[NEW] SazInjector v4 | Working for all games | VAC-Bypass integrated

  • Developer: Saz
  • Status:
  • Updated: 19.08.22
  • Current version: v4.0.1.0 [30/09/2023]

Injector for popular online games and not only from the developer Saz. This injector will help you run the downloaded .dll file of the hack, the injector SazInjector will do it quickly and without failures. The injector was tested by me personally on the CS:GO game and everything went well, but the author claims that SazInjector works with any game. Download and check yourself, questions and recommendations in the comments. This injector has Manual Map Injection and Load Library injection.

SazInjector v4

Free Download [NEW] SazInjector v4 | Working for all games | VAC-Bypass integrated

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1 256 comments

  1. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    1 November 2020 21:13
    Hey people, SazInjector v3.6.0 is now out ^^

    1. lordeternity
      1 November 2020 22:56
      Should i choose manual map or load library?

      1. Sazz
        Sazz · Razmo#2571
        2 November 2020 16:35
        Manual map recommended

    2. gghacksgg
      2 November 2020 20:45
      the download on lnivertise dosnt work

    3. reset545145
      4 November 2020 22:13
      thanks ur injector is the best

    4. iran army
      9 November 2020 09:18
      did you just remove vac bypass?

    5. Alvaro1889
      10 November 2020 05:36
      l descarga de linkverse no me anda

    6. andreiroade
      11 November 2020 14:24
      its a virus?..

    7. revenge416
      13 November 2020 10:36
      there is two .dll file accompanied with the injector what do we do with it?

    8. InaisThePROYT
      22 November 2020 00:46
      best injector for csgo but worse injector for gta v it doesnt work lmao
      (u arent gonna get vacban with this, its way better than csghost

    9. peterparkerh
      22 November 2020 19:01
      password please

  2. tenag99992
    Real Cheater
    31 October 2020 17:34
    Why i get microsoft net/framework error everytime i add an dll..??????
    Explain Sazz

  3. deshawn22
    31 October 2020 11:20
    DONT USE, steals stuff of your pc

    1. macik
      Real Cheater
      macik · Dojarz#0887
      2 November 2020 17:40
      No it doesn't lol.
      I've been using this injector for months and I didn't notice anything wrong with my PC.
      So it's 100% safe and trustworthy.

  4. sieunhanvutru
    30 October 2020 23:25
    Error "loader"

  5. goshtsogoo
    27 October 2020 19:34
    waste of time fuck you

    1. furkany
      31 October 2020 16:50
      shut up fukyour mother idiot beachs

  6. senap
    27 October 2020 01:34
    Dosent work anymore

  7. SOWAA
    26 October 2020 20:59
    what's the password ?
    i don't have the read.txt

    1. XxsoilderXx23
      27 October 2020 14:12
      password for everything on this website is 123

  8. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    26 October 2020 14:43
    Alright, I finished coding the version 3.6.0 (Full fixed version), it is currently available in beta on my discord ! discord.gg/PubHfb6

    1. furkany
      31 October 2020 16:50
      m no skinchanger why ?

    2. mAt3i_234
      31 October 2020 18:24
      ur discord Id doesn't work

  9. Chugusha
    26 October 2020 03:39
    Don't trust, its injecting but with trojan script.

    1. Sad_Voltron_
      28 October 2020 20:46
      Trojan is a hack?​​​​

      1. alinutz1pro
        1 November 2020 19:22
        trojan is virus

  10. lucasoloko21
    24 October 2020 21:07
    oops pessoas quando eu baixar o sazinjector há um erro na pasta de documentos diz que o arquivo está faltando, mas como eu posso baixá-lo? O injetor em si não deveria cair sozinho?

  11. Doucha
    24 October 2020 15:39
    Why is my csgo keep crashing when i join to comp, wingm, or deathmatch 

    1. asaasaa
      25 October 2020 19:10
      țpo9jinl jș9uhm 8

  12. Gotham
    23 October 2020 03:41
    Has anyone gotten a vac ban yet with this Injector while legit cheating ?

  13. iqdegainaceaivalve
    22 October 2020 14:45
    can someone give me the pass?

    1. kikkelipylly
      22 October 2020 19:59
      the password is 123

  14. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    21 October 2020 14:13
    Sorry if Im not making alot of updates but Im working on a new injection method (Manual Mapping) and I have to recode the whole project so it will take some time ^^.

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      25 October 2020 10:15
      Don't Worry bro we also like that Version of injector 

  15. SS0022
    21 October 2020 12:27
    wtf why my injector tells me *failed to drop* wtfff

    1. Sazz
      Sazz · Razmo#2571
      21 October 2020 14:08
      Just put the dll that you try to inject out of the windows folder.

      1. Afterfaceit
        21 October 2020 21:14
        i do that and still it says failed to drop retry and a windows error pops up

      2. Mentor
        24 October 2020 00:07
        bro it says the same to me

      3. nacho4real
        29 October 2020 16:59
        don t working

    2. caseum
      29 October 2020 19:13
      same is happening, i guess this injector is not working anymore.

  16. tokwangfu007
    21 October 2020 08:17
    not free anymore?? need to buy it? sad life..

  17. Jayy
    20 October 2020 21:09
    I've been scrolling through the comments and have been getting mixed answers, Does this injector work with csgo?

    1. sKy9
      21 October 2020 11:01
      from my experience no

    2. cheaterAR
      21 October 2020 22:49
      yes, it work. if somebody cant use it its because he make something wrong.

  18. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    20 October 2020 16:14
    this went from the best to the worst injector
    that's why you shouldn't make money

    1. Sazz
      Sazz · Razmo#2571
      21 October 2020 14:07
      Hello sir, can you argue and say why is this injector not suitable for you? Saying 'Bad injector' will not help me to make it better. Thanks

    2. figoncello
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 22:14
      then dont use it.. easy as that
      this injector is the best out there 

  19. JakeEpps
    Real Cheater
    20 October 2020 13:09
    Don't worked injector on win 10.... Nice

    It is in the task manager, but it does not turn on. Or the eternal "Update" just turns on. Moreover, I downloaded the latest version.

  20. MhN
    Real Cheater
    MhN · MhN#7376
    19 October 2020 13:37
    Nice INjector <3 ;)

  21. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    18 October 2020 23:54
    If you have any problem, join our discord server and our staff will help you.

  22. fakaletz2719
    18 October 2020 14:33
    what is the password

    1. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      18 October 2020 16:30
      "WINRAR PASSWORD: 123"

  23. nikolas2007
    18 October 2020 12:00
    it crashing i cant even open it

  24. `Tr`Joker
    18 October 2020 10:52
    An unhandled exception has occurred in your application

  25. bogdan0604
    17 October 2020 16:06
    "Failed to drop,try again later"

  26. mateymatey9-90
    17 October 2020 14:49
    Pls help is loader error.
    failed to drop try again later

    failed to drop try again later

  27. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    16 October 2020 21:41
    Please stop saying "Not working, the game is crashing" or dumb shit like this. If your game crash, it is because of the cheat (probably outdated), not because of the injector. Im constantly updating it to avoid CSGO bans and it is working fine.
    Have a nice day

    1. stelaras
      17 October 2020 12:21
      how can i update it just downloading again?

    2. MOMO72
      18 October 2020 18:15
      Hello, sorry for the bother, but it seems i get an error regarding the DiscordRPC.dll. What is the reasoning of this, may I ask?

  28. amkoflegend
    16 October 2020 19:12
    Crashes for now on csgo

  29. notcrs
    14 October 2020 22:14
    works perfect <3

  30. Retard222
    14 October 2020 17:34
    It was pain to get trough all the add but worthet btw my anti cheat says that i has trojan
    idk if its true but im gonna make a backup of my windows for safety