• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


Only authorized users can download files. Please Log in or Register on the website.
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19 335 comments

  1. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    27 October 2024 21:10

    After a month of using this your trust factor will become red and then after a week u will get vac ban but given that its free so ya its expected so dont ues it on ur main account use it on a smurf.

  2. Haxerman1234
    9 June 2024 03:25

    this version of osiris doesn't work with the latest steam client on csgo. only works with the older steam client that uses vgui

  3. kelvinr093
    4 May 2024 03:39

    Where injector??

  4. MatyLego77
    21 April 2024 05:33

    its still working?

    1. starboy2333
      21 April 2024 12:09

      it was made for csgo so no..

    2. dicho
      Real Cheater
      21 April 2024 18:14

      No it will not work

  5. Petii123
    14 April 2024 15:47


    1. dicho
      Real Cheater
      15 April 2024 01:11

      You must be imagining things

      What good is it in a finished game

  6. MAtei4325
    1 April 2024 15:14

    When will it  be compiled for cs2

  7. teebeeale
    10 November 2023 19:12

    WHy do i need to enter a password to extract? what is the password?

    1. Mumundjan
      14 November 2023 21:07

      Password is 123. It says it on the download button. Stop asking stupid questions

      1. alya2003
        19 December 2023 00:41

        stfu simon ass

        he asked a simple question be polite

        1. rizzmaster2000
          30 December 2023 17:05

          shfu youself, that was no simple question. It's obvious. Gotta be a dumbass to not know

    2. Alishmn
      20 December 2023 17:59

      pass : 123 or 1234

    3. Domme321238
      31 January 2024 22:40

      123 is the password i think

  8. Zmrdecek
    29 October 2023 01:39

    I hope osiris will be for cs2 😅

  9. F1tis
    25 October 2023 23:24

    when is going to be cs2 osiris out

  10. hellloooo12345
    20 October 2023 05:54

    need 64X

    1. Alishmn
      20 December 2023 18:25

      injctor 64x ? 

  11. nfadonfassfasfas
    10 October 2023 14:47

    cs2 osiris when?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      10 October 2023 15:36

      when danielkrupinski is done with reworking it.

      1. alya2003
        10 October 2023 23:03

        you're such a discord mod

      2. kxfauuu
        kxfauuu · kafeoce
        12 October 2023 18:31

        how do I change the build configuration in visual studio code for a .sln file I want to turn it into a .dll file using Release 64 but I have no clue where to find it lmfao

      3. Exoticinfinity1223212122sssssssssssssss

        cs2 osiris is out on daniels github. For some reason the dll i compile doesnt get injected. Can you upload a correctly compiled one here?

        1. Leodj25
          17 October 2023 21:50

          OSIRIS CS2 Is in very early stages of developtment, theres no cheat as we knew it yet, as soon as osiris for cs2 comes out we'll find out, trust me.

  12. Eternium
    9 October 2023 05:33

    Where do i find configs?

    Is there any discord servers or anything?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      9 October 2023 07:55

      if you still wanna cheat in csgo just make ur own its not that hard.
      people not gonna have csgo config discords when cs2 is out

      1. alya2003
        19 December 2023 00:44

        if it's not that hard why don't you make it

  13. Poiiw.__.DarK
    6 October 2023 19:49

    pls creat cheat for cs2

    1. DanielAndAll
      Real Cheater
      DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
      9 October 2023 04:21

      No, thank god.

  14. DaniBunny03
    5 October 2023 16:42

    Does this cheat work on cs2?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      5 October 2023 18:02

      no, its marked as csgo for a reason

  15. wakaflaka
    Real Cheater
    29 September 2023 17:28

    does this work in cs2 and is it outdated

    1. Alishmn
      4 October 2023 19:25

      Does cs2 work in the game?

  16. boci123123
    28 September 2023 19:07

    pls update love the cheat

  17. DababyLover6969
    28 September 2023 16:25

    is there any 64 bit cheat dlls?

    1. wafa1212121212
      29 September 2023 17:29

      i have one, but do u have an injector?

      message me

      Discord : yxge

  18. pabloonmilo
    28 September 2023 07:15

    can you pls update for cs2

  19. mirkitox
    28 September 2023 01:56

    Does it work for cs 2?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      28 September 2023 08:09

      no it wouldnt work on cs2. the games have different offsets etc and are made on different engines

  20. Veng93
    28 September 2023 00:40

    update cs2 pls

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      28 September 2023 08:10

      you have to be patient while danielkrupinski works on a update or rework for cs2.

  21. Zxrooo
    26 September 2023 17:01

    Cant get the dll out of the Zip file.
    winrar or 7zip doesnt work lol
    what should i do?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      27 September 2023 15:24

      winrar should work just fine.
      make sure u actually open it with winrar put in the rightpass aka 123
      also check if ur browser didnt block the full download at the end

  22. nidhal5454
    Real Cheater
    24 September 2023 08:06

    if i use skins changer only will be banned ?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      24 September 2023 11:40

      depends on if the cheat get detected fully detected than yes.
      if only a feature gets deteceted no unless the skin changer get detected.
      same goes for if the injector u use get detected 

  23. AbsorbingSquid
    14 September 2023 21:08

    updated just as i got vacced ruff

    1. ShinyTofu
      18 September 2023 03:01

      go for legit configs.

      never get vac banned

    2. ThatWasEsy
      ThatWasEsy · ⛧ThatWasΞsy⛧#0666
      24 September 2023 18:43

      Legit ive been using this since 2020 and still no ban (global)

      1. zuhu
        zuhu · zuhuinc
        24 September 2023 19:17

        it depends on what features u use and what injector u use.

  24. r2w01
    14 September 2023 13:33


  25. ShinyTofu
    14 September 2023 03:18

    please update

  26. alskayanu
    13 September 2023 17:53

    Is it possible to add Stattrak to wepong with skinchanger?. I think it was possible before but not now unless its hidden.

    1. tokkynzos
      24 September 2023 16:33

      you can only open cases to get statraks in osiris

  27. maikeymaikey
    7 September 2023 01:54

    when i want to closs the menu i click insert but nothing happends

    1. filipo777777787
      11 September 2023 14:09

      try sazinjector, its 100% working and you have VAC Bypass Loader in it

      1. irxphahell
        13 September 2023 16:08

        i find csghost better and it also has a vac bypass loader so for me csghost is better i never got banned with it unless i actually wh and aimbout and thats bcs of overwatch 

  28. tor1999483
    7 September 2023 01:20

    Can it be used with CSGO2 ?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      7 September 2023 13:37

      1. its CS2 not csgo2
      2. its made for csgo cs2 is different game on a different engine.
      3. if you want more info or see updates when he is going to recode Osiris check his GitHub.
      (just search the dev name on google you fine it)

  29. Mat082
    6 September 2023 23:47

    Hello, how do I can give myself some skins and keep them after ? I don't have the skins when I restart the game. Thanks

    1. chicken50
      30 September 2023 22:10

      skill issue bro

  30. Terror26
    6 September 2023 11:42

    Where can I get the VAC Bypass Loader? The downloaded file doesn't have one, only the dll is there.

    1. 40 bobuc
      13 September 2023 21:24

      CS GO GHOST is vac bypassed