Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG
- Developer: Wa3Rix
- Status:
- Updated: 28.06.19
- Current version: [28/06/2019]
Excellent Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG on CSGO which you can download for free from our website. This hack is fully working and has its own unique features. Cheat is reliable and has not yet been detected by the anti-cheat VAC, which gives You the opportunity to play with it on the official servers of VALVE and are not afraid of global blocking. The developer of this hack is the user Wa3Rix and according to him, the cheat is positioned as a full Legit hack, but now this is not enough and Everyone wants the Rage function, and here the author has highlighted the settings for the Rage function and You can configure them yourself and even compete on HVH servers.
As I mentioned in this software has all the functions under Legit game, as well as under Rage, but if the Rage function is not powerful enough, do not beat, repeat cheat exclusively for Legit game. A full list of features can Be found under the spoiler, and recommendations and CFG files in the main archive.
postal.vmp.dll - streamlined DLL
postal.dll - pure DLL
PostalShift.ttf - font needed for hood
Cord.ttf - weapon icons
For normal display, set the fonts and it is desirable to put the English language.
Included are 3 CFG Legit, Semi-Rage and Rage, and pretty badass only for example.
All these settings are in the folder postal_cheat it needs to throw in "Username" -> "My documents"
Free Download Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG
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