• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


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19 335 comments

  1. bybys
    2 October 2019 18:14
    gay affffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

  2. Wooby1027woody
    2 October 2019 17:19
    try renaming the .dll file to osiris.dll instead of osiris.vmp.dll

  3. oldman
    2 October 2019 17:07
    guys please dont use this i got 3 account vac banned right now... 1 non prime 2 prime vac

    1. eelimake
      Real Cheater
      3 October 2019 07:42
      and why did you use this on prime account?

      1. KinderGeld5
        3 October 2019 12:18
        Haha lol he use a Prime Acc? @oldman create a new Acc and try level 21 for Freeprime

      2. Niffers
        3 October 2019 18:45
        bcause he retarded

  4. bysben
    2 October 2019 16:57
    i do not get a injector with it

    i do not get a injector with it
     fast answer pls

    1. MaxX420
      2 October 2019 18:20
      you need to download an injector from somewhere else its not with the osiris cheat

    2. eelimake
      Real Cheater
      3 October 2019 07:42
      go to injectors section and dowload one

    3. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      4 October 2019 10:02

  5. BradleYY
    2 October 2019 14:56
    Very nice cheat 

  6. YoradeFaze
    2 October 2019 14:42
    I think VAC works by "ban waves " which basicaly is a systeme than provents the crators of cheats to see what's detected in their cheats.

    All thought i think osiris may be one of the best free legit cheats that i would use on prime ;D

    1. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      4 October 2019 10:10
      vac doesn't work, boy ....... the only thing vac does is make vac errors .. if you got banned, youre using an outdated cheat ... and maybe sometimes the injector doesn't have great protection for de-compilation. .... the only 2 ways to get banned

      but if you use a good injector (sazz injector https://cheater.fun/injectors/640-download-injector-for-games-sazinjector-working-for-all-games-free.html)
      and an undetected cheat (sometimes you can give more protection using vmprotect)

      tadaaaaaaaaaa just overwatch can ban you

  7. drakomon
    2 October 2019 11:10
    if you wanna guys use this cheat you must have Hex-En injector if you use this injector on cs go this WORK!
    good luck !

  8. Lizziezz11a
    2 October 2019 08:49
    Can I use the aimbot ? 
    Will I get VAC ? ?
    And what should I use to avoid the VAC ?
    I'm vietnamese so my english is bad sorry :(

    1. AlexDonwick
      2 October 2019 14:50
      Man i using this hack 2months and i dont have vac or overwatch.look https://steamcommunity.com/id/Alexxa0303/

    2. sintex
      2 October 2019 16:44
      dont go obvious , dont use wh or esp just go with triggerbot , chams and backtrack

    3. masinooo
      2 October 2019 16:50
      Yes you can use the aimbot
      If you play obvious, yes.
      Just have legit settings on


    4. PrabhdeepS
      2 October 2019 18:54
      no u dont get banned if you use a legit aim config if you try to rage (blatantly).....with high fov aim youll probly get vac banned ....as ow not fro anti cheat until this version gets detected .using free cheat is on ur own risk.......

    5. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      4 October 2019 10:13
      Can I use the aimbot ? : hey little boy...... yep if u use a good legit cfg (u can make ur own or can download in the Forum " https://corsair.wtf/forum/18-configs/ " )

      Will I get VAC ? : if u use a undected injected u never will be banned

      And what should I use to avoid the VAC ? a legit config, and dont be obvious...

  9. wfoxingay123
    2 October 2019 05:56
    Quote: CHEATZandMORE
    It worked for me once I validated my game files then injected.
    SazZ injector?

  10. wfoxingay123
    2 October 2019 02:00
    dont work </3

    1. CHEATZandMORE
      2 October 2019 03:59
      It worked for me once I validated my game files then injected.

  11. hgm
    2 October 2019 01:53

    after injecting it nothing happens, and I have the gerasss injector and tried to do it with other good injectors and nothing

  12. manbanira
    2 October 2019 01:17
    the dll is not injected, does not work.

  13. notbreathless
    Real Cheater
    notbreathless · DepressedManBun#1535
    2 October 2019 00:33
    @YoradeFaze should still work

    Quote: redox75
    01/10/2019 vac ban in hvh 

    Shouldn't happen, Maybe because of your injector

    Quote: mf1016
    my injector worked and injected the DLL and injecter menu (insert) worked but cheat not working / what should i do ?

    Quote: emilozor1337
    CHeat doesnt work, i press insert after inject, nothing happens

    Quote: slangzeultau

    Use an alt account, then try using extreme injector, but for sure USE AN ALT CAUSE YOU WILL GET AN UNTRUSTED BAN, then you any injector either sazz or lit on your main account

  14. redox75
    1 October 2019 21:53
    01/10/2019 vac ban in hvh 

    1. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      2 October 2019 01:19
      hvh using Osiris ?

      and why u dont enable the insecure mode ???

  15. YoradeFaze
    1 October 2019 19:47
    should i Trust this cheat ( prime using ) if i VMProtected it ! ?

    1. ESL_Meme
      1 October 2019 21:06
      no recomendate

      no recomendate

    2. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      2 October 2019 01:21
      use at ur own risk but if u will use try to be the most legit that u can.. or OW ban will come (vac ban is impossible if u inject with a good injector like Saz injector)

  16. mf1016
    1 October 2019 18:58
    my injector worked and injected the DLL and injecter menu (insert) worked but cheat not working / what should i do ?

    1. gaudner
      1 October 2019 19:31
      i can give some working injector to you

    2. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      4 October 2019 10:15
      maybe u dont enable the aimbot

  17. omar0101565
    1 October 2019 18:09
    can anyone give me any info how this hack work ? i'm kinda new so i need help 

    also what's CFG ?

    1. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      2 October 2019 01:23
      https://corsair.wtf/topic/2218-osiris-legit-and-dangerzone-cfg/ here u can download some cfg, and the cheat is a legit cheat, is a support to your aim ...

  18. emilozor1337
    1 October 2019 17:42
    CHeat doesnt work, i press insert after inject, nothing happens

    1. lil_rum
      1 October 2019 18:05
      Make sure you don't have num lock enabled . Or you have good injector.

  19. renanruziska
    1 October 2019 17:23
    how do i install cfg ?

    1. Exodium
      Real Cheater
      Exodium · Exodium#7667
      1 October 2019 17:33
      You can place configs in C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Osiris

  20. Niffers
    1 October 2019 16:35
    u need to tell whats the update//news bcause this cheat is good for me 

  21. crackboy02
    1 October 2019 14:07
    how to start it?

    1. MemexDrofl
      1 October 2019 16:50
      You simply inject the *.dll file with an injector of your choice.

      You simply inject the *.dll file with an injector of your choice.

  22. bensalh20
    1 October 2019 12:40
    Best Cheats for me

  23. slangzeultau
    1 October 2019 10:42

    1. Exodium
      Real Cheater
      Exodium · Exodium#7667
      1 October 2019 17:09
      To fix this try to enable:

      -----Multi-core processing/Multicore rendering

      And change the startup to the game using the advanced launch options:

      ------To specify the startup parameters " -disable_d3d9ex" (Without the quotes)

      If this doesn't work, then recompile everything from source here: https://github.com/danielkrupinski/Osiris and turn on AVX/2 Compilation to optimize the cheat well and uniquely to your device.

  24. Exodium
    Real Cheater
    Exodium · Exodium#7667
    1 October 2019 07:40
    URGENT: Cheat Update-- Below is the updated version of the cheat. Even though CS:GO did update, it didn't have new offsets and therefore there were none to be changed. As a bonus, I VM Protected it for you all to reduce the risk of getting Banned by VAC and not OW. Please Bump this as it goes from person to person. People were mindless last time I provided a fix and just flooded over it. Therefore people who were here just to find a fix couldn't see it. Thank you.

    Updated Cheat DLL: Osiris Multihack Updated And Protected

    HUGE DISCLAIMER ABOUT THE DOWNLOAD: AnonFile Hosting might say that the DLL might contain a Virus. IGNORE it. When you VMProtect DLLs and EXEs the Anti-Virus checkers can't de-compile it to check for malicious code. Again same with the game, VAC cannot de-compile the DLL because it's protected which is a good thing because then VAC can't just ban you for having a process that it can't de-compile and make sure it's not some type of cheat. That's the beauty of VMProtect. 

  25. itchy2019
    1 October 2019 03:37

    1. Exodium
      Real Cheater
      Exodium · Exodium#7667
      1 October 2019 07:43
      Even though the game had updated, the old offsets worked fine. Therefore we can conclude that official offsets weren't changed. Plus see my post for an updated version of the cheat + it's been personally VM Protected to help reduce the instance of a VAC Ban.

  26. GamingSwagger
    1 October 2019 03:14
    This is probably the best legit cheat.

  27. mosa
    1 October 2019 01:35
    still crashing update

  28. zachciu1
    1 October 2019 00:32
    why dont work in custom servers?

  29. alex alexx28
    1 October 2019 00:23
    cod de instalare?????

    1. iarba
      1 October 2019 18:03

  30. Dajson99
    30 September 2019 20:57
    Update need

New Comments
zuhu zuhu

you know its outdated right for like 2 years.

raka916 raka916

been using this for 4 months. and no ban. but one time i used the auto skip dialogue, i got banned 3 days after.
just dont use anything involed with autoclicker. anything else is safe i guess.

Zikosexa Zikosexa