SkinChanger for Little Witch Nobeta

  • Developer: EBro912
  • Status:
  • Updated: 08.10.22
  • Current version: 1.3

Hack SkinChanger for Little Witch Nobeta

A small hack for the game Little Witch Nobeta with which you can change the skin of your character quickly and for free without any effort. Open the menu on the INSERT key and choose the player skin you want. Additionally, you will be able to switch the hat and bag for each player.

A very simple solution to change the visual representation of the player's skin.


Little Witch Nobeta Skin Changer v1.3

by EBro912 



Melonloader (


1. Install Melonloader

2. Launch game and then close it

3. Place .dll into Mods folder in the game's root directory

4. Launch game again

5. Press INSERT to open and close the menu

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