Tower Battles Script - Modding, Tower Purchasing, Teleport All Zombie

  • Developer: Unknown
  • Status:
  • Updated: 15.05.22
  • Current version: 1.0

Who among the boys didn't like to play in tin or plastic soldiers as a child? Fighting battles, epic explosions, murders, and even your own medic - everything a child's imagination can do. The original roblox mode Tower Battles completely replicates the story of the soldiers, allowing the player to find himself on a small battlefield. The user must place their characters in such a way that they quickly shoot off enemy heroes and not reach the next mountain. The game is complicated by an enemy team that can spawn additional enemies. The script for Tower Battles gives you an advantage in mode, you will have access to a huge number of features, all of which can be seen in the screenshot.

How to use:

To run the script you just need to download any working Exploit for Roblox, copy the script from our website and paste.

You just need to use the search on our site and you will find actual injectors for the game Roblox.

For example: DuckySploit Roblox Level 7 Executor Free, EZlauncher | Roblox executor, Opexx V2.5 | Keyless Roblox Exploit, Free Exploit KRNL for Roblo

Free Download Tower Battles Script - Modding, Tower Purchasing, Teleport All Zombie

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Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work