Warfork - Aimbot, Wallhack

  • Developer: lolpop4
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.09.19
  • Current version: [03/09/2019]

Hi! Have you already rated the new game on the Steam platform under the name Warfork? Do you want to dominate and occupy only the top lines of game statistics? If so, especially for you, we add this new free and working cheat on Warfork, which is currently not seen anti-cheat, which gives you the opportunity to play with it for a very long time and not be afraid of blocking your account.

The functions here are the most simple and necessary. First, there is an Aimbot with which you can shoot accurately and quickly straight to the target, you can eliminate enemies in a matter of seconds and thus dominate, second, there is a function Wallhack (ESP) with which you will see through the textures on the map, simply put, you will see your enemies through the walls and thus know their location.


Important: It must be x64 and the .exe must be named "warfork_x64.exe"!
To type commands open the console with pressing ^ on your keyboard!

WINRAR PASSWORD: cheater.fun

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Comments: 5 Views: 6 591


  1. ElSalvad0r
    11 April 2022 18:36

    ty bro its working?

  2. kanuck
    4 September 2019 21:19
    how to use this ?

  3. anthony221
    4 September 2019 14:58
    not rlly usefull game is dead and u get vote kicked pretty fast 

  4. bluddron
    4 September 2019 11:47
    wait , how to use cheat , im not understand this ''To type commands open the console with pressing ^ on your keyboard! ''

  5. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    3 September 2019 23:15
    Finally. A cheat that is not csgo or pubgmobile