• Developer: xKuZero
  • Status:
  • Updated: 05.09.18
  • Current version: v3.4 [09/05/18]
We are very careful with our users and thanks to your activity we have identified a couple of categories in which you would like more cheats, one of these categories is cheats for CS:GO. Today we are happy to provide another working and frequently updated hack for CS:GO game from the developer of xkuzero cheats. A hack called xKuCHEAT with two workable features: Wallhack and Bunnyhop. This Arsenal which is necessary for the invisible (legit) game. 

Thanks to the Wallhack function, your allies and opponents will stand out with a special color that you can see behind any obstacle on the map, whether it's the usual boxes, doors and even walls. Function Wallhack invoked on key "F1".

Bunnyhop function is needed to quickly move around the map by the system raspryg. You just have to hold down the "space" and you will automatically jump like an Antelope. Bunnyhop function is called on the "F2" key.

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Comments: 3 Views: 10 209


  1. Mr.
    Real Cheater
    2 May 2021 01:18

    wtf is this cheat

  2. FusiikCZ
    30 March 2019 12:36
    Hej i got this one cheat and i see enemy only when i am dead
    What have i do ?

  3. vita123xxx
    10 September 2018 22:45
    iam can cheat

New Comments
zuhu zuhu

when the game just updated yeah.

Milania Milania

where should I paste the copied link in the blue "download" button?

naams naams

its normal my esp isn't working ?

adrian galvigi adrian galvigi

i've tried opening it a few different ways and still haven't been able to get anything to work </3