CORSAIR - Legit, Visuals, Skins

  • Developer: btc
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.11.21
  • Current version: 02.11.2021

We are pleased to provide you with an up-to-date and working cheat for your favorite game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. A cheat called CORSAIR will help you improve your game rank and more. Here players will be able to find high-quality functionality, and completely free of charge. The cheat is not detected by the VAC, so you should not be afraid of bans. There is also an excellent system for configuring all the functions for yourself, so there are many configs for this hack, mainly for a legit game.

Free CORSAIR Hack CS:GO has got everything you need for a comfortable game.

The main functions that are present in the hack:

  • LegitBot with this feature, you can customize your shooting and make it perfectly accurate.
  • Visuals with this feature, you can use beautiful visual effects, esp, wallhack, and all the functionality that will help you display your enemies through textures on the map.
  • SkinChanger with this feature, you can choose any private skin for weapons for free.
  • System Configs and much more.

How to use:

Run the cheat using any working injector.

I added an injector, but you can use any other one.


At the moment, the cheat is undetected, but I advise you to use VACByPass Loader or Damascus || Best VAC Bypass to fully protect your account.


Legit Config by Z0ji

Corsair topic - CORSAIR LegitHack

Free Download CORSAIR - Legit, Visuals, Skins

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Comments: 234 Views: 137 069


  1. Warvick
    12 April 2021 15:34
    Can you add sometype od indicator for aimbot beacuse i don't now when i have aimbot On or OFF

  2. Alexandru213123123123
    12 April 2021 13:06
    If i play with this cheat and get vac, do i get vac on all my accounts or the only one that i cheated on it? I am asking because i ve got 2 prime accounts that i dont want to lose them but i dont have skins and I want to create a new account to play with skin changer on it, but i am scared to not get vac ban on all my accounts

    1. idkagoodname
      12 April 2021 15:28
      if you cheat using an account connected to a phone number, and other accounts are also linked to that phone number, then all accounts linked to that phone number gets banned

    2. Alexandru34
      13 April 2021 09:15
      No, you get vac only on the account you cheated on. But if the account it's made on the same email as the 2 prime accounts geting vac on it may decrease your TRSUST FACTOR.

    3. NULL2175
      17 April 2021 01:55
      only on that acc

  3. rapanaon
    10 April 2021 16:05
    what the password is

    1. TopMlky
      Real Cheater
      TopMlky · AsderManas#3312
      11 April 2021 14:25
      the pass is 123

  4. _Hitler_XD
    10 April 2021 01:50
    this hack just crash

    this hack just crash

    1. vladutz999
      14 April 2021 13:03
      yeah true it just crashes everytime i start a match

  5. dadadadadasssss
    9 April 2021 10:31
    Works I dont know why it crashes for yall but its good

  6. MontyDevil
    9 April 2021 05:29
    Really good, but it keeps crashing

  7. TopMlky
    Real Cheater
    TopMlky · AsderManas#3312
    8 April 2021 21:25
    I dont know why peoples say its crashing sometimes,for me its just crashed once.

  8. ionescu66ghz
    ionescu66ghz · nightshadeee#1085
    8 April 2021 19:26
    Keep crashing

  9. marioenee12
    marioenee12 · awplegendmry#1546
    8 April 2021 18:56
    Very nice designed cheat but you have to do something with the crash handler, it crashes a lot

  10. KeraxCZ
    7 April 2021 22:53
    Good cheat but sometimes it crash

  11. Alex1133
    7 April 2021 22:24
    How to use the injector : 
    first, type corsair.dll and hit enter
    then, type 0 and hit enter
    at last, type csgo.exe and hit enter

    1. SeiyaKaZu99
      8 April 2021 20:57
      When the corsair menu open I can't select anything on the game can be only on corsair how to do?

    2. larsole123
      18 April 2021 21:45
      Your the man :)

  12. Matei02Mihai
    Real Cheater
    7 April 2021 20:40
    name for the skin in the photo?

      Real Cheater
      8 April 2021 17:20
      name USP-S | Monster Mashup

  13. blalala1
    7 April 2021 18:48
    how do i use the injector, i ran it, typed in the dll file that was in the download and did the other things, but nothing is happening

      Real Cheater
      8 April 2021 17:22
      use csghost . Steps.
      1-> Start injector
      2-> click on Selecto dll to inject
      3-> add what cheat u use double click on dll .Ex Corsair,Osiris
      4-> enjoy

        Real Cheater
        8 April 2021 17:23
        PS desable antivirus .Trust me is safe

  14. mikikikiriki
    7 April 2021 15:18
    Ping bigger than FPS!

  15. urmomnoulol
    6 April 2021 19:02
    I absolutely love it and its amazing and clean but there are random crashes that happen when messing with the skin changer otherwise amazing!

    1. urmomnoulol
      6 April 2021 19:27
      oooh i was testing it in Aim_botz and it seemed gr8 but i load into match making and it just crashes

  16. Cagriselki
    Real Cheater
    6 April 2021 10:05
    good but why no have backtrack

  17. avesa
    5 April 2021 15:40
    crashes when load into match

  18. zorrop0
    5 April 2021 14:25
    Lmao it keeps crashing when i go into the match

  19. Piotrekuś112
    4 April 2021 18:18
    uptade i got vac

    1. dimitrije016
      4 April 2021 21:24
      use Vac Bypass Loader

  20. danielthecheter
    4 April 2021 17:58
    aim doesn't work and I'm thinking of making a config, I don't have the settings from aim anymore

  21. ak_master_27
    3 April 2021 01:41
    what should i do when it says name of the process??

  22. Soresss
    Real Cheater
    Soresss · Sores#2238
    3 April 2021 01:07
    please make a config for the cheat and a download link for it

  23. DragonBreath122
    2 April 2021 14:42
    Nice But How to remove the clantag

  24. don_poison
    2 April 2021 11:02
    dont use this its very good skin changer but its easy to get vac . I have vac on 10 acc beacuse of this.

      3 April 2021 12:18
      man i've been playing with this cheat and skinchanger for like 1 month i got into gold nova 3 but it crashes sometimes

  25. DavidUchina
    1 April 2021 18:18
    Quote: P-R-O--gamerz
    can any body tell me what is globel cooldown and how to remove i knew that its not a ban help pls 
    dude, GLOBAL, you cant

  26. P-R-O--gamerz
    1 April 2021 13:38
    can any body tell me what is globel cooldown and how to remove i knew that its not a ban help pls 

  27. WolfHvH_ujfh8fyjkme474tjkh75
    Real Cheater
    1 April 2021 12:44
    Quote: don_poison
    i got vac ban for this ? why u say undetected? stupid bastards
    cfg issue

  28. urmomgay77
    Real Cheater
    1 April 2021 10:35
    why the f^ck legit cheat have auto-peek and slow-walk?XDD

    1. Kurumii
      1 April 2021 13:25
      cus its obv made from lw source

  29. brrt
    1 April 2021 06:18
    Thanksuu, this is an awesome cheat

  30. sinzey
    1 April 2021 03:47
    thanks dev , anyone got any good configs?