HVH shonaxhook TAP AW + CFG

  • Developer: Shonax
  • Status:
  • Updated: 06.04.19
  • Current version: [06/04/2019]

Great hack shonaxhook on CS: GO which is really something for HVH arenas and public servers. This cheat was created exclusively for HVH style. If You do not have money for a private hack, we advise you to download shonaxhook with which You can humiliate all free HVH hacks, and with good configuration you can kill guys with AimWare or OneTap, it all depends on your skills.

About the functions will not paint a lot, because everything is available for your own changes through a convenient menu hack, which is called on the Insert key. You will be able to change almost all functions to suit your style of play, even those functions for which there are no settings like other free HVH hacks. In General, download and destroy the game server, the addition we have added for You customized CFG, you can download it below the link from our forum.


Free Download HVH shonaxhook TAP AW + CFG

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Comments: 26 Views: 14 570


  1. plibu
    22 April 2019 12:44
    no good.
    noooooo good

  2. Sonsi
    Real Cheater
    13 April 2019 17:50
    Crash when load config so hell no.

  3. ItzMePandiik
    13 April 2019 01:48
    how can i load the config ???

  4. MANELE123
    10 April 2019 23:02
    muie ca nu ii bun. sugeti pula

  5. oskarszirnis5
    9 April 2019 16:05
    big pictuer

  6. elmatahacks
    9 April 2019 15:51
    shit hack , crash everytime , bad rage, and picture is total shit

  7. mirzonja
    7 April 2019 20:21
    how to remove picture

    1. KATE
      KATE · Brother#4367
      7 April 2019 20:35
      This cannot be done :)

  8. walison73
    7 April 2019 18:00

  9. wdnmd2019
    7 April 2019 17:59
    who try it?it is a good cheat on hvh?

  10. Rohan213
    7 April 2019 16:24
    Where is the cgf  ?  it shows it had been removed

  11. turmux
    Real Cheater
    7 April 2019 16:11
    local disk c /shonax

    local disk c /shonax
    crash when load cfg

  12. opbush
    7 April 2019 11:55
    found crashing problem fix
    disable zeus in visuals

    1. Executioner2352
      7 April 2019 13:26
      i´ll test it later
      Edit: Nope its crashing and crashing

  13. Snaq1
    7 April 2019 11:24
    to avoid crashes inject over am vhd
    Or usb

  14. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    7 April 2019 08:45
    Have a nice day without VACation!

  15. opbush
    7 April 2019 05:30
    any ways to stop it from crashing?

  16. lolgan99
    7 April 2019 04:09
    this cheat from my experience is awsome i tapped 2 aimware dudes with autos with an ak i 100% reccomend it if you can affor 1tap and skeet gamesense or aimware and remmeber if the rage dosent hit the person that the config all cheats are the same its just the features and the configs that place others above their counterparts

  17. LeijjuvaLerssi
    6 April 2019 23:57
    Modifying game files and/or in-game textures may cause this error.
     Please remove any custom textures, skin changers, or software that modifies game files and restart your computer. We also recommend verifying your game files after making these changes.
     why i got this ?!?!?!

    1. oskarszirnis5
      7 April 2019 08:38
      maybe cuz u put on skin changer

  18. Executioner2352
    6 April 2019 23:05
    like this client really
    have 1ask lel where i need too put the cfg
    Edit: i think it was crashing because antikick

    1. comk47
      6 April 2019 23:33
      Same here can't find where to put the config lmao

      1. Executioner2352
        6 April 2019 23:39
        its crashing and crashing.. :c

        1. comk47
          6 April 2019 23:48
          Well it doesn't crash for me

          1. Executioner2352
            6 April 2019 23:50
            my pc isnt bad but idk why but it is not enough for this client... pls update the client cant play with it

  19. Spejbl_
    6 April 2019 21:08
    where is config ?

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work