- free hvh cheat (Stackhack) + CFG

  • Developer: dreamhack
  • Status:
  • Updated: 15.05.19
  • Current version: [15/05/2019]

Interesting free hack on CSGO which You can download from our website. This hack will soon be sold on the market of hacks, but now the developers have decided to put it for free and provide access to everyone who wants to try out this hack and maybe buy in the future, but the main thing that the hack worked and eliminated all opponents.

The hack has an attractive menu with which You can configure all the working functions and load the ready CFG. According to the author, this hack plays very well in the HVH arena, You can even eliminate players with private hacks like AimWare or OneTap, but it's not accurate smile 


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Comments: 20 Views: 14 369


  1. joacopá
    6 September 2020 17:49

  2. pleasedontcry
    18 August 2020 20:17
    this is in the description hahaha: "You can even eliminate players with private hacks like AimWare or OneTap"

  3. GreekOv3rKiller
    Real Cheater
    13 June 2019 22:12
    Needs fixes and a update

  4. zb2405
    17 May 2019 15:04
    didn't work

    1. eelimake
      Real Cheater
      1 June 2019 16:02
      maybe outdated

  5. matma1234
    15 May 2019 08:30
    do i get vac?

  6. Lmfaor
    12 May 2019 22:23
    i just came to say that this is the best cheat , just tapped 2 aw's and 3 skeets
    pls update it

  7. paraskoslev
    10 May 2019 20:44
    any good free injector that is saife to use and not get detected by antivirus ? ( i know its false but i dont want to deleted himself with antivirus on )

    1. Krystek123
      11 May 2019 08:46

    2. BEASTZ
      19 May 2019 22:45
      there is EZfrags the free one but its easily detected

  8. Kyzen
    9 May 2019 23:19
    Too laggy. Fix the fps please.

    1. anjelin12
      Real Cheater
      12 May 2019 20:32
      its the backtrack thats lagging

  9. acap97
    9 May 2019 19:14
    I download it already, wht should i do next to make the cheat works ?? help new

    1. mygunisbiggerthanurs
      Real Cheater
      10 May 2019 03:36
      ok heres what you need to do find a injector i recommend xenos injector extract the dll to a folder along with the injecter run it as admin click add select the cheat dll select process csgo.exe then once game is fully loaded and your at the main menu press inject boom theres your cheat press insert on keyboar for me its fn+ins

      1. ZXChaos
        15 May 2019 18:39
        ur idiot xenos injector is dedected

  10. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    9 May 2019 17:34
    Shitty cheat, eats too much fps, even on pentium it gives me 3 fps

  11. mymommygay
    9 May 2019 16:52
    good and uh it looks like premium xyo bruh

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      9 May 2019 17:39
      leaked fatality menu

  12. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    9 May 2019 15:57
    ok not bad but add legit bot and model changer keep the hvh just for mm hvh

    1. DERFORM
      9 May 2019 16:53
      como se abre??

New Comments
user991 user991

Got it to work by running with directx11 before launching the game. Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the Xenos Injector. Use manual launch and select the WuWa.dll image and Client.exe. Press inject. It should say awaiting for the Client-Win64-Shipping.exe process.

2. In the game launcher, select launch with DirectX 11 before launching then press Launch.

ScruffleBear41 ScruffleBear41

so did some testing today; this trainer is no longer active after updates. will not work through Epic or Hoyo. =) fun while it lasted for sure. 

Dorin4321 Dorin4321

I don't think so, i want to play it in fullscreen 4:3 stretched and i cant :/