Korepi: Genshin Impact Free Cheat

  • Developer: Strigger
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.10.23
  • Current version: 4.1

Korepi: Genshin Impact Free Cheat

Korepi is a new cheat for the popular online game Genshin Impact, which was created by developer Strigger based on the popular hack CCGenshin. All functionality has remained the same as in previous versions; all unnecessary features have been removed, as well as the images at the top of the screen, which annoyed everyone.

Korepi Genshin Impact is a multifunctional cheat that will come in handy to any player. To simplify your gameplay, we recommend using this particular cheat. It is constantly updated; Strigger and his team monitor this hack on a regular basis, post it for free, help with all questions, and listen to their audience.

korepi free hacks 2023

The main cheat functions here are similar to other popular hacks on the game Genshin, such as Map Teleportation, Noclip, TP to Oculi, TP to Chests, Rapid Fire, Auto Talk, Visuals, Kill Aura, Auto Loot, and many other features with which you will feel like a king on the game servers.


Genshin Impact game version: 4.1


Open the hack GUI using the [TAB] key.

TAB key

Genshin Impact Hack 2023


For 4.0.1, its no key version, features unlocked

Nothing updated, just removed key

Free Download Korepi: Genshin Impact Free Cheat

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  1. nandr41
    12 October 2023 10:47

    can someone give me the key please? discord is alwaysnan_

  2. nyanya12
    11 October 2023 20:21

    Please add as friends and give the key to my discord: ___lucky__

  3. nyanya12
    11 October 2023 20:03

    пожалуйста, пригласите меня в discord с ключом, 553665423002828831 

  4. fsdfffffffffffffffff
    10 October 2023 16:48

    please invite me to discord with the key, nickname: Forty. plssssss

  5. GrayGoddess
    10 October 2023 01:42

    i try and launch it and it never does anything only says

    Currently using: network Authentication Version
    then closes can anyone send a discord invite to the server
    discord name: graygoddess

  6. tobisix
    9 October 2023 15:04

    Free version without key finally!

    edit:: the licensee is still required? i thought it was removed

    Edit: lol why am I getting dislikes because I told the bitter truth 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

    1. vvatlo
      9 October 2023 17:06

      their dc is currently paused since 2d now we cant get key's or anything except for those who have fan role etc on the dc server

    2. KanashiInu
      10 October 2023 09:11

      Have you found a license yet?

  7. Mirante Taboada
    8 October 2023 10:24

    freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    1. tobisix
      9 October 2023 18:02

      Yeaa give us free no key or licence version

  8. Karma Akira
    8 October 2023 04:31

    Im gonna wait for the No key Version of this.

    Their Discord is closed for now.

    1. tobisix
      9 October 2023 18:02

      I'm with you I'll wait too 

  9. YshikoUwUstyle
    8 October 2023 04:02

    can you send an invite to the discord ? or the key idk ?

     my discord name : Yshiko

  10. Regulair
    7 October 2023 12:27

    The Discord invition doesnt work anymore. Also i got kicked from the Server without reason... maybe they needed to shutdown because of problems or smth. If anyone got a new link please share it with me <3

    NEWS: Ive found a comment on their GitHub Page:
    "Discord invitation is now paused!"

    But i dont know why i got kicked...

    Does anyone know one of the operators so i can contact them?

    Check it here: https://github.com/Korepi/Korepi-Tutorial

    1. ButtBlastr69
      10 October 2023 18:16

      You've to verify yourself within 9 mins after joining the server or auto kick

  11. Loosa
    6 October 2023 22:05

    How do you join the Discord Server? I looked everywhere but can't seem to find a valid link. If anyone has the link for the server or a key send me a message through discord at ".loosa"

  12. fymm555
    6 October 2023 07:49

    Key : KorepiLog03

    or : 03Korepiupdate

  13. xHozey
    5 October 2023 19:51

    can someone just give me the key please
    thats my discord : xhozey

  14. saadbc43
    5 October 2023 11:57

    guys they still have that shit discord , this cheat is not free , u can buy it or u wait 7 days still the same 

  15. saadbc43
    4 October 2023 13:31

    can someone just write the key here , and let us be , this is annoying man

  16. fsdfffffffffffffffff
    4 October 2023 01:48

    what should I do if it says that there is no key and where can I get it?

  17. HentaiDeclanHentaiFrik
    4 October 2023 01:23

    how to use cause i cant it says i need key where do i get the key

  18. bahomoz10
    4 October 2023 00:19

    Worked fine ty.

    1. pasha123456
      4 October 2023 02:42

      hi can you invite me to the discord please ? pasha0161_45664

    2. gumballlyeti
      4 October 2023 04:07

      Do you have key or it just worked?

      1. bahomoz10
        4 October 2023 11:10

        my friend send me his key, and i tried the cheat and it's worked.

    3. furtadomartim
      5 October 2023 13:01

      how it worked???

  19. JendaRioN
    JendaRioN · JendaRioN#1901
    3 October 2023 23:44

    go to the ds and get the key

    1. pasha123456
      4 October 2023 02:40

      can you give us the discord pelase

  20. redraven626
    3 October 2023 23:25

    these clowns.... they say the update removes the key BS but you still have to join their garbage discord to get access to the hack. no one else makes you jump through these hoops. this is just a way to advertise their server and try to get people to pay money to skip the 7 day wait

  21. pasha123456
    3 October 2023 17:41

    can we get the license key please ?

  22. saadbc43
    3 October 2023 16:52

    just go play with minty cheat its good , this one is dead 

    1. washyflocky
      3 October 2023 19:10

      expect minty crashes all the time

    2. Ciganyocska112
      3 October 2023 19:56

      Yeah but Minty only have a few features and bro if the cheat is free why dont they just give it to us ???

    3. redraven626
      3 October 2023 22:01

      Minty sucks in comparison. Doesnt have anywhere near the amount of features

      1. saadbc43
        4 October 2023 13:33

        yeah its true , but the owner of this cheat doesnt want to give us the cheat for free 

  23. trinhtandat98
    3 October 2023 13:42

    Still get key , nooooooo 

  24. aaaahhhhmmmmeeeedddd123
    3 October 2023 13:26

    just remove the key pullshit 😑 

  25. abnasit01
    3 October 2023 12:46

    Still Need key says "Enter license"  

  26. ocelote
    3 October 2023 12:05

    yh it asks for license key and you cant ignore it. 

  27. xdej1507
    3 October 2023 11:57

    its still ask for license key

    1. KirichBC
      3 October 2023 12:15

      do you have Korepi Discord link?

    2. saadbc43
      3 October 2023 13:39

      agreed remove the key or give it to us , and thank you XD 

  28. pasha123456
    2 October 2023 19:06

    will there be an update for this one?

  29. kenjakukonia
    1 October 2023 15:40

    when i press tab, it pop nothing...

    1. guddnjs1
      2 October 2023 09:31

      4.1 버전 업데이트아직 안됨

  30. Mirante Taboada
    30 September 2023 03:36
