Korepi: Genshin Impact Free Cheat

  • Developer: Strigger
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.10.23
  • Current version: 4.1

Korepi: Genshin Impact Free Cheat

Korepi is a new cheat for the popular online game Genshin Impact, which was created by developer Strigger based on the popular hack CCGenshin. All functionality has remained the same as in previous versions; all unnecessary features have been removed, as well as the images at the top of the screen, which annoyed everyone.

Korepi Genshin Impact is a multifunctional cheat that will come in handy to any player. To simplify your gameplay, we recommend using this particular cheat. It is constantly updated; Strigger and his team monitor this hack on a regular basis, post it for free, help with all questions, and listen to their audience.

korepi free hacks 2023

The main cheat functions here are similar to other popular hacks on the game Genshin, such as Map Teleportation, Noclip, TP to Oculi, TP to Chests, Rapid Fire, Auto Talk, Visuals, Kill Aura, Auto Loot, and many other features with which you will feel like a king on the game servers.


Genshin Impact game version: 4.1


Open the hack GUI using the [TAB] key.

TAB key

Genshin Impact Hack 2023


For 4.0.1, its no key version, features unlocked

Nothing updated, just removed key

Free Download Korepi: Genshin Impact Free Cheat

Only authorized users can download files. Please Log in or Register on the website.
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  1. CupieCakie
    23 August 2023 23:13

    Cant access the server invite to get the key :/

  2. mikeleb91
    23 August 2023 22:56

    OK, but when will the public version arrive? of course we will use it at our own risk. without waiting and generating the key every single time, yes it is true this way it is safer, but the fact remains that there are those like me who prefer the public pending version of the P6

    1. asdasdasdasdsd
      Real Cheater
      24 August 2023 12:15

      This is public wdym

  3. djerq
    djerq · djerq
    23 August 2023 11:09

    Guys they put the 7 days thing and also they put that when u get a key it resets everyday and u have to generate a new one everyday (which is pretty easy just type /resetkey then /getkey and boom), they put that to prevent people from getting scammed, a lot of people got scammed by this with Akebi, acrebi, kebabi and also even korepi that's why they are making this verification, stop putting pressure on the mods it's for your sake.

  4. nooby4ever
    22 August 2023 20:30

    When is the discord going to be openned or give ur discord tag i really wanna use this cheat 

    1. malekyou
      23 August 2023 07:27


      1. Arturofire_x
        23 August 2023 18:08

        nooooooo :´v

  5. noire97
    22 August 2023 12:53

    was that really necessary to get key to activated cheat??? this is so stupid....

    1. anonymousz666
      23 August 2023 06:43

      Have you heard the saying "If you don't work but want to eat", you can only eat shit 💩  If you've heard it, then shut your f**cking mouth or go find another cheat to use  😏 

    2. khirakun
      23 August 2023 10:09

      yes, actually what strigger did here is a good idea, to prevent other people from abusing it, and also for trying to sell by other people. 

    3. djerq
      djerq · djerq
      23 August 2023 11:05

      Yes because people are scamming people with this cheat, they are making it that no one gets scammed, and the key is free you just need to sign in for 7 days in a row and boom u get a key and now u have it it's not that hard

  6. lastencore
    22 August 2023 08:04

    just passing information from discord server :
    the server invitation is paused again, because the server got flagged again by discord.
    so for you who haven't join the discord, there's only two options, use Minty or play without using cheat.

    1. Jhonsalchichon
      22 August 2023 09:56

      Tienes una semana para quitar la verificación, o te juro que te voy a denunciar, ya tengo suficientes pruebas para hacerlo y más sobre los discord hijos de puta…

      1. lastencore
        24 August 2023 07:42

        gonna cry?

    2. Sxniary
      22 August 2023 17:34

      any announcement regarding when its going to be open again?

    3. Alanfoodchallenge
      22 August 2023 22:30

      do you know if the server will ever reopen?

  7. lynguyendinh
    22 August 2023 04:24

    Help me. I do not know why but when I come to Discord it said I was kick from Cottonbuds because of my username? Anyone can help me to join again? 

  8. Jameskek
    22 August 2023 01:13

    How to even join discord when its paused?

  9. Matin1107
    21 August 2023 19:31

    Friends, please do not verify

    I wanted to do it, first he said that you would be verified after 7 days, then it was 19 days and now it is 20 days

    I really don't understand, will they find out about their work? 😑 

    1. malekyou
      22 August 2023 03:42

      you have to verify you account first its 7 days when your account is verified

      1. Matin1107
        22 August 2023 20:03

        I registered through the mich-sign-bot and on the first day of entering the /sign-in command, it said that you must do this in 6 days, and then the next day after entering the code, it said that " Consecutive 2 days

        Detected that you are not a Newcomer user, the required number of days for sign-in has increased.

        Still need 19 days, the number of consecutive check-in days is not enough to get the 'Fans' character. And the next day it increased to 20 days

        1. johnbrew
          Real Cheater
          23 August 2023 06:12

          Then ask the people in discord they're good at instructing people there, the people in this website doesn't know anything about that let alone being an expert to it

        2. djerq
          djerq · djerq
          23 August 2023 11:07

          thats and error for u tbh i never seen anyone with it, just contact a mod lol

  10. Ahahaha1933
    21 August 2023 18:55

    so sad that because of they removed the crit rate :((

  11. forcheatfun
    21 August 2023 16:35

    pls no verification 

  12. ButtBlastr69
    21 August 2023 16:32

    Got my key and completed half exploration of Fontaine!

    1. lennn42
      23 August 2023 18:52

      yo can u give me a key bruh, servers paused invites

  13. ZeroZeroZero_dd
    21 August 2023 13:05

    Okay, I'm too dumb, can someone help explain it all in a more accessible way. I frankly don't understand what and where to click on in the discord itself, and I can't write messages everywhere

    1. malekyou
      22 August 2023 03:39

      enable direct messages on discord

  14. SHARKstudio
    21 August 2023 09:54

    Realy cool cheat ! But we all agree that the key verification system is completly useless for the devs & realy anoying for the users...

    1. johnbrew
      Real Cheater
      22 August 2023 10:28

      Gourly you do know that key sometimes dont work and it'll need to get another one in dc like those resellers theyre too lazy to get a new one or even forget which acc was it and also creating more dc acc to get multiple keys cuz 1 key cannot be shared unless you wait again for along time to access the key

  15. kebkeb24
    20 August 2023 16:36

    playing with minty and enduring it for 7 days :D

  16. hxs12480m
    20 August 2023 14:58

    For the sake of curiosity and verification, I wrote "/log in" for the second time, and now I have to wait 20 days. How to get everything back?

  17. FrostyFeet6
    20 August 2023 11:36

    The 7 days authentication system y'all putting out isn't that the same thing after 7 days? On the 8th day they can do whatever they want with it resell and all those stuffs y'all mentioned so is there any solid protection in those verification at all? You know they can simply decrypt it and bypass the key if they have the skills to do it😂 so no offence but all these looks so useless in a way 

  18. mikkiches
    20 August 2023 09:19

    Ничего не понимаю в этом дискорде 😁 ладно, каким то чудом мой мозг всё же сообразил куда писать, капча проблем не вызывала уже. Методом тыка стало понятно, что капчу надо просить строго по прошествии 24 часов. Так вот. Первый день ввода всё было нормально. Сегодня - второй день. При попытке авторизации бот выдал не капчу. Я её ввела. А дальше были вот эти сообщения:

    `2` дня подряд 

    Обнаружено, что вы не являетесь новичком, необходимое количество дней для входа в систему увеличилось. 

    По-прежнему требуется «19» дней. Количество последовательных дней регистрации недостаточно для получения персонажа «Фанаты».

    Что я не так сделала? 😁 

  19. alicia18gou
    20 August 2023 08:36

    When I logged into discord, it was extended to the 19th...why?( ´;ω;` )

    1. GG56GG2
      20 August 2023 16:58

      The same thing happened to me and its clear to me this is a tactic to make you pay.

      I mean think about it " wait 7 days or pay and it will reduced to 3 days" That means it's not an issue for them if its 1 day or 7 days but they but this as a way to make you pay if you are really hungry for this cheat ,and if not then they will keep you in a longer loop until you quite or pay.

  20. asdasdasdasdsd
    Real Cheater
    20 August 2023 06:02


    Now you will need to get the key, for this you will need to join Discord and follow the instructions.

    Discord Developer: https://discord.gg/cottonbuds

    "The server is now open, new members please private chat to @micah-sign-bot to sign in using the  /sign-in command to sign in, sign in for 7 consecutive days to get fans permission to use the verification, after sponsorship is reduced to 3 days"

    "Get your own License in ⁠micah-bot-verify with /getkey interactive command"

    you blind idiots its legit up the download button atleast read the information 

    You monkeys have no right to complain about it wait the seven days or play genshin normally thats what you get and will so shut up about the 7 day wait i know its harsh but damn the people who mindlessly go here to complain is crazy like atleast read the other comments before you add fuel to the fire

    1. malekyou
      20 August 2023 07:46

      chill out wtf

    2. toshawye
      20 August 2023 10:26

      get out stupid bastard

      1. malekyou
        20 August 2023 11:56


  21. Nomu-ed
    20 August 2023 02:12

    Can someone please tell me whats happening? why are ppl saying to wait 7 days? what are they waiting for? why they wanna join the discord? and why arent they using the cheat like isnt it released already? suspicious activity 

    1. malekyou
      20 August 2023 04:17

      nothing suspicious just read Instructions 

  22. WGokuW
    19 August 2023 23:57

    I liked the injector a lot In fact I signed up precisely because the site specified that they are free tricks But when a programmer starts asking you for a key It doesn't seem so free to me

    1. johnbrew
      Real Cheater
      20 August 2023 04:56

      Uhh did you join the discord and read the instruction? It is still totally free They just put a license/key authentication which you can get from the discord itself which you will get eventually after you sign in for 7 consecutive days


      I hella hope you understand that

    2. asdasdasdasdsd
      Real Cheater
      20 August 2023 06:21

      you are very lazy

  23. sgr851565
    19 August 2023 23:16

    That's alright, I'm just in the role of a fan.

  24. 12_nnz_122
    19 August 2023 22:32

    can someone help me. i got ban cause alt account while im verify. idk why its happend  to me, i use my main discord account

    1. JunkFruit
      20 August 2023 06:48

      Same idk why

  25. FrostyFeet6
    19 August 2023 20:20

    When will the no key cheat be out? Or will it be available?

    1. nobleares
      20 August 2023 05:39

      Never. You will need a key moving forward. Key's are free after 7 consecutive check in days with a similar access to what youre used to.

  26. Opac123123
    19 August 2023 20:05

    ffs why 7 fking days

  27. jimare
    19 August 2023 17:53

    I have never used Discord before, I installed it at this time to enter the server but I was immediately banned with the alt account reason lol

  28. DQL1053605811
    19 August 2023 10:22

    From the previous version until now, the author of this technology is very conscientious, you can ensure that the premise of not blocking the number has been great, if you can big brother to play the appropriate reward point tip to the author is also good, thanks to the author, please do not listen to those who desire unlimited

    The shameless attack, free there are additional requirements, then you do not use, use the paid ah, there are bugs to submit to the author on the line, but also there to say that the author where it? Thanks to the author of the love of electricity for those of us who use technology to provide help, if you can

    If you can, there are WeChat or Alipay code? Can be a small reward to support the author you.

    1. FrostyFeet6
      19 August 2023 16:31

      This comment is a little to sus and down right mind molester I can't make how half the comment what it meant 😂

      Could it be a 🕵️‍♂️ from you know where 🤔🤨🏃💨

      1. johnbrew
        Real Cheater
        20 August 2023 04:58

        I mean I kinda get it, he/she just explains that they should pay for the creator of the cheat and the rest became blurry 🔎 

  29. ssavle3647
    ssavle3647 · escanor3647_74807
    19 August 2023 10:21

    Better to wait for 7 days than to get the account banned! 😁 

  30. lastencore
    19 August 2023 10:12

    peoples being impatient to use the cheat, but too afraid to use Minty lol
    i mean, come on, it's only 7 days if you don't pay them, and 3 days if you pay. paying is not even a requirement, it's optional.

    1. FrostyFeet6
      19 August 2023 16:36

      Idk dude the last time I did that registration and hardware id and stuffs my account got stolen and it was ar53 with many 5* chars and all quest world/main/side all completed and after a few days after playing it my account suddenly disappeared like it never existed 💀 so I'll pass on the verification thing and wait till it's no key/verification needed 

      Peace 😐

      1. moshis284
        19 August 2023 19:56

        you will verify with a discord account. this is just to prevent seller to easily access the cheat and sell it for money. your game id and hardware or game account has nothing to do here lol. but yeh u can wait for months or years before the verify and key thing no longer needed uwu

      2. malekyou
        20 August 2023 03:13

        you could try get back your account i got banded and i get it back just try

      3. lastencore
        20 August 2023 08:25

        i'm sorry to hear that, but they will never remove the key/verification requirement. why? to prevent peoples selling the cheat.