War Thunder Free Hack - Aimbot, ESP

  • Developer: sankswav
  • Status:
  • Updated: 22.09.24
  • Current version: 1.2.0 (from

War Thunder Free Hack - Aimbot, ESP

New free cheat for the game War Thunder with Aimbot, ESP, Wallhack and other additional features. A simple but necessary hack for every player. Your enemies will be displayed through textures on the map, they will be highlighted by squares. Additionally there is an Aimbot function for accurate shooting and many other additional features that will facilitate your gameplay.

Hack on War Thunder is necessary for every player who wants to see enemies through walls and shoot accurately from any vehicle in the game. At the moment, this is the only free cheat for the game War Thunder, which is available to everyone on our website.

How to inject War Thunder Cheat:

-Use any injector (i like Xenos Injector)

-Use standart injection method

-Prefer to inject when you already in hangar

Menu key is "Insert".

Supports only DirectX 11

EasyAntiCheat is not supported!


Drawing of 3D Boxes
Proper Player Names
Offscreen Arrows
Reload Bar
Drawing of Snaplines
Drawing of Allies



- Added bullet prediction for ground targets
- Added drawing of predicted aim position
- Fixed incorrect Aim Lock FOV target priority
- Menu changes
- Minor software changes

Free Download War Thunder Free Hack - Aimbot, ESP

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Comments: 188 Views: 149 729


  1. Springzzz6969
    1 January 2023 05:06

    Would a EAC Bypasser work for realistic play?

  2. kpass
    31 December 2022 12:25

    Well, this cheat can be used. After disabling easy, you can't play the ground multiplayer mode.

    1. Cristopher Castro Kanahuati
      28 January 2023 08:33

      how you disable easy anticheat

  3. quick12312
    30 December 2022 17:22

    it works but after you just have to turn off EAC in launcher (manual game uptade or open configurator thru steam) and inject thru xenos

  4. Tester35612
    29 December 2022 23:44

    Why was this updated while its not working?

  5. Tester35612
    29 December 2022 19:32

    When i inject it deosnt work why does it say  that it has been updated while it deosnt work.

  6. icandraf76
    29 December 2022 15:43

    I'm here to help with some of the most frequently asked questions.

    First: How to use

    1. Turn off all types of antivirus including windows defender (to avoid being detected as a virus, but so far I haven't experienced it)

    2. Download Injector and cheat (I use xenos injector)

    3. Run warthunder via steam (when pressing 'Play' 3 options will appear, namely "Play Warthunder", "Launch Manual Game Update", and "Launch War Thunder in Steam VR Mode") choose the second option, namely "Launch Manual Game Update ".

    4. Then the Warthunder Launcher will appear, above the 'Play' button there will be "Easy Anticheat" then turn it off and run the game.

    5. While in the menu/lobby (whatever you call it) then run xenos and add the cheat warhook.dll (if you can't figure it out then I doubt you were a cheater before xD) after adding warhook.dll then select process "aces.exe" then click inject and voila you can use the cheat.

    Second: QnA

    Q : Can the cheat be used in realistic battle?

    A : So far it's just Arcade, but let's hope that the developers will add it one day.

    Q : What is the name of the process? I can't find it.

    A : The name is "Aces.exe" without the exact quotes.

    Q : When will the aimbot feature, bla bla bla be added?

    A : Let's hope the developers will add more features soon, because I hope so too xD.

    Q : I have an error xxx

    A : I've never had an error, if you follow the directions it's less likely to have an error or maybe an additional browser is needed to run it (if anyone can help please add!)

    Q : Who are you, are you the developer?

    A : Of course not, I just enjoy the content and I hope it helps a little.

    If you have anything to ask please I will help as much as I can and sorry for my English. I'm from southeast asia and am trying to improve my english xD.

    1. Kaczka444
      8 January 2023 04:50

      Hello, thanks for help my friend, but could You help me and tell me how to hide the hud in the game? It would help.

    2. Mazenhr03
      29 January 2023 17:49

      hi brother

      i dont want to redownload the game again

    3. JoeTheDuckHakerman
      30 March 2023 01:37

      hi i could use some help when i inject with xenos the game crashes.

  7. icandraf76
    26 December 2022 06:58

    update pls

  8. CapybaraRUS
    25 December 2022 21:23

    При инжекте,пишет отчет об ошибках.

  9. quick12312
    25 December 2022 19:04

    what program do i inject it to i dont have "warthunder.exe"

    1. Tojestnazwa
      11 April 2023 11:28


  10. MalditaGamer
    22 December 2022 20:17

    this work in realistc battles?

  11. le Bot
    16 December 2022 19:38

    Where should it be placed when downloaded?

  12. SaisaisOma69
    11 December 2022 04:20

    Where is the Aimbot?

  13. SaisaisOma69
    11 December 2022 02:30

    What Injector  do I need for this?

  14. icandraf76
    10 December 2022 14:45

    How to hide the cheat and cursour ?

    1. Tojestnazwa
      11 April 2023 11:29

      How do you enable the GUI?

  15. Sokolowsky
    9 December 2022 19:37

    bro its perfect, but need realistic battles

  16. BlackRumanish
    8 December 2022 10:48

    Can you make it work on realistic battles too ?

  17. mecha_muto
    6 December 2022 03:31

    were do i inject it to!

  18. Kingo561
    28 November 2022 22:05

    I get an error when injecting, does this still work?

  19. Sorke
    26 November 2022 02:33

    why i still cant inject

  20. ruless95
    19 November 2022 21:59

    Why doesnt WH work?

  21. stalker68
    19 November 2022 19:44

    what is the password for the archive?

    1. TimmyTheBoi
      17 December 2022 00:38

      hey dude, its 123. it says there on the download button

  22. NEMO2137
    19 November 2022 16:10

    when aimbot?

  23. Klima1002
    16 November 2022 16:11

    How to install? Where i have to injekt it?

  24. IMPERIUS55
    16 November 2022 05:00

    It seems that the creator of the hack abandoned the project.

  25. Yongchul1234
    15 November 2022 04:40

    Is there any way to play Realistic mod without the activation of EAC?

  26. kukihelvete
    13 November 2022 19:22

    what happens if i use it with eac on?

    1. Mrbean3
      18 November 2022 23:37

      idk probally get banned bro :/

  27. luuug-waaa
    10 November 2022 23:36

    when is the update  this was fun ..love ur work

  28. xmatehx
    8 November 2022 00:02

    Pls update

  29. afwsgGWGJOSE
    4 November 2022 21:17

    please add aimbot i need it

  30. lasdbetds
    4 November 2022 16:50

    can i use this cheat in launcher warthunder official