KOVIS.CLUB - Free CSGO HvH cheat + Configs

  • Developer: RadeoneЯ
  • Status:
  • Updated: 23.12.21
  • Current version: 1.15

Free CSGO HvH cheat

New free and working HVH cheat KOVIS.CLUB for CSGO game with configs. This is a great hack for playing against other cheaters on hvh servers, such as arena or any other public servers. If you like to play against other cheaters using cheats, then we advise you to use this new free HVH cheat in the CS:GO game. 

Free CSGO HvH cheat

The developer constantly updates this cheat and monitors all wishes and errors. It has all the aggressive features that are constantly being improved. Additionally, the developer shares his ready-made configs, you just have to run the cheat, download the config and log in to any hvh server.

How to use hvh cheat KOVIS.CLUB

  1. Download the cheat from our website
  2. Download any working injector csgo
  3. Launch the CSGO game
  4. Embed a file KOVIS.dll using an injector
  5. Open the CSGO game and press the INS (INSERT) key to open the menu
  6. Download the ready-made version of the config and enjoy the game :)

Location of the cfg/scripts: %appdata%\KOVIS.CLUB

Free Download KOVIS.CLUB - Free CSGO HvH cheat + Configs

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Comments: 20 Views: 11 959


  1. Clanul Assasin
    23 January 2022 21:21

    this fucking shit is crashing like every other thing ive been serching all day for a hack and evey single on of them crash on me

    1. robert221
      31 March 2022 14:49
      try Lucky Chams Or Bot Lucky

  2. Nurofen435
    23 January 2022 15:29

    crashing need fix

  3. Stalin22
    21 January 2022 20:35

    where is cfg location ?

  4. bundeptrai123
    12 January 2022 06:15

    good cheat

  5. bakeiii
    8 January 2022 10:44

    这东西有什么用呢?what ????????????????????????????????

    1. lou4lou
      6 February 2022 09:22

  6. blitz__
    6 January 2022 16:45

    bro really just screenshotted lucky's video of skeet when fake angles were a thing and put his lw paste on it and thought nobody would notice  💀💀💀💀

  7. crystallengends
    4 January 2022 13:28

    the cheat isnt virus you can use it with no risk and rn it is probably the best free hvh cheat with otc3

    1. beqt
      5 January 2022 19:53
      otc is crashing whole the time so now it's not the best

      otc is crashing whole the time so now it's not the best

  8. lou4lou
    26 December 2021 08:43


    it like skeet  :D

    i cant use DT

  9. HackTaiKhoan002
    26 December 2021 05:42

    Damn This Looks interesting, im gonna try this totally not skeet and legendware lovechild at all rage cheat

  10. amirjjxd567993993
    25 December 2021 17:28

    very very good cheat\

  11. Fr0sTEU
    Fr0sTEU · werry#4800
    24 December 2021 18:48

    not lw at all :DDDDDD

  12. mqrio432
    24 December 2021 10:17

    what button to set thirdperson?

  13. jjsploit fghjojmbjg
    24 December 2021 10:06

    its like skeet.cc

  14. blitz__
    23 December 2021 19:35

    totally not lw

  15. anterna10.
    Real Cheater
    23 December 2021 19:01

    best  free  hvh cheat  

  16. hMarian2021
    23 December 2021 18:58

    UwU <3

  17. loolo
    23 December 2021 11:27


New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.