Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG

  • Developer: Wa3Rix
  • Status:
  • Updated: 28.06.19
  • Current version: [28/06/2019]

Excellent Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG on CSGO which you can download for free from our website. This hack is fully working and has its own unique features. Cheat is reliable and has not yet been detected by the anti-cheat VAC, which gives You the opportunity to play with it on the official servers of VALVE and are not afraid of global blocking. The developer of this hack is the user Wa3Rix and according to him, the cheat is positioned as a full Legit hack, but now this is not enough and Everyone wants the Rage function, and here the author has highlighted the settings for the Rage function and You can configure them yourself and even compete on HVH servers.

As I mentioned in this software has all the functions under Legit game, as well as under Rage, but if the Rage function is not powerful enough, do not beat, repeat cheat exclusively for Legit game. A full list of features can Be found under the spoiler, and recommendations and CFG files in the main archive.


postal.vmp.dll - streamlined DLL
postal.dll - pure DLL
PostalShift.ttf - font needed for hood
Cord.ttf - weapon icons

For normal display, set the fonts and it is desirable to put the English language.
Included are 3 CFG Legit, Semi-Rage and Rage, and pretty badass only for example.
All these settings are in the folder postal_cheat it needs to throw in "Username" -> "My documents"


Free Download Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG

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Comments: 69 Views: 84 666


  1. Brains0091
    24 April 2019 23:36
    File is dangerous chorme stopped download

    1. semtexsatan
      25 April 2019 09:33
      chrome does this with every cheat, don't worry it's not a virus, just go to downloads (in chome) and at the cheat you want to download press the keep, or idk what's there. and when you are using the cheat turn off the virus defender

  2. semtexsatan
    24 April 2019 19:19
    Works pretty well THX

  3. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    24 April 2019 16:15
    People have got to stop pasting subliminal ayyware and fucking stackhack

    1. turmux
      Real Cheater
      24 April 2019 16:29
      well its free and public use so why not

  4. J0hn on Ice Tea
    24 April 2019 01:10
    Which injector should I use?

    1. semtexsatan
      24 April 2019 19:06
      I think DLLInjector 2018 is the best

  5. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    23 April 2019 23:42
    all cheats are a paste

  6. HanZ
    22 April 2019 20:07
    Paste of

    1. anjelin12
      Real Cheater
      24 April 2019 18:55
      acedia is a paste

  7. Walker_101
    Real Cheater
    22 April 2019 03:10
    B1g Paste..

  8. Kyzen
    21 April 2019 15:24
    B1g Pasta. lol

  9. miso
    21 April 2019 12:43
    paste of fatality

    1. Absot
      21 April 2019 13:25
      Dude fatality is a fucking paste from the beginning...
      Learn something about some cheats.

  10. therenegadejt
    21 April 2019 11:25
    another paste

  11. asdokuska
    20 April 2019 19:06
    its deteced i play 1 compet legit and get vac

  12. Sad_Haker
    20 April 2019 18:45
    dude is a paste from zaroscheats

  13. Kahlon
    20 April 2019 18:02
    how am i meant to use this

  14. misterrawg
    20 April 2019 17:35
    Actually, this shit is good.

  15. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    20 April 2019 14:07
    Subliminal paste

  16. asdokuska
    20 April 2019 10:51
    Where is cfg?

    1. XDmasterXD
      20 April 2019 11:00
      Sorry *where put the cfg*

      1. hsumexer
        20 April 2019 11:37
        steam csgo bin idk