NEPS - CSGO Rage Cheat (legit aa; rage, semi-rage and many others)

  • Developer: degeneratehyperbola
  • Status:
  • Updated: 23.11.22
  • Current version: November 23, 2022

An improved version of the popular CSGO hack Osiris. This is a great update for all fans of this hack, here were collected and optimized all the current features that many players asked for. For example, the cheat has introduced such functions as: legit aa; rage, semi-rage and many other functions.

The developer of this update tried and made it more universal. Now the cheat is suitable for many players who wanted to see aggressive features in the cheat, such as rage or semi-rage.

Additionally, the developer shared the open source code, you can change the cheat yourself, remove or add the functions you need. Here is the link to the source: GitHub


  1. Download the cheat and unpack the archive
  2. Download CSGO Injector
  3. Run CSGO
  4. Inject NEPS.dll
  5. Use the INSERT key to start the Menu

Free Download NEPS - CSGO Rage Cheat (legit aa; rage, semi-rage and many others)

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Comments: 33 Views: 34 400


  1. cartof123456789
    23 July 2022 18:09

    Nu recomand

  2. Sobolan Modpack
    31 March 2022 17:22


  3. boldincsgo
    20 December 2021 10:04

    nice divertiment 

  4. GameMontage
    6 November 2021 12:16

    My Accunt Banned NOT Undeteced!

    1. Lowhitx
      8 December 2021 03:17
      AHAHhahajajajaja LOOSSSEEERR

      AHAHhahajajajaja LOOSSSEEERR

      AHAHhahajajajaja LOOSSSEEERR

    2. Crentzu
      Real Cheater
      10 December 2021 00:01
      "let me rage hack and then say its not undetected in the forum"

      1. MihaiBOM31
        19 December 2021 09:53
        Yeah but here is saying 'USE AT OWN RISK' anyway he is a retard use the normal Osiris I never got banned with it !

        1. Crentzu
          Real Cheater
          19 December 2021 20:21
          Just use vac bypass idiot, it's just obvious, never got vac banned neither overwatch banned with this cheat, more functions than just Osiris paste and better.

    OWERYG · Owertyg#9684
    14 October 2021 22:39

    cfg? nicee cheat

  6. lakedakefakedoke
    14 October 2021 12:50

    can i play legit in mm?


  7. IceyP
    4 July 2021 12:16

    how do i enable rage?

    1. yashkijai1234
      17 October 2021 20:06
      Configure the aimbot

      Configure the aimbot

  8. Vanir01
    13 June 2021 09:31

    cant turn on aim or trigger


    1. nonamer123
      13 June 2021 12:15
      Right click and select preferred key

      1. Vanir01
        14 June 2021 17:29
        it says off an i cant turn it on

  9. H4yyroll
    12 June 2021 11:04

    bruh lagging in 5ms cant use weapons properly

    1. nonamer123
      13 June 2021 12:14
      Update cheat

  10. simsala26
    8 June 2021 22:01


    Please update it

  11. kcasredTWO
    8 June 2021 01:49

    fix the crashes...

  12. i_mahan_mdr
    Real Cheater
    7 June 2021 12:57

    CRASH !



  13. bynick
    7 June 2021 00:56

    crash dont work, im use win10 last version and dont work

  14. alohaYT
    Real Cheater
    alohaYT · ᴀʟᴏʜᴀ#8421
    6 June 2021 19:15
    Quote: Anasilen.dll

    It doesn't work for me, maybe it's because I'm using windows 7. So does it work on windows 10?


    prob only windows 10 like most cheats

  15. LIQUID212213123
    6 June 2021 13:32
    Quote: Fritz35dz
    Quote: LIQUID212213123

    Hello everyone, guys, the cheat does not work, checked with several injectors, what should I do?

    Quote: LIQUID212213123

    Hello everyone, guys, the cheat does not work, checked with several injectors, what should I do?

    It actually does work, Are you sure about that? MAYBE check your anti-virus, administrator, etc...

    What injector do you use?

  16. Anasilen.dll
    Real Cheater
    6 June 2021 12:04

    It doesn't work for me, maybe it's because I'm using windows 7. So does it work on windows 10?


  17. Fritz35dz
    Fritz35dz · Fritz#0781
    6 June 2021 11:50
    Quote: LIQUID212213123

    Hello everyone, guys, the cheat does not work, checked with several injectors, what should I do?

    It actually does work, Are you sure about that? MAYBE check your anti-virus, administrator, etc...

  18. LIQUID212213123
    6 June 2021 11:30

    Hello everyone, guys, the cheat does not work, checked with several injectors, what should I do?

  19. xxhackerboixx
    Real Cheater
    6 June 2021 10:47

  20. simsala26
    6 June 2021 00:40

    Best legit and semi-rage hack

  21. xxhackerboixx
    Real Cheater
    5 June 2021 22:54

    link the github

  22. Miau1229
    Real Cheater
    Miau1229 · ianveig29#8181
    5 June 2021 22:43

    Not working. tested with Saz injector,, CSGhost v4,1. game crash

    1. mohammadrezahamidi1139
      20 February 2022 12:39
      no need to injector its have a .exe loader open the game with vac bypass and than load the cheat using nloader its work for me

      no need to injector its have a .exe loader open the game with vac bypass and than load the cheat using nloader its work for me

  23. CapdeCap
    5 June 2021 22:11

    can't inject lmao

  24. mariodacuhac
    5 June 2021 20:18

    if this was undetected...

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work