Among Us Project Cheat

  • Developer: sneakyevil
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.10.20
  • Current version: 11/10/2020
Universal cheat for the popular online game Among Us. A convenient menu, a large selection of functions, a game without a ban and superiority over other players with the help of a free hack on Among Us. Thank you to the developer sneakyevil for providing the cheat. Want to dominate the game Among Us? Play better than your friends? use this free cheat on Among Us that you can download from our website. Various functions: Teleport, NoClip, RadarHack, Circle Spin, Disco Players, Snake Mode, Spinning Object and many other functions.

Menu Key: Insert
NoClip Key: Left Shift

How to use (for braindeads):
1. Make sure the game version is not too old. (ex. Cheat released 6. Sept. last game ver on that date was 1. Sept that means older version shouldn't be used!)
2. Get some proper injector (ex. Process Hacker 2) I wouldn't recommend manual mapping (even tho it should work).
3. Inject it when ur in the MENU

Free Download Among Us Project Cheat

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Comments: 238 Views: 86 715


  1. ffafafafsafgsg4ra
    5 October 2020 10:20
    it crashes my game after injection

  2. Davuid
    5 October 2020 09:46
    It does not work for me... prob cuz I have among us cracked

  3. bokilele
    5 October 2020 02:50
    Does it work for cracked? Its not working for me

    1. KosovoJeSrbija123
      8 October 2020 19:46
      Update among us version to 9.22s

  4. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    5 October 2020 02:14
    Lol theres people saying its trojan this website is 100% safe and amazing i use it for all of my fav games it is safe I promise

  5. twixrex
    4 October 2020 21:44
    its working, thx for this my guy

  6. Doxy
    4 October 2020 17:52
    Trojan guys this is trojan

    1. Davuid
      5 October 2020 09:39
      It's not. I used this site for every game thatI have hacks on and they never made me download a trojan

    2. DinosaurXxX
      DinosaurXxX · DinosaurXXX#8305
      15 October 2020 22:33
      its not trojan.

  7. XalecsX
    4 October 2020 06:32
    It is a trojan, i've check with other tools and it goes in your system32 and replaces a file that opens with the operating system and it will relaunch on any restart. DONT DOWNLOAD

    1. Practicap
      6 October 2020 19:42
      its annoying how braindead people are.

  8. Sneap.
    Sneap. · Sneap.#3123
    4 October 2020 04:29
    its rat dont dowload

    1. DinosaurXxX_YT
      DinosaurXxX_YT · DinosaurXXX#8305
      13 October 2020 18:24
      lol ur brain dead...

  9. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    3 October 2020 20:13
    This is the best cheat i have ever seen of among us

  10. erol 123
    3 October 2020 18:34
    I do inject it but it just disappears a second after and i cannot open it back up with the hotkey

  11. fishlab
    3 October 2020 15:33
    it is crashing after injection

  12. jisatsu love
    3 October 2020 14:51
    i inject it but it just disappear when in menu...any help ?

    1. figoncello
      Real Cheater
      3 October 2020 22:48
      change injector..

  13. Starlex72
    3 October 2020 14:44
    Game crashed

  14. miokkoimmiok
    3 October 2020 10:57
    1. Open injector write in name game Among Us.exe (if injector dont have .exe).
    1/ game (in main menu).
    2. load dll cheat.
    3. if game crash, you press setting in main dont in lobby.

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      3 October 2020 20:14
      if it crashes you should keep trying until it works

  15. fahriyadi123
    3 October 2020 05:30
    can't work dude , i have cml injector and then i input dll in cml injector failed

    1. DinosaurXxX_YT
      DinosaurXxX_YT · DinosaurXXX#8305
      13 October 2020 18:25
      download latest version Among Us and use other injector

  16. Drizzy0802
    2 October 2020 16:55
    honestly the best troll cheat I have used so far. All functions work besides force imposter which says broken on the cheat menu so idk why people say "oh force imposter doesnt work" well duh it literally says broken on the menu.

  17. narana4865
    2 October 2020 15:38
    what if game crashing?

  18. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    2 October 2020 03:20
    i have a cracked among us and it works for me and i use a injector i edited and sorta made
    tip 1# start injector and game as admin
    tip 2# install the Visual C++ Redistribute and .net framework
    tip 3# use a good injector

  19. Lenexxx
    1 October 2020 22:22
    sry for being lost but where can i finde the Process Hacker 2 injector?

  20. fefafq2
    1 October 2020 21:04
    crashed the game, close game aways

  21. YourAuntSally
    1 October 2020 19:46
    keeps on crashing my game
    i use a cracked version may that be why?

  22. Jesus222
    1 October 2020 18:06
    this thing have

  23. Starlex72
    1 October 2020 17:44
    Help :D I cant download this. Google Chrome block me download :D

  24. Starlex72
    1 October 2020 17:42
    Chrome block that :D

  25. hhwf9hyo7yoi87423ye87gy8
    1 October 2020 14:01
    thak dosent work i have craked among us when i try to inject with process haker 2 it say acces denied

  26. Jordan123
    1 October 2020 00:52
    what injector should i use

    1. CloneSkyy
      1 October 2020 06:38
      Process Hacker 2 is the one i use. I would definitaly recconmend it

  27. ErenYour
    30 September 2020 20:34
    from where can i download

  28. Mascatul123
    29 September 2020 21:49
    I think is for PC

  29. mightnight
    29 September 2020 02:22
    PC Or Emulator ?

    1. DinosaurXxX_YT
      DinosaurXxX_YT · DinosaurXXX#8305
      13 October 2020 18:25
      its works only for PC, for emulator's aint working.

  30. 1234567891011121314
    28 September 2020 21:25
    Very bugged. Forced impsotor is trash. The game goes dark after the frist meeting for me. Wouldnt recommend if you want to be imp all of the time, but otherwise pretty good

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.