1. TheRealChickc
      18 June 2021 18:42
      What do you mean its undetected rn

      1. DevilAccounttt
        22 June 2021 03:49
        its only menu without cheats. the functions doesnt even works

  8. killerslote
    Real Cheater
    14 June 2021 13:05

    how to injecte

  9. PkGamer1993
    13 June 2021 01:01

    no os molesteis a descargar nada no funciona nada de genshin impact a dia de hoy creerme cuando os digo que no funciona nada

  10. awdawd123123123
    12 June 2021 00:37

    how to open menu xdddd or how to inject this shit xdd


  11. dontleaveme2
    11 June 2021 16:56

    how i can use it(


  12. HydratrionZ
    10 June 2021 10:56

    Still can inject 
    First you must rename CE to csrss.exe
    Try to hook at winlogon
    inject dll for first time and hook to Genshin 
    then inject dll

    1. HydratrionZ
      10 June 2021 11:01
      But there function does not work at 1.6 so nah

      1. H4X0R4
        17 June 2021 23:53
        so how can i inject now ?

    2. mrivai85
      18 June 2021 00:21
      still cant work

    3. UshioVII
      21 June 2021 03:50

      Antes de hacer eso. Hagan esto.

      1. Ir a la carpeta donde esta ubicado el chequegine y copiar el "cheatgine-x86_64.exe"

      2. Cambiar el nombre el nombre del "cheatgine-x86_64.exe" por "cheatgine-x86_64.exe.back"

      3. Cambiar el nombre del "verify-x86_64.exe" por "csrss.exe"


      Y no funciona. Solo se puede injectar... Necesita actualización.

  13. stev26
    Real Cheater
    10 June 2021 05:48

    tell me if works

  14. CrackPack420
    Real Cheater
    9 June 2021 00:40

    he announced that the injectors u need to use is Extreme Injector or Cheat Engine, i tried both of them and it still didn'twork for me. is it like windows version based?

  15. CrackPack420
    Real Cheater
    8 June 2021 22:01

    i tried a lot of injectors and none is working, drop a injector that is working

  16. Shizura
    Real Cheater
    8 June 2021 19:23

    drop source plzzzz as ob it will be detected soon, I mainly just want the offsets and menu tbh

  17. mercurialz
    8 June 2021 17:35

    how to use ???

  18. cofkpop
    Real Cheater
    8 June 2021 16:36

    injector pls 😎 

  19. garmonoret
    8 June 2021 15:13

    process hacker say access dinied

    1. Shizura
      Real Cheater
      8 June 2021 19:23
      Then try salz or just make ur own injector bruh like

  20. AKC0412
    8 June 2021 10:52

    What injector to use


    1. Shizura
      Real Cheater
      8 June 2021 12:13
      try anything but imma try process hacker

      1. AKC0412
        8 June 2021 14:59
        tell me if it works