Among Us Project Cheat

  • Developer: sneakyevil
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.10.20
  • Current version: 11/10/2020
Universal cheat for the popular online game Among Us. A convenient menu, a large selection of functions, a game without a ban and superiority over other players with the help of a free hack on Among Us. Thank you to the developer sneakyevil for providing the cheat. Want to dominate the game Among Us? Play better than your friends? use this free cheat on Among Us that you can download from our website. Various functions: Teleport, NoClip, RadarHack, Circle Spin, Disco Players, Snake Mode, Spinning Object and many other functions.

Menu Key: Insert
NoClip Key: Left Shift

How to use (for braindeads):
1. Make sure the game version is not too old. (ex. Cheat released 6. Sept. last game ver on that date was 1. Sept that means older version shouldn't be used!)
2. Get some proper injector (ex. Process Hacker 2) I wouldn't recommend manual mapping (even tho it should work).
3. Inject it when ur in the MENU

Free Download Among Us Project Cheat

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Comments: 238 Views: 86 715


  1. mantakos
    24 October 2020 19:39
    update the cheat

  2. budulinas
    Real Cheater
    budulinas · bash#7941
    24 October 2020 16:53
    if he updates the cheat it wont changes anything game detects shit and thats it you can only see impostor and thats it

  3. el diablo.exe
    24 October 2020 14:55
    Now,when you grab a player it says "you were banned for hacking please stop" update the cheat

  4. Mahm23
    23 October 2020 19:00
    i was banned 

    1. MrMLGgaming
      24 October 2020 10:39
      thats not a reall its just something that happens if u do something im not sure why but 

      1. Killer_Brain
        24 October 2020 16:27
        This is a lobby ban, you can't go into the same lobby anymore

  5. yazankaed_464
    23 October 2020 17:28
    brooooo this cheat is so good thank you

  6. onetapmoney
    23 October 2020 10:03
    update cheat

  7. luckylight
    22 October 2020 14:39
    update cheat

  8. 888888888
    21 October 2020 23:53
    uh daddy fuck me

  9. Diwgi
    21 October 2020 06:55
    I cant download it

  10. MGk
    20 October 2020 19:10
    Its crashes every time

  11. Chleba
    20 October 2020 12:38
    bro this cheat is good(shit)

  12. playboimonei
    19 October 2020 22:00
    doesnt inject

  13. jocco2006
    19 October 2020 14:58
    my game just freezes everytime i open the menu anyone know how to fix?

  14. abouche
    18 October 2020 21:40
    the cheat crach when i use the send message

  15. asjdiuhfpojahsuid
    17 October 2020 20:48
    trojan dont install

    1. DiDespereauxx
      18 October 2020 13:06
      how do i remove trojan

      1. ilikw=3
        21 October 2020 02:26
        its not a Trojan its just hes a dumbass dont listen to the people that say its trojan if it says it safe it safe

  16. sylent
    17 October 2020 17:29
    update for beta

  17. AmITheHaecker
    17 October 2020 07:59
    Cheat dont let me inject

  18. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    17 October 2020 00:30

    also 10.08i servers are dead, so i wouldn't recommend using this on that

  19. r11r141faf
    16 October 2020 22:43
    i checked the strings and it says (gpuMiner(asIntegrer)getTaksAs(useMemory_file.btcminer.dll) you can use the cheat but after you use it delete it :)

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      17 October 2020 00:26
      also why don't you try to use that on another thing so we can see that is really a bitcoin miner

    2. RoaringChall
      17 October 2020 06:23
      what? really? explain

  20. Underworld123
    16 October 2020 02:05
    cheat very laggy.

    1. ILostmyoldaccount
      16 October 2020 17:27
      Because it's a bitcoin miner. Check your GPU usage with and without the cheat running

      1. mariolol
        20 October 2020 17:55
        im poor i dont have bitcoins so rip

        1. 5Sc0pe
          Real Cheater
          24 October 2020 16:04
          idiot do you even know what a bitcoin iner is

  21. Demize xShotz
    16 October 2020 01:58
    i think its detected cuz it said stop hacking and it said I got banned but I think only from servers

  22. bempt
    15 October 2020 22:36
    not injecting

  23. Lukeylmao
    Lukeylmao · linus gaming#9675
    15 October 2020 22:34
    Works great with newest version! Great cheat and works like a charm, I would like to see the force imposter be fixed but other then that, I 100% recommend this cheat.

    1. Demize xShotz
      16 October 2020 01:57
      force imposter does work and it works best when ur the host of the server

  24. Csabi_Mester2005
    15 October 2020 18:31
    Work on emulator ?

    1. monkecion
      monkecion · sushixdf#6556
      15 October 2020 21:31
      Steam only, Download the cracked one on steamunlocked :>

      1. TeacherMan
        16 October 2020 06:49
        wait so cracked version works?

    2. DinosaurXxX
      DinosaurXxX · DinosaurXXX#8305
      15 October 2020 22:31
      It working only for PC, for emulator no.

    3. SevenStones
      Real Cheater
      17 October 2020 04:37
      Theres an APK version somewhere on youtube. I don't think I'm allowed to post links here. But just search for among us hack apk. Should show you where.

  25. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    15 October 2020 14:54
    this works for 2020.10.8i, but most of the features aren't working
    like "Kill & Back" and "No Chat Timer"

  26. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    15 October 2020 03:10
    a suggestion for this is that you should make a toggle key for each of the player options at the bottom on the main menu

  27. TudorNM
    14 October 2020 15:35
    update?? plz

  28. williamzerner
    14 October 2020 13:46
    does it work for 2020.10.8i??

  29. dumbhead
    14 October 2020 13:40
    trojan btw :D

    1. TudorNM
      14 October 2020 15:35
      no doesnt have

    2. stickman06
      14 October 2020 18:34
      you just retardet, get out from this site ,idiot kid

    3. parapa1
      15 October 2020 02:24
      mi waxo todos los hacks son troyanos

    4. BTL
      Real Cheater
      15 October 2020 12:15
      no its not retard

    5. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      15 October 2020 15:06
      you are really retarded

  30. cemrekusdemir
    14 October 2020 02:28
    niceeooo It's worked btw

    1. TudorNM
      14 October 2020 19:34
      pllz you can add write for players again

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.