Aimbot, TriggerBot, FlickBot for VALORANT

  • Developer: Balerino
  • Status:
  • Updated: 12.10.20
  • Current version: 12/10/2020

New free working cheat on VALORANT from the developer Balerino. Cheat Aimbot, TriggerBot, FlickBot with which you can dominate the game servers. Good functionality, convenient hack menu, setting up any functions, as well as saving cfg settings. With this hack on VALORANT, you will be able to shoot accurately without missing a shot, shooting accuracy will improve, and aiming will be automatic, all you have to do is shoot.

Attention! Play quietly so as not to arouse suspicion among the players.
The game's anti-cheat is very powerful, so use this cheat at your own risk.

How to use it:
1. Get Arduino device(ATMEGA32U4).
2. Plug the it into any USB port
3. Open the cheat
4. Make sure you choose the right COM in the cheat menu
5. Enjoy.

Free Download Aimbot, TriggerBot, FlickBot for VALORANT

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Comments: 53 Views: 35 079


  1. MICHI1234
    9 August 2021 23:33


  2. bdown
    29 July 2021 03:56

    litreally no link 

  3. Luka Daft
    17 April 2021 10:32
    link broken again

  4. Haniya Rajpoot
    15 April 2021 19:34
    Guys, on my channel, there is a new cheat of 2021, I advise you to watch

  5. mr.earl
    29 March 2021 22:02
    make another link pls love u :)

  6. WilliamJao2009
    8 February 2021 11:46
    i legit hate when it says .rar it's sooo bad it's sooooooooo bad i don't understand bruh can we just get a cheat just download but no we like have to koin there discord or dowmnload shit nooo can we not just download it bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

    1. hihi4321
      8 February 2021 23:57 or DOWNLOAD WINRAR

      1. mr.earl
        29 March 2021 22:01
        lol ye ya bum just extract it dam

  7. dezzmon
    8 November 2020 22:57
    this guy gives a not working cheat and after ask them to follow on discord for updated one , then ask to send steam key and later says steam keys not working ! then disappears with your money. he is cheap scammer !   mask rage

    this guy gives a not working cheat and after ask them to follow on discord for updated one , then ask to send steam key and later says steam keys not working ! then disappears with your money. he is cheap scammer ! 

  8. raizel
    30 October 2020 07:34
    this is not working

  9. Username...
    28 October 2020 23:05
    go to ;)

  10. Romainpinpin
    22 October 2020 01:56
    D'ont work

  11. CR2202
    20 October 2020 20:44
    A mi me funciono, montandolo en una .iso, para que lo reconociera como una usb o algo asi, y ya solo es ejecutar, cave aclarar que nose si no es detectado, por que mi pc tiene una especie de falla que hace que el anti-cheat no funcione a la perfeccion.
    ¿Por que lo digo?
    Por que estaba baneado permanentemente y tras varias acciones me deja jugar con la misma cuenta sin que me banee o riesgo de ban.

    1. Jkerx7
      21 October 2020 22:31
      What did you do to use that?

      1. CR2202
        23 October 2020 02:18
        Hola me voy a y pongo el overlay, selecciono el color, y ajusto el contorno, despues verifico la entrada com, y seleciono el aimbot o flitbot (on). Lleno smoth el máximo de 9 que me deje, y me funciona, personalmente no tengo un arduino, pero seguro te funciona mejor

    2. xNeix
      29 November 2020 17:42
      como hiciste? quiero bugear el vanguard y recuperar mi cuenta dime porfa

  12. Rizendxxx
    20 October 2020 14:10

  13. CR2202
    19 October 2020 06:02
    para mi funciona

    1. xNeix
      29 November 2020 17:53
      me ayudas? tenes discord?

  14. rapstamodz
    18 October 2020 23:19
    whats is COM?

  15. Venju
    18 October 2020 13:37
    how do i use this?

  16. cenktuzun
    18 October 2020 08:52
    Yapabilen varmı ben yapamadımda

    1. h6xa
      Real Cheater
      h6xa · h6xa#6666
      29 October 2020 21:44
      yapma zatne ban yicen direk mal gibi

      1. PratikHack
        30 October 2020 07:02
        10 gündür kullanıyorum bir problem çıkmadı direkti falan geç manuel replemeden bile yediğini düşünmüyorum program ve çalışma mantığı çok iyi düşünülmüş yazılımı algılamıyor sisteme de ban atmıyor atarsa arduino cihazına atacak boş yorum yapman hoş değil

    2. PratikHack
      30 October 2020 07:04
      kanka , arduino'ı bilgisayara bağladan programı bir çalıştır test amaçlı port oluşturacak sol alttan herhangi bir comu seç genelde 1 tercih ediliyor , sonrasında program dosyalarını usb belleğe aktar ve oyunu açmadan önce Yönetici olarak çalıştır ardından doğru com portunu seçip kafa rahatlığıyla kullan ban yer misin bilemem daha ben kullanalı 9-10 gün oluyor arada sapıttığı oluyor ama 10 atışta 9'u isabetli ve çok fazla hile olduğunu belli etmiyor humanizer ayarını yaparsan 

      1. mrsamet2
        2 January 2021 17:15
        hocam merhaba bende yapmak aurduino alıp yapıcam discorddan yardımcı olurmusunuz alırsam mr.hacı#7706 discordum

  17. Istii404
    17 October 2020 13:01
    Guys ! The RIOT VANGUARD IS UNBEATABLE RIGHT NOW! So please don't wait for
    free wallhack & really good free aim bots :3

    1. Fwix7
      19 October 2020 04:24
      not unbeatable at all there have been pleanty of free valorant cheats going around lol. You just arent gonna find them on a beginners site like this

      1. incignus
        19 October 2020 04:29
        what are some other sites where i can find them?

      2. Ogi313
        19 October 2020 23:30
        what are other sites u dumbo who thinks that he is some god level cheater

      3. Dank bOOgIe
        21 October 2020 22:28
        People useing unknown cheats 1 time and think they gods smh

  18. PepoX
    15 October 2020 23:55
    has wallhack?

  19. monkecion
    monkecion · sushixdf#6556
    15 October 2020 21:30
    Its a BTC Miner dont use it UwU

  20. Hunting Hacker
    15 October 2020 06:27
    this suck i get ban in fisrt game

    1. vonvaughn
      Real Cheater
      15 October 2020 06:45
      The game's anti-cheat is very powerful, so use this cheat at your own risk.

    2. 3xpl0iter
      19 October 2020 21:43
      turn down the settings then

  21. BaneSenpai
    15 October 2020 04:16
    is still working??

    1. Pierre87100
      18 October 2020 12:36
      BTC miner its so bad cheat for u

      1. Dank bOOgIe
        21 October 2020 22:29
        it only mines when you use it. most free cheats need a way of income

  22. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    13 October 2020 19:23
    btc miner LOLL

    1. L3stG0
      14 October 2020 00:27
      virüs varmı cidden hilede bu site koymazdı normalde böyle birşey?

  23. Shadowbeard
    13 October 2020 19:23
    When will they make a cheat that won't be detected?
    I got sick of waiting already.

    1. Foggy_Cheeze
      14 October 2020 02:47
      Just get better in Valorant <3

    2. kualat
      15 October 2020 11:25
      well they have a rly good anti cheat unlike the hell hole csgo is

      so i dont think there are gonna be a free valorant cheat that will stay undetected for more than a month

      1. kiguymy
        17 October 2020 01:39
        The last free cheat stayed UD for 2 hours lol

    3. youngamro
      15 October 2020 19:00
      i got valogod hack... played with it for 3days becouse its really expensive but its really nice

  24. EdiBaros1802
    13 October 2020 16:33
    nice btc miner lol

  25. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    13 October 2020 16:26
    mark it as detected lmao

  26. Dylandez13
    13 October 2020 03:42
    i need help plz somebody

    Danmmmm banned in tutorial dont use i just got hardware banned

  27. Hassani 120
    12 October 2020 23:27
    does it work

  28. P1ckM3
    12 October 2020 20:24
    Noone downloaded yet,yes i know,but my comment is,dont play in Valorant with cheats,Fast detect,and got a hardware id ban,so you can buy a new hardware or maybe peace,thanks for cheats.. :)

    1. Dark6574
      12 October 2020 21:08
      It says use at your own risk

    2. gesegsgsgsgsgsgesges2313
      15 October 2020 08:05
      Place your commas correctly.

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work