FailGuys Menu - FlyGuy, NoStun, HoopWarp, AutoPlay + bypass

  • Developer: RonkestDonk
  • Status:
  • Updated: 08.09.20
  • Current version: 08/09/2020

A powerful cheat on Fall Guys called FailGuys FlyGuy, NoStun, HoopWarp, AutoPlay + bypass. Very simple, but at the same time multi-functional cheat with a convenient menu and good settings, plus protected from ban. It has all the necessary features for each game mode, so that you always win or take prizes. For example your character will be able to fly and not to get behind this ban. But use the cheat as you like, because if players record a video with your gameplay and complain, sooner or later you will get banned, so use this hack carefully and discreetly.

Flyguys = 0 gravity + high divespeed
RandomTele = teleport randomly above players heads works best with flyguys enabled imo
Fully automated but the game must be the active window if used
Automated most team games,
some team cheats are only enabled via enabling AutoPlay like EggScramble warp/RocknRoll/Hoarders
Hoarders <-- doesnt work to good yet but i dont feel like fixing it
Automaticly Grabs Crown at Fall Mountain
Automaticly Clears all tiles in HexaFall
Automaticly Finishes in maps with finish lines

Free Download FailGuys Menu - FlyGuy, NoStun, HoopWarp, AutoPlay + bypass

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Comments: 96 Views: 30 346


  1. Sansho
    10 July 2022 07:01

    Re Up pls thx

  2. GiletteAbdi01
    16 January 2021 22:52
    DON'T USE IT! I got banned after 2 rounds!

    1. Sansho
      10 July 2022 07:17

      how did you start it ?

  3. konya42
    Real Cheater
    14 October 2020 18:39
    Can anyone cheat for Transformice, please

    1. Crentzu
      Real Cheater
      9 November 2021 23:07
      for this type of game use cheat engine

  4. Not Kadju
    Real Cheater
    13 October 2020 21:32
    It's detected, still pretty nice cheat

  5. AhmadXGamer14
    6 October 2020 15:03
    i love hacks, who agree with me?

  6. TheKiddingBoy
    Real Cheater
    TheKiddingBoy · TheElite#1198
    4 October 2020 16:24
    detected since yesterday

  7. bibiczon
    25 September 2020 18:08
    its a rat

  8. WBY91
    24 September 2020 14:04
    how to inject it ?

  9. PIDR
    22 September 2020 23:27
    а дают бан?

  10. TteEh
    17 September 2020 20:03
    Stop being stupid and learn how to play, cheats are for people who don't know how to play, like you.

    1. ilikw=3
      19 September 2020 18:02
      wonder how you ended up on this site made an account you would have to be looking for cheats to find this. hypocrite

    2. FattyPatty
      21 September 2020 03:26
      why do u have an acc here if u dont like cheating

    3. gamertag84
      24 September 2020 19:35
      lmao in ur profile u typed that u want hacks...what a dumb kid

    4. gytis
      6 October 2020 17:44
      So why the fuck are you on cheat site telling this bullshit ?

    5. NULL2175
      12 October 2020 07:32
      saying person who is on website where is only cheats ahahah

    6. figoncello
      Real Cheater
      15 October 2020 22:21
      then why are you here?

    7. Batspin
      3 December 2020 02:18
      Joe mama stupid nerd. If you are going onto websites like this to tell people to stop.......... Then go get hit by a car because you got nothing else to do with your life.... (vote up if you agree with me)

    8. arhan
      Real Cheater
      9 February 2021 19:45
      lmao just check his about page he wants cheats for games fucking retard

  11. alecxdads3
    16 September 2020 17:59
    we neeed a new version , because the game have now anti-cheat , and we need a new cheat!

  12. Mateus Serra
    16 September 2020 16:09

  13. ddddsdsdsfsf
    15 September 2020 08:26
    how i use

  14. I love haters
    15 September 2020 03:34
    Watch out this is detected but the person that posted it is deleting comments say it is detected! WATCH OUT YOU WILL BE BANNED IF YOU USE THIS.

    14 September 2020 18:55
    i see that tip toe option ;)

    Also, The generator fix file is missing in this

  16. nute11
    14 September 2020 17:00
    Dude, how to open it?

  17. dzakir
    14 September 2020 10:29
    hey you can find a fall guys free download?

  18. Thornado1290
    13 September 2020 02:52
    i cant get the fix
    so i cant use it can someone tell me how

  19. I love haters
    13 September 2020 01:37
    Dont use I got banned

  20. LukySplat
    12 September 2020 17:16
    If I install it to my second account, my first accoutn will affected ? It will have the dll injected too?
    Can we enable or disable it?

  21. 傻撚咗個鼻
    12 September 2020 15:42

  22. Frader
    12 September 2020 11:28
    Bro why would you cheat in a game for kids

  23. Tokaaa
    12 September 2020 04:06
    how do you fly or even use it please help

  24. yucawakateduro
    10 September 2020 20:17
    marked as malicious in VT


    1. yucawakateduro
      11 September 2020 09:28
      I scanned it in vt and it says its v irus so why is it marked safe anyone care explaining? maybe im wrong

      1. vadász
        Real Cheater
        vadász · atishh
        12 September 2020 23:27
        Its still safe my friend
        This is not dropbase this is

        1. Garrysmile
          14 September 2020 17:55
          Can u tell me how to use the cheat (which key on keyboard) and if u know how can u tell me ho to contact the creator? Thx

  25. CircleAndTriangle
    10 September 2020 18:36
    for generatorfix just search up "FailGuys RonkestDonk" and wescript . app should be a link, press download and ther is generatorfix file in that version

  26. s.a
    10 September 2020 15:16
    where is generatorfix folder pls add how to injecting this cheat

  27. I love haters
    10 September 2020 02:45
    yeah how do you control fly guy cause i just fucking zoom

  28. Supr3m_Sushi
    9 September 2020 22:04
    Hy can someone tell me how to fly please with the keys (shift, control ...) ?

  29. Idonnowk
    9 September 2020 17:41
    Gergeli#4110 i dont fond generatorfix

  30. Phiub
    9 September 2020 17:07
    Albuht can you pleasee help me on discord? phílippos#0742

    i dont understand it!!