Valorant Wallhack Free Hack - Internal Universal WH

  • Developer: DrinkPositive
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.12.21
  • Current version: 1.0

Universal free Wallhack cheat for Valorant which is available for download on our website. This is an Internal WH using which you will be able to see opponents and allies through textures on the map, in other words, they will stand out through walls, boxes and any other fences. This is a Wallhack test hack on Valorant, which Discord DX11 Present, in order to then intercept DrawIndexed from SwapChain, in order to then draw models through the walls and select them in reverse order.

valorant free wh chet

Hooking DX11 functions with a trampoline hook, especially with MinHook, is likely detected tho so use this at your own risk ...

How to use Valorant WH

To run this cheat, you need to use a private injector, or an injector that will support the VALORANT game

It is advisable to use Valorant Bypass to bypass the ban, or Valorant Spoofer

I used Face Injector

Free Download Valorant Wallhack Free Hack - Internal Universal WH

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Comments: 73 Views: 72 851


  1. davidkermes23
    28 January 2024 21:37

    can you send me  injector  my discord is otik827

  2. Engelfs410
    26 September 2022 02:49

    If anyone has an injector can you send it to me in discord? 

    Nick: EngelFS#8583

  3. BryJoaco_
    21 September 2022 18:37

    If anyone has an injector can you send it to me in discord? bryjoaco#8800

  4. masterpot
    22 July 2022 16:39

    If anyone has an injector can you send it to me in discord?

    25 June 2022 13:06

    If someone can help me add me on discord ILOVEHENTAIS#3366

  6. LuCif3r_23
    12 June 2022 08:28

    can someone give me the injector?

    discord- LuCif3r#2159

  7. br27355
    3 June 2022 10:50

    how i use the injecter

  8. hitori
    24 May 2022 19:04

    pls give me injector
    discord: hitori#9160

  9. Xzap7
    15 May 2022 18:18

    someone pls help me dc: Xzap#2137

  10. sno_adam_908
    18 April 2022 13:44


    Can i have a bit off help plz ?

    ! 𝐂’𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐢𝐫#0911

  11. sehrgaay
    17 April 2022 22:52

    still working?

  12. Nestle drip
    8 April 2022 04:55


  13. vmJdY2BHbci82JB
    18 March 2022 03:15

    I have face injector but when I try to load it up it says problem with file header can someone tell me how to fix this.

  14. twojakurwastaraes
    3 March 2022 18:46

    pls help me do this GL UA <3#3034

  15. kennaintsimp
    26 February 2022 08:08

    what is the password?

    1. CoS; chaxsthexry
      30 March 2022 18:30
      password is 123

  16. Queshyzz
    22 February 2022 07:38

    Yo can someone teach me how to use this thanks Spookay.#2022

  17. evrthouyisf
    19 February 2022 00:38

    pls add to discord and send injectro 𝕊𝕂𝕌𝕋𝔼 𝔹𝕆𝔹𝕆#8244

    𝕊𝕂𝕌𝕋𝔼 𝔹𝕆𝔹𝕆#8244 pls send injector

    pls send injectro a '#8244

    hey bro u sent injectro plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss a '#8244

    this is my discord

  18. timxop
    6 February 2022 01:58

    can someone give me an usefull injector? 

    add me on discord timxo!#1946

    pls ill be waiting for u

  19. -ic
    4 February 2022 15:27

    pls give me injector and also a bit of help ,

    discord : HY-PAW#7700

  20. elaeda
    2 February 2022 19:56

    can someone help me please MoosE#6969

  21. poutsaras69
    29 January 2022 21:44

    how do i get an injector??

  22. stev26
    Real Cheater
    23 January 2022 22:49

    no ban????

  23. danielvitor
    22 January 2022 05:15

    nice hack

  24. izzy222
    19 January 2022 18:36

    pls send me the link for download the injecotr

  25. susmoder
    18 January 2022 06:59

    you cant even download

    1. Pino0314
      18 January 2022 19:13
      you can

      1. Hailen
        13 February 2022 07:49
        how tho?

        how tho?

        how tho?

  26. wordfang
    Real Cheater
    17 January 2022 08:04

    thanks for this man

    1. PixelBlox96222
      23 July 2022 15:05

      you have injector?

  27. Mekkahh
    15 January 2022 22:28

    someone help maybe..?

  28. lonhphunh2011
    15 January 2022 18:22

    add me to discord pls:

    Phùng "Bronze I TFT"  Duy Long#3385

  29. spencer.duena
    12 January 2022 10:05

    wheres injector

  30. ObviousLee
    11 January 2022 02:11


    1. suil74
      11 January 2022 17:00
      Do you know how to do this hack?

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3