Kebabi: The New Best Hack on Genshin Impact

  • Developer: Kebabi
  • Status:
  • Updated: 25.05.23
  • Current version: 3.7

Kebabi: The New Best Hack on Genshin Impact

Kebabi is one of the best new free hacks on Genshin Impact that is available to anyone visiting our site. A universal cheat with its own menu and a large selection of functions Player customization, world customization, quick access to hidden game features, and much more

Kebabi was created on the basis of the popular hack Acrepi; here is a similar menu, familiar features, and fast operation of the hack. All functionality has been improved and finalized for the next game update.

kebabi hack

Main functions:

  • Infinite stamina: This exploit allows players to use their characters' sprinting ability indefinitely without running out of stamina.
  • Teleportation: Players can use this glitch to instantly teleport to any location on the map, regardless of whether they have unlocked it or not.
  • Duplication: This exploit allows players to duplicate items and materials, which can give them an unfair advantage in the game.
  • Respawn boss: By abusing a glitch in the game's code, players can force bosses to respawn multiple times, allowing them to farm valuable rewards and loot.
  • God mode: This exploit allows players to make their characters invincible, making them immune to damage from enemies.
  • Unlimited elemental burst: With this glitch, players can use their characters' elemental burst abilities without any cooldown or limitations.
  • One-hit kill: Players can use this exploit to instantly defeat any enemy with a single attack, regardless of its level or strength.
  • Wall: This exploit allows players to pass through walls and other solid objects, giving them access to areas they shouldn't be able to reach.
  • Speedhack: This cheat allows players to move much faster than normal, making it easier for them to complete missions and quests.


Q: How do I open a menu?

A: Press the [F1] key

Q: The menu is not displayed, what should I do?

A: Disable any overlays that may interact with games (e.g: discord overlay, nvidia overlay)


3.6 Kebabi Release

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  1. jenoxo5751
    26 May 2023 19:00

    Developers have given up XD

    tried to use with old injector and it said its not gonna come back

    Hope can get a good cheat like this again.

    1. ihipster
      ihipster · Hipster#7686
      27 May 2023 00:29

      who created 3.6 cheat??

      developers quited on 3.5

      so who developed it now

      1. jenoxo5751
        27 May 2023 09:08

        Kebabi i guess?

  2. DamionG1
    26 May 2023 18:13

    RIP Kebabi !! it was a great cheat, i swapped the launcher files between your 3.6 and 3.7 injectors and got it to load but now i saw this 

    "RIP Kebabi GC"





    i hope you did not get in any trouble or something?

  3. tuhinrose
    26 May 2023 17:48

    I have manage to open cheat but it is not work anymore cause they are selling it on their discord....(RIP Kebabi)

  4. Puchuu
    26 May 2023 17:24

    Please Dos ometing for 3.7 update its not working on new update

  5. IDemxnk
    26 May 2023 16:42

    For Some Reason its not working please update

  6. Jyuuichi
    26 May 2023 16:29

    Checking every hour to see if it's been fixed lol hahhaahha... no pressure to creator tho

  7. vimeworld
    26 May 2023 15:07

    the cheat is discontinued so don't download it. it won't work. check their discord server.

    "KEBABI IS NO MORE UPDATE IN 3.7.Solution: You should buy Akebi or any free cheetos if you find. Don't download cheat from YOUTUBE or you gonna get rats.

    Thanks for supporting for a short time. Hope to see you all in another place."

  8. Yogiji
    26 May 2023 13:32

    Not working please update 

  9. DamionG1
    26 May 2023 00:14

    sorry Kiddo.....launcher seems not to bring up the cheat menu at all....i get ontly the first cmd screen that injector has loaded the game theni don't see the second cmd screen plus i can't access the in game cheat menu for my choices

    retried it 3 times, same result :(

    1. beepboopindahouse
      Real Cheater
      26 May 2023 14:02

      Yep, me too, that's my main problem. ( And the one i can't solution. )

  10. fuck discord
    25 May 2023 23:54

    go upd ur cheat

  11. DamionG1
    25 May 2023 23:31

    thank you for the update Kebabi, i will try this now :)

  12. uck
    25 May 2023 21:11

    yo has this script been updated to the newest genshin update? 3,7 version i believe  

  13. animussavior
    25 May 2023 20:32

    i managed to open the cheat, and all i want to say is. RIP Kebabi

    1. tuhinrose
      26 May 2023 06:26

      how did u open?

  14. tenchino99
    25 May 2023 19:49
    Quote: riko13

    nothing happens, just opens the game normally

  15. jouki
    25 May 2023 19:18

    The game starts normally without the cheat panel

  16. tjdalsw92
    25 May 2023 15:54

    I installed it and ran the injector, but as the injector turns off, the original body without the cheat is played. Please tell me what to do  

  17. riko13
    25 May 2023 15:42

    i think launcher bugged. interface not uploaded when enter game

    check it pls

  18. Maev
    25 May 2023 15:22

    This update doesn't work for me, The game opens normally

  19. beepboopindahouse
    Real Cheater
    25 May 2023 13:40

    I do have the same config, but somehow, is just opening the game, normally. ( i mean without the launcher, as is intended ( i deleted my config, and still nothing ) i just can't see the cheat, what do i do?

    1. buxbasha
      25 May 2023 13:46

      +1 and i have no overlay apps

    2. animussavior
      25 May 2023 14:11

      same here

    3. RiderYTReal
      25 May 2023 14:57
      you have to be a little patient because there will be another update to the mod, there is still a problem and the mod does not appear in the game

    4. black2625
      25 May 2023 14:58

      Same problem:((

  20. animussavior
    25 May 2023 13:38

    managed to open the game, but the cheat menu doesn't appears

  21. sayunara
    25 May 2023 11:42

    the update opens the game but doesn't actually show the cheat menu or anything for me?

  22. Jonttu
    Jonttu · jxnttu
    25 May 2023 11:03

    Thanks for the update  😎  🖤 

  23. hayashirinto1
    25 May 2023 07:12

    i can't open, can you upload in another website

  24. mattyj39
    25 May 2023 00:10

    Can someone link me the url to the kebabi discord server?

  25. Sturok
    24 May 2023 22:39

    THIS CHE@T IS DEAD, DISCONTINUED.  I'm on the discord and the admin all say this.  Currently there aren't any that are working for 3.7, but apparently some ppl are working on it.   Just wait.

    1. mattyj39
      25 May 2023 19:32

      Could you pass me the link to the discord server?

  26. rockwell32
    24 May 2023 21:22

    Please Update :))

  27. beepboopindahouse
    Real Cheater
    24 May 2023 16:45

    update 3.7 :D

  28. midomad
    24 May 2023 12:43

    is it still working

  29. RiderYTReal
    24 May 2023 07:32

    pls add new update for verion 3.7 on genshin

  30. RozuRiver
    23 May 2023 18:25

    Does anybody know how to use the filters that pops up on the map whenever you open it? Nothing is happening everytime i check a box

    1. sayunara
      25 May 2023 11:41

      make sure you enable the map

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work