[NEW] SazInjector v4 | Working for all games | VAC-Bypass integrated

  • Developer: Saz
  • Status:
  • Updated: 19.08.22
  • Current version: v4.0.1.0 [30/09/2023]

Injector for popular online games and not only from the developer Saz. This injector will help you run the downloaded .dll file of the hack, the injector SazInjector will do it quickly and without failures. The injector was tested by me personally on the CS:GO game and everything went well, but the author claims that SazInjector works with any game. Download and check yourself, questions and recommendations in the comments. This injector has Manual Map Injection and Load Library injection.

SazInjector v4

Free Download [NEW] SazInjector v4 | Working for all games | VAC-Bypass integrated

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1 256 comments

  1. Cati11
    22 November 2020 18:37
    what s the password??

    1. gabriel5noob
      29 November 2020 00:56
      123 :D  denada amigo 

  2. MaXikCZ
    22 November 2020 13:40
    when inject osiris the game crashes, inject via another injector the game does not crash

    1. 0xDiablo
      24 November 2020 10:03
      Retard, read description.

    2. kaymayyy
      27 November 2020 23:21
      Umm i use this injector for like a year now and osiris never crashed my pc... and + i run csgo on 20 fps so no fps drops and i only boost my fps with osiris by removing post processing, shadows, fog and 3d sky. So its not sazs fault.

      Umm i use this injector for like a year now and osiris never crashed my pc... and + i run csgo on 20 fps so no fps drops and i only boost my fps with osiris by removing post processing, shadows, fog and 3d sky. So its not sazs fault.

  3. qwertyuiigtvgt
    22 November 2020 02:29
    jo what password

    what is password

  4. Marchis.N
    22 November 2020 01:02
    what is the password

  5. MaXikCZ
    21 November 2020 18:30
    osiris have problem with osiris,i inject with saz csgo fall, i inject with csghost so the game does not fall

  6. dikmen90
    20 November 2020 22:32
    Can someone help me pls! İ'll clikt the download link and it get me the mega BUT ist not working. Does not lead to download.

    injektor loading not work. İt's stuck... İt's not continue. Pls someone help.

  7. MaXikCZ
    20 November 2020 21:24
    please add close after inject :)

  8. adk tox1c
    20 November 2020 20:06
    Uhm what is the password?

  9. mihaita55
    20 November 2020 18:00

    1. yuval1766
      6 December 2020 14:50
      pass is 123




  10. TodorGucci
    20 November 2020 15:11
    didn t work for me, say something with discord dll can t be open

  11. espu4
    19 November 2020 20:42
    pc says its trojan virus

  12. polar68
    Real Cheater
    19 November 2020 01:23
    hi...thanks for injector..but i have qustion...When I enter the community servers ... after a few moments I am banned ... where is the problem .. can you help?my script is NudesWare ..plz answare if you online

  13. polar68
    Real Cheater
    18 November 2020 23:39
    Your JOB is excellent

    Your JOB is excellent

  14. motyl
    18 November 2020 22:23

  15. Marko031007
    18 November 2020 14:56
    whats the password

  16. xblowx1232
    18 November 2020 06:05
    my country pastebin blocked sorry sazinjector :(

  17. zuhu
    zuhu · zuhuinc
    18 November 2020 00:09
    why not linkvertise, on some moments and browsers it want people to install a program that is addware and otherwise they want you to install a browser extention what isnt so bad cause you can uninstall it ez and can do less damage that why.

  18. QWQ SOu
    17 November 2020 19:23
    I think Saz is no problem if you get VAC i think is you play csgo open wall hack Not hidden well and Trust is Too low if you get so many Report and overwatch See if there is No weird movements My English is bad but I still have to tell everyone Don't be obvious Of course, if you still think Saz is not safe, you can use other 

    Saz no virus if you antivirus software detected virus Because is code and hidden code,Code has modifications and so antivirus software Would think he has modification permissions to put the computer in danger and monitor the point.everyone safe to use it if you feel unsafe pls dont use.

    16 November 2020 22:12
    no have trojan

  20. momoleterro
    16 November 2020 19:54
    my game crash when i inject pls help me 

  21. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    14 November 2020 17:12
    Ummmm , VAC Bypass is removed ?

  22. CYREX .exe.
    13 November 2020 00:29
    Please say to my what the password

  23. csapesz
    12 November 2020 20:20
    fucking trojan 

  24. coolman555
    12 November 2020 05:08
    here is the direct link https://mega.nz/file/xxwjVAxb#lAtjK5BDwYMTxG_94G1zy_vnWRjp1zGyI_bsUUFDp_c

  25. luca puta
    11 November 2020 22:22
    what is the password?? on the win rar file

    1. Seruxe
      12 November 2020 13:42
      123 fucking dumb ass

  26. blueex
    11 November 2020 17:13
    i want one injector to inject scripts in roblox plss

    1. PUTARDO
      13 November 2020 04:23
      Shut up kid hahaha

  27. mateymatey9-90
    11 November 2020 14:53

  28. sdfv7shdnfv7sdmfj
    11 November 2020 11:10
    is not linkverse wtf is mega

  29. outsize
    10 November 2020 22:46

    I downloaded a file here but the anti virus wrote it is a troja

  30. raulasdasdada
    10 November 2020 14:27
    what is the password?