CodeX Injector | GTAV, AC Cube, etc
- Developer: WeepingAngel
- Status:
- Updated: 28.07.24
- Current version: 1.1
UPDATE TO 1.1: Read GitHub Change-log! I got reports about the false Translation and maked the Injector now full English and Easy to use for people without any Computer Knowledge. Update now released in 2 Versions: Protected and Non-protected. READ THE GITHUB ADVISE BEFORE USE!!
Main Changes
- Put a DLL Detection in the code so you dont net to enter the path of the file
- Reworked the code
- Updated file signature (against AC)
- Make a protected version of the injector
Should i use the Normal or Protected version? What you should use is based on the game or process you wanna use: CodeX DLL Injector = For games with none or Bad anticheat (e.x Bodycam, Indie Games, more). This version runs Native so it more efficient for your system (Faster but better to detect by Anticheats)
CodeX DLL Injector_protected = For games with a More advanced anticheats or where you not sure what kind of AC it used (e.x CS2 [VAC]). It runs in a VM so a anticheat cant read into the process and strings are protected for scans. But based on the VM it takes more Performance of your CPU and CANT run into a Virtual Maschine like Virtual box. If you dont trust me or cheat into a VM use the Non-Protected version! (Slower but more Secure)
Advise: The Protection ISNT a 100% Secureness or shit like "1000% UUNDETECTEBLE!?!?!?!!?", Advanced ANticheats like EasyAntiCheat (EAC) and BattleEye (BE) will easy detect and Ban you based on the Nature of LoadLibayW Injection methods! Dont be stupid and cry in the commes that your Fortnite account got banned because you used the injector and be to stupid to read this advice!
- Made a ManualMap function for more secure
- Bypass for BE and EAC (MAYBE!)
- String Cleaner (to remove traces)
Status: Undetected (Not Contain EAC and BE)
How to Use
- Go to the Releases Tab
- Download the injector or the Protected Injector
- Make a folder called what you want and put the .exe in it
- Put your DLLs in the same folder
- Run the Injector as Admin
- Take the number of your DLL
- Enter the process name (You can get it in the taskmanager > Your Game > Right Click > Properties > Process Name)
- Press Enter
- Finished
Working Games:
(Since I can not test every game, most of the values are theoretical and may vary)
- CS2: Safe
- PUBG: Detected
- Fortnite: Detected, Instant Ban
- Valorant: Detected, Instant Ban
- Warzone: Detected, Instant Ban
- Call of Duty: Detected, Shadow Ban
- Pixelgun 3D: Undetected, not testet
- GTA:O: Possible Detected by EAC
- FiveM: Detected, Global Ban
- AltV & RageMP: Unknown
- Bodycam: Undetected
- Roblox: Not Working, Not a Executor
- Update: 23/10/2024
I ONLY Released CodeX on and this github repo! If you downloaded it from somewhere else or paid money, you got scamed and maybe have a virus
Free Download CodeX Injector | GTAV, AC Cube, etc
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