Scret UltraLegit - Aimbot, TriggerBot, Changers, Configs

  • Developer: Scret Area
  • Status:
  • Updated: 19.12.20
  • Current version: v1.0

A good Turkish cheat for CS GO Scret Ultralegit - Aimbot, triggerbot, Changers, Configs in English which you can download for free from our website. the hack is mainly for an inconspicuous game and its functionality includes only functions for raising the game rank. use this hack yourself and you will be able to: shoot well, see enemies through walls, throw grenades correctly, change the external skin of your weapons, gloves, stickers and much more.

how to run this cheat:
1. Download hack from our website
2. Move all downloaded files to any folder on your desktop
3. Start the game
4. Run loader.exe
5. Open the menu using the INSERT key during the game
6. Play :)

Free Download Scret UltraLegit - Aimbot, TriggerBot, Changers, Configs

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Comments: 55 Views: 17 304


  1. cyprianos
    20 March 2021 23:02
    Broken link mega

    1. eintoaster
      8 April 2021 04:54
      here fixed link:

  2. nachohg
    12 February 2021 00:31
    update plssssss

  3. VevEs0
    14 January 2021 21:20
    Waiting for update <3
    best legit cheat

  4. nagydavid82
    13 January 2021 22:54
    frissítés pls

  5. Dragos Verisor
    2 January 2021 19:04
    detected allready

  6. CyberSec
    1 January 2021 21:51
    I just got banned dont use them

  7. PascuRaul
    1 January 2021 00:28
    Does anyone have any idea if it's detectable or not? I just openned it on my main account and accidentaly played with only wall in mm, please tell me i think my account is dead

    1. Dunkyhax64
      Real Cheater
      2 January 2021 01:09
      bye bye account

    2. h6xa
      Real Cheater
      h6xa · h6xa#6666
      3 January 2021 18:37
      Account is dead and you are so stupid how can you play "accidentaly" with wallhack

  8. thelonelydog11
    31 December 2020 12:07
    i cant open it,when i open it it closes instantly

  9. xxnetro
    27 December 2020 15:53
    this cheat is so cool i just love it

  10. BruvWhat78
    27 December 2020 07:31
    yoo how does the aimbot work?

  11. oaoaoa mmmmmmmmm
    26 December 2020 23:01
    3%-legit /-\ It's so good! thanks dude!
    3%-visuals /-\ Better than cheats i use after this.
    1%misc /-\ Good but not great.
    0%-skinchanger /-\ Yea it's work but you will choose 1 skin 30 minutes pls fix or add search.
    2% THE CAT GIRL! /-\ Thanks when I open menu I see that cute face and I have fun.

  12. sunny2020
    25 December 2020 22:50
    When I open it, the game is silent, fix it
    There is also a lag
    I need config :)

  13. citerbodkafan
    25 December 2020 01:40
    pls fps drops fix pls help

    1. Nigga69420
      30 December 2020 17:56
      get a better pc xd

  14. RDP cheat bro
    23 December 2020 12:45
    fcking turkey

    1. TurkishTiger
      25 December 2020 13:39
      Collect your mouth, watch out, don't be pregnant in Turkish

      1. externals61
        29 December 2020 03:48
        those righteous Turks are all bad

        I came to I was harassed turkey day 2

    2. kutay150
      30 December 2020 09:33
      I fuck your mom shut up

  15. abodozpasha
    Real Cheater
    abodozpasha · Cheetos#7889
    23 December 2020 02:58
    Sensum paste...., every time, no body can self code a legit cheat ...

  16. mariuscsgo122
    22 December 2020 23:29
    thanck you for this hack , its insane 

  17. Triq
    Real Cheater
    22 December 2020 15:24
    I think is paste but Im not sure... :/

  18. mrboy
    21 December 2020 16:38
    Nice TURK hack

  19. accuracy100
    21 December 2020 12:29
    what is this a dumb hack hahahhaha

  20. Razpunkas
    21 December 2020 02:09
    Hello everyone, I apologize to you guys  I did not care much for this software, paste it, wait for me to give you more.

  21. danyel1223
    20 December 2020 23:16
    bad trigger

  22. ririi
    20 December 2020 18:36
    so fast vac ,no use

  23. wery
    20 December 2020 16:03
    fix crashing please

  24. ecstasy1337
    20 December 2020 13:16
    Nice pasterino))

  25. Keksio1095
    20 December 2020 12:59
    Paste of Sensum , sensum = ez vac

    1. MrUnknown
      Real Cheater
      20 December 2020 15:02
      i totaly agree

  26. BuiTuanHaiHa
    20 December 2020 10:09
    no usp skinchanger ??

  27. timelord4202
    20 December 2020 08:01
    yo it just crashes after i load it any ideas?

    1. adham2004
      20 December 2020 09:00
      same here it crashes once injected

  28. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    20 December 2020 03:28
    what is the name of that catgirl in the bottom right

    1. Proklo
      20 December 2020 04:06
      Fucking horny furry l0l

    2. irving4n6314
      20 December 2020 04:29
      calla otaku mugroso mal oliente virgen chamaco pendejo niño rata anti social sin amigos retrasado y prieto

    3. MonMonYT
      20 December 2020 12:56
      Eww Horny hhh

  29. Tydylan
    Tydylan · AsThinks#1852
    20 December 2020 01:10
    yeeah yeahh its a bad past with some shitty code, don't wast ur time with it

    1. Rikki
      20 December 2020 01:19
      u damm right

  30. Mihaitza_slash
    19 December 2020 20:31
    how to use the aimbot ?

    cum folosesc aimbot ?