BInjector - Simple DLL injector for All Games

  • Developer: Lak3
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.03.21
  • Current version: v1.1

A great free and up-to-date injector for all games. Using this injector from the developer Lak3, you can implement the cheat you need in your favorite game. This injector supports all popular online games. Convenient, fast and absolutely free BInjector injector is available for download from our website.

Follow the instructions and you will definitely succeed!

Free Download BInjector - Simple DLL injector for All Games

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  1. Arrikonait
    26 July 2023 11:37

    not working ...

  2. Noah Seei
    15 July 2023 20:03

    What is Cods exe like process?

  3. awr awr
    9 January 2023 10:03

    does it work with apex?

  4. xXHanimeTvXx
    18 July 2022 19:27

    whats the name of the injector and the dll i cant find it

  5. Anonnimde
    18 June 2022 12:02

    error code 0xC0000022

  6. lifting simulator 2
    10 July 2021 10:17

    its stuck at the "waiting for proccess" message

    1. OMGGGG
      5 February 2022 04:55
      Its done (i think)

  7. Ori1i
    15 June 2021 19:01

    1.) Download the injector, extract it to a folder
    2.) Download the cheat, extract it to the same folder
    3.) Run the injector, write down the DLL name (Including the .dll extension)
    4.) Select the delay before injecting (This is the delay how fast the DLL gets injected after the wanted process is found)
    5.) Select the process you want to inject the DLL into (the exename including the .exe extension)
    6.) Wait for the injector to report the status of the injection, and for it to close down in case it was successful!



    this is what the dll devtyped who diden't see it >) 

    insane Dev  

  8. SoarCheats
    22 May 2021 17:15

    dosent work


      Real Cheater
      27 June 2021 13:57
      I used it the other day and it does work. If it doesn't work for you maybe try reinstalling it or using a different injector.

  9. sallametymosur
    5 May 2021 17:40

    i have a question. Whats the captial of south africa?


    1. asugus
      27 October 2022 16:26


  10. RogueX
    7 April 2021 13:05
    ty dev for this cheat

  11. zuhu
    zuhu · zuhuinc
    19 March 2021 12:54
    for people who its not working for try running it as admin.
    ofc have the dll in same folder ass injector.
    cause tried it with otc and works fine for me

  12. Валера Лисиця
    17 March 2021 15:43
    detected uptade pls

  13. WolfHvH_ujfh8fyjkme474tjkh75
    Real Cheater
    16 March 2021 14:07
    it is not working on csgo stop saying it is not working , it is but it is not mm injecting

    1. Kadetka
      Real Cheater
      17 March 2021 09:38
      working on csgo, bro

      1. WolfHvH_ujfh8fyjkme474tjkh75
        Real Cheater
        17 March 2021 14:45
        it is not having manual map injection.....or am I blind or smt...

  14. dwefef4e34
    16 March 2021 12:41
    DONT WORKkkkk

  15. 111aaaaaaaaaaa
    15 March 2021 23:39
    dont workkk

  16. Palvizarr
    15 March 2021 14:42
    its not work for me

  17. loolo
    14 March 2021 21:09

  18. alohaYT
    Real Cheater
    alohaYT · ᴀʟᴏʜᴀ#8421
    14 March 2021 19:15
    I recommend it for tf2 not csgo

  19. MyPol1
    MyPol1 · zaky#4578
    14 March 2021 19:11
    nice injector man

New Comments
goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?