Rainbow Six Siege NoRecoil - customize for all weapons

  • Developer: Swagu1n
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.05.21
  • Current version: 04/05/2021

This is a great script cheat for Rainbow Six Siege with which you can adjust the recoil of any weapon in the game. At the moment, this cheat is invisible to anti-cheats, but use it at your own risk, the probability of getting banned in the game Rainbow Six Siege is always there. You can independently adjust the recoil and firing speed using hot keys, everything is very simple and convenient.


  1. Make sure you have windows 10
  2. Make sure you install the executable
  3. Run it

How to use

  • F1 - Activate Script
  • F2 - Lower Multiplier
  • F3 - Increase Multiplier
  • F4 - Lower Speed
  • F5 - Increase Speed

Status: Not sure, I got banned but it might have been from another cheat I used

Free Download Rainbow Six Siege NoRecoil - customize for all weapons

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Comments: 11 Views: 17 535


  1. FrodoBakins
    18 March 2023 23:34

    Doesn't seem too work, tried lowering the multiplier, nothing happened, tried maxing it, again, felt no different. Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something?

  2. voicecrack007
    20 June 2021 18:25

    Wie aktiviere ich das wie kann ich das zu R6 hinzufügen das es funktioniert?


  3. Wpatss
    22 May 2021 16:32

    max 5 days and banned.


  4. Adaz
    22 May 2021 11:06
    Quote: Soresss

    Virustotal link pls


    I ran by virus total, I got 8 notices


    1. TheRealChickc
      15 June 2021 19:29
      You know what false positives are?...

    9 May 2021 22:37

    I need the password for the zip file


    1. Soresss
      Real Cheater
      Soresss · Sores#2238
      10 May 2021 14:10
      123 is the passwort for the zip file

  6. Soresss
    Real Cheater
    Soresss · Sores#2238
    8 May 2021 14:41

    Virustotal link pls


  7. LucasGomes90
    7 May 2021 23:31
    Quote: Lejoueurpro

    Dons't work :(

    ADMIN ?


  8. Lejoueurpro
    7 May 2021 03:08

    Dons't work :(

  9. bamate1
    4 May 2021 12:21

    You have VT? In the new update idk if its checked

    Do you have a virus total link? i dont know if its checked or not

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work