Skush - Aimbot, Skinchanger, Visuals, Mics

  • Developer: OfficerX
  • Status:
  • Updated: 20.01.19
  • Current version: v3.47 [01/20/19]
Powerful cheat for CS:GO Skush with extensive functionality and settings for each function using the built-in menu. This hack fully supports Steam version of the game and Nosteam version of the game. The hack is updated almost regularly, you just have to follow the updates on our website. The hack contains such popular functions as: Aimbot, Skinchanger, Visuals, Mics. All these features include a number of additional features which we will tell you about below.

Aimbot feature will make your shooting accurate and fast, you will get on the heads of opponents exactly. Also included in this function and subcategory functions, such as: TriggerBot, customize AIM for each weapon, RCS, configure hotkeys and more (see through the menu).

Thanks to the Visuals feature you will see your enemies through the walls. Visuals also includes lots of other functions such as: Player Glow, Entity Glow, Chams, No Flash, Spectator List, and others. All these functions will not only highlight the enemies and make them transparent, but also weapons, specify the amount of health, etc.

In the Mics function you can configure all the most entertaining functions as: Fake Lag-all your enemies will think that you lag and will not be able to shoot at you, Rank Revealer - you will see the ranks of your opponents in the MM mode Steam version of the game. These and other features you can learn by downloading this hack.

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Comments: 35 Views: 33 556


  1. NixxoSK
    3 December 2018 20:11
    no link man please update

  2. KATE
    KATE · Brother#4367
    30 November 2018 22:33
    I've updated the link, check it out

  3. phr33z
    30 November 2018 14:39
    Can I please have direct download link? for some reason the file shows up as raw text

  4. hubson2002
    24 November 2018 00:25
    Unfortunately i got error, that i couldnt establish safe connection ssl/tsl (?)

  5. hubson2002
    23 November 2018 22:53
    Absolutely amazing!! Skush is one of best(if not the best) public cheats ever!