Le Chiffre - ESP, Aimbot, TriggerBot, Radar hack [v1.3.0]

  • Developer: rev_sandman
  • Status:
  • Updated: 19.03.21
  • Current version: v1.3.0

csgo hacks free 2021

Le Chiffre - is a lightweight opensource CS:GO external cheat, which supports lots of features.

Cheat's official website - https://lechiffre.now.sh

It's recommended to use VAC Bypass to bypass anti-cheat scan and drastically reduce the likelihood of a VAC ban.

Cheat functions:

F2 - Bunnyhop
F3 - No flashbang
F6 - Activate trigger bot
LAlt - Use trigger bot
F7 - Teammate glow ESP
F8 - Enemy glow ESP
F9 - Radar hack
END - Panic mode (exits cheat immediately) 

Free Download Le Chiffre - ESP, Aimbot, TriggerBot, Radar hack [v1.3.0]

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Comments: 82 Views: 30 049


  1. Sfetcu mihai andrei stefan
    11 August 2021 14:08

    please update


    please update this cheat


  2. userhack128312
    1 April 2021 04:45
    It's already not working now >_<

  3. joolz00
    30 March 2021 17:49
    It's already not working now >_<

  4. userhack128312
    30 March 2021 15:54
    • Please update it, it's a good hack :,

  5. userhack128312
    25 March 2021 03:00
    Please update it, it's a good hack

  6. ofutpemamaie9
    22 March 2021 00:29
    its ok the aim pls add the spin

  7. Pinkked
    Real Cheater
    Pinkked · roby#4580
    20 March 2021 17:34
    can i use it in pvpro???
    like they use easy anti cheat so 

  8. qwertycheater01
    20 March 2021 12:02
    Aimbot is fucking trash bro, fix it.

      21 March 2021 05:38
      There isn't an aimbot fuck head, its a lightweight cheat to keep you looking legit. meaning its up to your aim to get you the win

      1. qwertycheater01
        23 March 2021 18:21
        Oh really? whats F4 do? Can you not see the word beside it? Dumb ass

  9. Healtic
    18 March 2021 16:52
    Nice cheat             

  10. sylenthill
    18 March 2021 10:39
    noice cheat

  11. sakSez
    18 March 2021 01:13
    hilenin yapımcısı saso çıktı qwqeweqr

  12. rev_sandman
    12 March 2021 01:58
    https://discord.gg/DfGC3YxffW is the official Le Chiffre's server

  13. agalx134
    4 March 2021 00:27
    update man, nice aim xD

  14. medin551
    3 March 2021 15:07
    update pls was a good hack

    update pls man pls

  15. medin551
    2 March 2021 15:04
    pls update very good cheat but crash

  16. Piotr534
    28 February 2021 22:15
    Can you add chams?

    1. oznni234
      Real Cheater
      1 March 2021 22:05
      if you want chams just inject this cheat and inject the simplecsgohack to inject simplecsgohack just press on discord.exe

  17. Piotr534
    27 February 2021 18:53
    we need update asap

  18. Gheagak
    27 February 2021 16:13
    update this cheat pls because if u use it i got crash

  19. vereb
    26 February 2021 15:16
    mega link pls

  20. cerdamuyputa
    Real Cheater
    22 February 2021 18:00
    yes is undetected , 100% no vac can you do a botton trigerbot toggle please?

  21. unillopta
    21 February 2021 22:16
    nice virus 1234rgrfd

  22. mixep22
    21 February 2021 22:14
    yoo, just say why i detect trojan? why this cheat have a w
    rong virus ?


    on xnoobx i don't detect nothing...

    1. Aeter
      Real Cheater
      25 February 2021 16:05
      As a cheat modifies a program, it's detected as a Trojan ; kinda logic tho.
      Anyway i never got any virus on Cheater.run so i think it's safe. (thanks to moderators i guess)

  23. Piotr534
    21 February 2021 22:04
    why are there other options on github than here? (there is no "teammate glow" on github)

    1. rev_sandman
      22 February 2021 00:48
      teammate glow esp has been removed in the latest releases because of it's uselessness.

  24. ori123
    Real Cheater
    ori123 · Ori#5840
    21 February 2021 17:43
    can you make it .dll?

    1. жnoobж
      Real Cheater
      жnoobж · жnoobж#6228
      21 February 2021 18:04
      been the cheat external is undetectable by vac and is easyer to everyone

  25. mixep22
    21 February 2021 15:06

    1. Aeter
      Real Cheater
      25 February 2021 16:06
      A cheat modifies a program (csgo here) as a Trojan would do. Many anti-virus detects it as a Trojan because of this.

  26. mixep22
    21 February 2021 14:24
    xnoobx copy yes?

    1. rev_sandman
      21 February 2021 14:45
      xnoobx was a copy of this cheat

      1. жnoobж
        Real Cheater
        жnoobж · жnoobж#6228
        21 February 2021 16:45
        yes guys it's true and I feel bad for how I react to rev_sandman but thanks to your work I have learned a lot and now I am making one from the beginning. A pleasure and have a good day

  27. jhanzvanz
    21 February 2021 07:06
    not working

  28. Spelkast
    20 February 2021 21:14

    1. Piotr534
      21 February 2021 22:06
      are you sure? I used it without any problems. You can look up source code on github.

  29. fika293
    20 February 2021 17:35
    może mi ktoś pomóc?
     bo nie widzę kontaktu do dewelopera mam taki problem, że jak zainstaluje te haxy i próbuję odtworzyć do wyskakowania mi Le_Chiffre_v113.exe - Błąd aplikacji nie była uruchomiona (0xc000007b). Kliknij przycisk OK aby pobrać aplikację a jak biorę opcje podejrzyj to tam piszę LÍ Tego programu nie można uruchomić w trybie DOS

    1. rev_sandman
      20 February 2021 22:11
      does the problem appear when you open the cheat or the game?

    2. fika293
      24 February 2021 10:12
      po otwarciu chita

  30. noyangg
    20 February 2021 11:25
    Nice cheat simple undetected nice work dev.

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work