Rainbow Six Internal Hack - Aimbot, ESP (Online/Offline)

  • Developer: CedPlay
  • Status:
  • Updated: 24.10.21
  • Current version: 3.0
I want to share with you Rainbow Six Internal Hack - Aimbot, ESP (Online/Offline) which is available for free. A unique cheat with imgui menu with excellent features and no crashes.

Rainbow Six Internal Hack
To date, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege game is the leader among shooters and a lot of players play it. You've probably seen that some players play much better and always know about your location. Either they are professionals in their field, or they use hacks to play R6. That's why I want to offer you this wonderful free cheat with which you will have more gaming opportunities and you will be able to use such functions as: aimbot, wallhack, esp, norecoil, noclip, crosshairs and other functions.

This cheat works in single player game mode, as well as in online game mode against real people. Follow the instructions and you will succeed!

How to use the Cheat ? (Online Method)

  1. Download the cheat from our website (the cheat + injector itself will be in the archive)
  2. Put the injector and the cheat in the same folder
  3. Start the injector
  4. Launch the Rainbow Six game
  5. Enjoy :)

Attention! In online mode, it is better to use anti-cheat bypass, there is a chance of getting banned. Use at your own risk!

Free Download Rainbow Six Internal Hack - Aimbot, ESP (Online/Offline)

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  1. voidovex
    21 July 2024 20:18

    have anyone of these cheat users been banned?

  2. ZrxxTheBudd
    16 April 2024 23:52

    how do i run it can someone help me my discord is:    .zrxxisbetter

  3. dicho
    Real Cheater
    13 April 2024 17:37

    file passwords are not 1234, they've always been one, two, three.

  4. Rias1944
    24 March 2023 21:35

    Outdated. Use Process Hacker to Inject btw

  5. Dark2_0006
    19 February 2023 16:49

    Only I get crash?

  6. yannickaaaaa
    21 April 2022 21:50

    at my desktop is always in the right bottom the loadind circle without a download

  7. Foxtrot32
    9 April 2022 15:52

    It won't work I've put the booster and the injector in the same file and have added it to every file and tried other ways but it won't work.

    I've tried both launching R6 from steam and from the file but neither have it enabled

  8. kiranpick1872
    24 March 2022 00:49

    theres a password on the zip file, anyone care to help? :(

    1. Arryk
      25 March 2022 18:23
      its always 123

    2. arindio
      25 March 2022 21:51
      The password is 1234

      The password is 123

      The password is 123

    3. AleksStasha
      12 April 2024 23:27

      its 123

  9. Kogz2137
    4 February 2022 07:08

    Wallhack work on bots?

  10. heresfilly
    heresfilly · CosmoCoot#0001
    11 January 2022 22:38

    So I put the stuff in the r6 folder, then I run the driver stuff, then I run  "Rainbow_Six.exe" and it makes this mario sound beat in the back then on the last beep it crashes, any fix to this??? this is what it does then closes the game https://imgur.com/a/jckNOHk

    1. TF-Godlike
      11 January 2022 22:55
      it probably doesn't work anymore lol

  11. nulledovh23
    8 January 2022 08:37

    what is the inject key guys

  12. infxmousxd
    6 December 2021 02:15

    where is the download button?!?!? im llooking everywhere on this trashy site. 

    1. coldwind420
      8 January 2022 16:08
      r u fucking blind press on green arrow above comments

      1. ibrahim789
        20 April 2022 00:50

        lmfao hahahahahaha

  13. h4ck3rm0d3
    28 October 2021 21:50


    1. Surferduck39
      2 September 2024 07:55

      123 ok

  14. ProPlayerMan
    25 October 2021 13:10

    I couldnt even use the cheats and I got banned wtf dont use these guys 


    1. Zyrxan
      Zyrxan · zyrxan#3724
      26 October 2021 06:05
      Cedy literally said that theres no bypass.. What do you expect?

      1. Unkownentity
        26 October 2021 15:47
        There's some paid ones but this is a free cheat, I don't have specifics but i remember some dude was trading/reselling a cheat + bypass for like $20-$30 but then again the cheap hacks usually don't have many features or are usually detected very quickly

  15. ProPlayerMan
    25 October 2021 12:59

    Can anyone tell me what button to open cheats


    1. Unkownentity
      25 October 2021 17:38
      Most likely f12 or insert

  16. Cryr
    24 October 2021 22:27

    How to open up the cheat window to adjust everything?


    1. ProPlayerMan
      25 October 2021 12:58
      I dont know did you find out?

    2. Unkownentity
      25 October 2021 17:39
      probably f12 or insert key, but please explain what you did so your game stopped crashing after driver load and launching the game

      1. Shamicoke
        26 October 2021 00:40
        Disabled battle eye i think, but now that i got the game from crashing, the injector keeps crashing

    3. YangShue
      15 February 2022 18:02
      CTRL + Alt + F1

  17. EySwag
    EySwag · 5y5p
    24 October 2021 17:08

    Game is crashing after making the beeps. please fix

    1. Unkownentity
      24 October 2021 17:24
      Pretty sure its something to do with Face injector rather than the cheat, it works fine offline with xenos and other injectors. Maybe try getting latest version of face injector from github and recompiling, edit " respawn001 " to " R6Game " and "test.dll" to " R6 Free.dll " (without spaces) and then compile and run.

      1. EySwag
        EySwag · 5y5p
        8 December 2021 18:20
        I'm getting compile errors

      2. imamarioupinthisjoint
        14 March 2024 18:14

        it blue screened my pc so idk if it works or not

  18. andy44
    24 October 2021 11:15

    game is crasing after loading the driver

  19. andy44
    24 October 2021 11:04

    i will try it now