🔥 Xamp Premium v2.33.3 [ The Best Legit Cheat / Faceit / Competitive / Danger Zone / VAC Bypass ] 🔥

  • Developer: ONERIS
  • Status:
  • Updated: 23.04.23
  • Current version: v2.33.3
> Discord Server <

The public multi-functional cheat Xamp Premium on CSGO is available for download from our website. This is the best hack for a legit game, with this hack you can dominate the public and rating servers of the game Counter-Strike: GO. There are all the necessary settings, you can edit the aimbot function, visual effects and additional tools yourself.

★ How To Use ★
1. Download Xamp
2. Run Xamp as Administrator
3. Wait 10 sec
4. Press F10

★ Supported Anti-Cheats ★
Faceit (Non AC / Server-Side)
PvPRO (Non EAC / Server-Side)

★ Showcase ★

★ Discord Server 

Free Download 🔥 Xamp Premium v2.33.3 [ The Best Legit Cheat / Faceit / Competitive / Danger Zone / VAC Bypass ] 🔥

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  1. _Dilaw__XQ
    _Dilaw__XQ · dilaw_xq
    15 February 2021 04:58
    Ive Used This In the Old days Its Sooo Fucking Amazing 😍
    And yes It works On FaceIT (server-side anti-cheat)
    🛑I don't reccomnd it On FaceIT AC client i didn't try it but there is aBig chance to get Banned🛑

    ON VAC ITS 100% safe and Its soo Good 

    1. alexalin
      14 May 2021 04:02
      cs go its updated cheat no longer fuctions !!! Update please

    2. NoLxve____
      14 May 2021 14:31
      please update

    3. masiha422
      4 September 2021 06:05
      i need bypass faceit Are you a seller?
      Where do I buy?
      What is the price per month?

      1. UnFleXXmE
        28 December 2021 03:49


      2. Nitai1
        7 May 2022 16:07

        are you still searching faceit cheats?

  2. BotMiha
    24 July 2023 10:17

    shit cheat osiris better 

  3. poopfart1
    26 April 2023 17:55

    Cheat is not free. You have to buy it on discord, the free version is not working for some time now.

  4. David2MedaliiUngaria
    23 April 2023 18:46

    How to play with cheat on faceit please respond me!

  5. peroz
    23 April 2023 18:20

    this cheat is bullshit i tried it on my alt account it lag so much and now my whole game lag even without cheat dont use this shit! virus 100%

  6. barisbeyfendi
    16 March 2023 23:38

    cheating bans, fixed, codes deletect

  7. siteya
    16 March 2023 08:56

    nice cheat, working on faceit

  8. muitotfoda
    10 March 2023 20:17

    One of the best legit chairs for CS:GO. I've been using it since 2021 on my main CS:GO Prime account and I've never been (VAC/Overwatch) banned using it.

    For everyone who is complaining about VAC or Overwatch, just learn legit cheating and don't inject any other chairs, since one of them may be detected by VAC/VACnet and get you banned. In other words, just don't inject anything and don't make it obvious that you're cheating and you won't get banned.

    The chair has a built-in VAC/SMAC bypass, so you don't need to use another program to bypass VAC.

    The features are very good and work very well. The chair also has a settings system that can be easily customized. You can also download custom configs from other users on the Discord server, or upload your own config.

    The chair also works with FACEIT, ESEA, Esportal, Gamersclub and others via server-side connection. FACEIT may not work server-side, but there is a Xamp Premium for FACEIT edition.

    Really good cheat. I recommend it to everyone. No regrets.

  9. lindomoreno1
    2 March 2023 03:52

    I do not recommend use this cheat.

  10. TH3 MAST3R
    1 March 2023 10:51

    I am currently using it but it crashes on loading screen so i have to inject it while in game and close it before the map changes, can you fix it plz wanna know if it only happens with me?

  11. FabioLV
    26 February 2023 19:15

    Thanks great work

  12. MarkoVoli123
    17 February 2023 19:39

    not working i got vac banned

  13. beepboopindahouse
    Real Cheater
    12 February 2023 19:34

    💩 what a poop. :D ( so lagged cheat. and nothing works, just glow. ) 💩

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      27 February 2023 01:39

      what a poop brain u have :D cheat was outdated due to new csgo update...

      now xamp is updated and works fine!

  14. Andy.brown9467
    2 February 2023 17:19

    VAC Ban. Don't use if don't want to get banned

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      3 February 2023 16:22

      you got overwatch not vac! stop spreading bullshit you dumbass

  15. kerem ismet
    kerem ismet · pornoizliyorum
    28 January 2023 16:50

    guys this cheat is not safe because vac got updated on 2022 vac wave

    so glow is unsafe and camera move aimbot is unsafe now and more...

    maybe overlay esp is safe.

    now this cheat can get Red Trust Factor right now

    dont mad at me guys this cheat is not safe now because vac is updated on 2022 vac wave :P

    Rolesional#1337 - everyone can add me!

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      29 January 2023 04:00

      stop spreading bullshit if you know shit

  16. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    26 January 2023 07:27

    I've used this cheat, it works and it fully bypasses VAC, however, my computer has been slower since i used this cheat, it takes more time to do stuff and it even lags a lot when trying to watch a video, sometimes i find a second explorer.exe process on the task manager taking all of my memory.

    I would recommend using this cheat, but you should be careful with what you use.

  17. Elpepe7
    24 January 2023 22:23

    News from the 2023 january update. i Cant really recomend this cheat, the VAC bypass works really fine, but i you intend using aimbot you are mostly electable for getting a game ban(Overwatch).. Maybe using only wallhack can avoid this.

    By the rest its a functional cheat and really easy to use, can crash for few seconds the game but nothing to worry about.

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      26 January 2023 06:53

      it depends on your configuration and your play-style

      and about "crashes" disable your anti-vrius

  18. xeno312
    23 January 2023 15:07

    can you add anti-kick

  19. fola1
    22 January 2023 20:18

    You've been permanently banned by Overwatch in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

    So guys I got a VAC-Ban with this one.

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      26 January 2023 06:53

      u got Overwatch ban you dumbfuck you cant read or what ?

      it's because you was raging or not hiding enough

  20. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    19 January 2023 21:26

    great chit

  21. Mohammed Alaa
    19 January 2023 12:02

    its crashing after 5 minutes

    9 January 2023 15:49

    how to Inject???? 😶 

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      16 January 2023 03:16

      just run it

  23. painz27
    7 January 2023 23:53

    Imagine getting vac and the owner ask u what u did and then kick u from the server, low dogs, dont recomand this because u will get easy vac, also tried it not on main but on second just for faceit, i had decent inv and got vac banned, inv about 300$, my main worth much more, im sorry about my second main but when i tried to explain this on discord server i got kicked, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS BS CHEAT!

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      8 January 2023 20:44

      you has been banned my overwatch (because you was raging you didnt even try to hide) not a vac ban please stop spreading false information.

      thank you

  24. cxsmetic
    7 January 2023 07:07

    got banned by overwatch somehow

    1. ONERIS
      Real Cheater
      ONERIS · Monopol#4295
      8 January 2023 20:44

      because you was raging / aiming though walls

  25. Tgo135
    6 January 2023 18:45

    It just got updated which is pretty cool, its like a rage cheat, it has pretty much everything

  26. ElJony
    6 January 2023 02:26

    this trick gives confidence factor in red after 1 day of use I do not recommend it until they fix this problem.

  27. lknumb2333
    19 June 2022 17:00

    the cheat get detected on wave?

  28. trung2773
    21 April 2022 02:35

    update please, love u admin <3

  29. .45j.354jy41y4cjyc 4jye
    17 April 2022 10:21

    cheat its not working 😔 (its says , buy the cheat to work)

  30. Jeremy Zonuna
    29 March 2022 17:39

    no longer works

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work