Paladins - AUTO Shoot, TriggerBot

  • Developer: LogisticCameron
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.11.20
  • Current version: v2.1.4

Paladins - AUTO Shoot, TriggerBot

Current working cheat for the game Paladins AUTO Shoot, TriggerBot. The cheat works in matches, which gives you the opportunity to show your game skill to other players using the hack on Paladins. This hack contains in its functionality only two important functions for a successful game, the TriggerBot function with which you will always accurately hit enemies, and the AUTO Shoot function will complement the TriggerBot function and make your shooting accurate and automatic. At the moment, you will not get a ban for this hack, the cheat can be used in competitive matches.

Setup Instructions

V1 Goto Game Options -> Gameplay and set:

V1 Enable Recticle type dot

V1 Enable recticle change over target

V1/V2 Start the script - click start and choose resolution

Script Functions

Help - Help you on how to use the autoshoot.

Extras - Shows you on how to use mouse cord and color.

Start - Brings up to choose between resolutions(More can be added upon request)

Script Shortkeys

F1- Show Mouse Location

F2 - Shows color hex from current mouse position

F5 - Ends the Script

F9 - Bring up Script window again

Free Download Paladins - AUTO Shoot, TriggerBot

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Comments: 21 Views: 13 711


  1. giant696
    9 February 2021 23:11
     fix it pls its say : The file you are trying to download is no longer available.

  2. Pomidor777
    11 January 2021 12:46
    Добавьте разрешение 1440x900 пожалуйста

    Add resolution 1440x900 please

  3. tchar775
    20 December 2020 20:21
    umae mais nao mosta como ativar e nao funciona nada

    oue é v1 e v2 como usa isso ?

    1. Vanguard
      26 December 2020 08:59
      :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

  4. HappyCat203
    14 December 2020 08:43
    My max resolution is 1366x768, i cant change it from the original resolution!, Help!!

  5. mahdiwich
    Real Cheater
    11 December 2020 07:22
    thank you thank you thank you :heart:
    thank you thank you thank you smile
    i really needed palandis cheat :D

  6. marrosamana
    20 November 2020 01:45
    please add aim assist/aimbot/esp.This is not working

  7. rancrox
    15 November 2020 10:43
    please resolution 720p

  8. MasterCRO842
    14 November 2020 14:37
    it works but its not best triggerbot, sometimes he dosent shoot at all..or he dont works on some caracters...

  9. stev26
    Real Cheater
    10 November 2020 21:24
    in paladins you can get ip ban or only account ban

  10. deadspot
    Real Cheater
    9 November 2020 17:11
    more paladins cheats\

  11. mKA456
    8 November 2020 12:12
    I can't choose the resolution! I only have 1980/1080

  12. xkvmorx
    6 November 2020 19:02
    Im test this cheat and give you info guys about this ;p

  13. dziobo
    dziobo · hese#2987
    6 November 2020 17:49
    crashes everytime when i wanna select champion

  14. decata132
    3 November 2020 21:32
    can i get ban fast ?

  15. marrosamana
    2 November 2020 17:01
    Pls add a aim assist or aimbot feature, working but does not aim.

  16. goodasriven
    31 October 2020 00:24
    ​​​​Works well, but if you're bad at aim, you'll lose half of shots. blush

  17. Taud
    30 October 2020 17:43
    works fine lol

  18. Hunting Hacker
    30 October 2020 04:50
    work man???????????????????????

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      7 November 2020 00:02
      yeah it works well love it

  19. NorahCIV
    29 October 2020 19:19
    first lol XDDDD

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work