moonlight - legit cheat (crack)

  • Developer: crack by xey#3247
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.10.21
  • Current version: 16.10.2021
Another crack of the new hack on CS GO moonlight, which you can download from our website. Good functionality, easy to use menus. The cheat is based on the popular OSIRIS hack on CSGO, so some users will be comfortable using this hack.

From the quality, you can note beautiful visual features, silent, aim at backtrack, hitboxes, fov, additional tools, clear aimbot and much more. RageBot is only for show, because it is not.

You can run the hack with any working injector CSGO.

Free Download moonlight - legit cheat (crack)

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Comments: 50 Views: 32 876


  1. Haxerman1234
    18 December 2021 03:31 is free why is it posted as "crack"?

    1. FriX
      19 December 2021 14:08
      is not free dude

  2. koartza
    27 October 2021 17:02

    Are you still safe now?

  3. SrDarkness07
    25 October 2021 17:10

    o cheat está bugado. O triggerbot ta com problema e o personagem fica se movendo de forma estranha e mirando pra lados aleatórios.

  4. yigitcan312
    19 October 2021 03:06

    This is Osiris dude

    Try to inject it to pirated csgo.

    It will pop up Osiris window

  5. yashkijai1234
    17 October 2021 20:04

    Its NOT

    but its ok

  6. reddude256
    22 September 2021 08:32
    Quote: luccapavoski2
    thats not

    It is alos known as osirus it was the older menu before they changed it

  7. Ravinn
    Ravinn · Rαʋiɳ#3104
    16 June 2021 10:04

    please fixed cheat 

    moonlight is best cheat 

    please fixed

    please fixed

  8. luccapavoski2
    26 March 2021 19:36
    thats not

    1. fab554
      fab554 · HobbyCheating#7690
      18 May 2021 09:34
      Nobody said that is was so.....

  9. ionutcaca1111
    3 February 2021 15:35
    im not haave a vac ban on csgo in my main account 10/10 for cheat its legit full and ragebot is bad 10/10 for cheat

    its crack and original cheat is 5$

  10. dexicek
    19 January 2021 21:38
    nice osiris imgui shitpaste

  11. NEVERdie_1SST
    12 January 2021 20:15
    good but detected after 1 game

    1. noelle
      7 June 2021 07:34
      use vac bypass

  12. czSmoG_
    Real Cheater
    czSmoG_ · czSmoG_#7180
    8 January 2021 13:35
    Osiris 1:1 paste (jesus christ....)

    1. abir14xx
      17 October 2021 08:04
      its very different from osiris with more features

  13. irixzary
    29 December 2020 22:15
    didin't get vac neither overwatch with this +1

    1. putacerda
      Real Cheater
      2 January 2021 23:37
      yes but the big fail is that when you fight with other cheater that have otc, you can't win ; the Rage mode is not soo good than otc

      1. irixzary
        26 January 2021 19:48
        mainly use it for legit

  14. Hanzo_Ritsu
    Real Cheater
    25 December 2020 02:10
    Osiris paste with different UI design 

  15. abodozpasha
    Real Cheater
    abodozpasha · Cheetos#7889
    23 December 2020 02:58
    Nice, Osiris paste with different UI,menu,design

    1. L3xyZ1
      23 December 2020 18:14
      But with working AA

  16. Cyberghxste
    22 December 2020 13:13
    what is the button to open it?

    1. reflexzy
      25 December 2020 23:46
      usually insert

  17. du-te-n plm.exe
    Real Cheater
    21 December 2020 09:48
    osiriswithstuff paste with changed stuff lmao

  18. Zuhn1624
    20 December 2020 16:04
    its a hydraware past imo 

    1. lambda
      Real Cheater
      lambda · soda#0495
      22 December 2020 01:32
      nah its osiris with different UI

  19. Cheaterf00n
    19 December 2020 15:32
    is good? Can i get vac with him if i play legit? 

    1. aprilowo
      20 December 2020 09:46
      you can get vac banned with every cheat on this site

    2. Kabiggles
      Real Cheater
      20 December 2020 11:27
      no cheat is completely undetected. i wouldn't use it on your main especially because this is a crack

    3. TudorAnhium
      21 December 2020 13:37
      i dont think so

  20. franiodat
    19 December 2020 01:33
    Osiris public paste

    1. putacerda
      Real Cheater
      19 December 2020 14:29
      is a bit diferent trigerbot , but the  misc visuals ESP charms yes the same.

  21. Cagriselki
    Real Cheater
    18 December 2020 23:56
    osiris pastes

  22. tmkdk
    18 December 2020 19:51
    Hey guys!
    Can you tell me why is my disk usage on 100% always after using every cheat?

    1. Killua88
      18 December 2020 20:20
      prob mining on your computer unless you got trash pc

      1. tmkdk
        18 December 2020 21:30
        mh,so osiris is mining

        but i dont know my pc has:
        ryzen 5 1600
        gtx 750 ti
        8gb ram

        1. asdandre
          Real Cheater
          22 December 2020 23:54
          those are pretty good specs, 100% better specs than me

  23. ognjenmitrovic2005
    18 December 2020 16:42
    Is the button to activate "Insert" ?? Its not working to me, i am using BetaLoader

    1. Stefyyyy_13
      19 December 2020 13:45
      press fn+insert

  24. musicwtfpatrik
    18 December 2020 16:41
    Good Cheats 
    pls add rank profil plss

  25. Avalanche
    18 December 2020 15:14
    It's one cheat from BetaLoader in my opinion, but MoonLight have other colours lmao

  26. wamibalu
    18 December 2020 14:49
    is the cheat working?

  27. jotakokot8
    18 December 2020 14:12
    oh shit, my brain singing xxxtentacion-moonlight

    1. tom24sk
      18 December 2020 14:16
      bro i remember moonlight soooo good listened to him in 2016 and still he is on my playlist damn he died very sadly :(

    2. asdandre
      Real Cheater
      18 December 2020 14:26
      damn bro...

    3. AdrianoHekar
      18 December 2020 14:59
      mine too xDDDDD

  28. Thepoe65
    18 December 2020 14:10
    That looks like a paste but I just cant remember the name. I might be mistaken

    1. IGORBLYAT_xD2
      18 December 2020 15:28
      its looks really like osiris

  29. Pikachu12
    Pikachu12 · Pika Pika?#7778
    18 December 2020 14:08
    moonlight cheat it doesnt exist