gamesense aka skeet paste

  • Developer: Flinn
  • Status:
  • Updated: 01.01.21
  • Current version: 10/01/2021

Crack the popular hvh hack on CSGO Skeet. Thanks to the user Flinn for fixing the old hack, some problems were fixed and now you can run this cheat on the new CS:GO. A great CSGO cheat that is very popular among players and sells for a lot of money, but you can download the skeet cheat for free. This version can really do something on the hvh stage, but you can also show off in front of your friends or school children.

I have used Supermacy source with Skeet menu Icons
Dont be Obvious  that this can tap Skeet Or Onetap!

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  1. Therealfiko
    Real Cheater
    21 October 2020 00:53
    yes this is ass this is a supremacy paste it is worst then osiris

  2. Antichrist
    20 October 2020 23:36
    Omg i will sell my skeet acc 10$ who want?

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 08:00
      Meh.. i would rather waste my $10 on garry's mod

  3. PhoenixAceVFX
    20 October 2020 21:56
    Bruh this is just supremacy paste (you can tell just by the menu lol)

  4. V3nus is vibing
    20 October 2020 21:38
    9 yr olds be like: oMg fRii $kiT OMg tY mUcH ePIc
    bruh this shit gets tapped by osiris

  5. SK1PE_XD
    20 October 2020 21:37
    i am not a hater or some shit head but its really hard to make a cheat or paste like this so i would LIKE TO SEE ONE OF YOU RETARD KIDS TO MAKE A CHEAT LIKE THIS
    Thank you bro for this cheat i will try and improve some features if i can

    1. Dunkyhax64
      Real Cheater
      20 October 2020 23:46
      all he did was update the supremacy offsets which takes around 30 seconds lmao

      1. sigh22
        21 October 2020 13:57
        the autor just change clientstate lol and it take 5 second

  6. asdasdadsadsadasw222
    20 October 2020 21:04
    its not paste all try to make free cheats for you asshole go to work and buy skeet dont comment pasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  7. mrkan
    20 October 2020 21:00
    Bruh man
    Really bad one

  8. du-te-n plm.exe
    Real Cheater
    20 October 2020 20:53
    nice nanosense

  9. FallingInPieces
    20 October 2020 20:29
    Supremacy bruh

  10. InaisThePROYT
    20 October 2020 17:29
    its worse than nadoclient xD

  11. oobe23
    Real Cheater
    oobe23 · doovid#1234
    20 October 2020 17:21
    cool supremacy paste

    1. StickzHVH
      20 October 2020 20:08
      shud upQ!!!¬!!!""!"!"YIE JUST NOUDB

  12. gergo343
    20 October 2020 16:38
    check watermark:supermacy

  13. PauliusJ
    PauliusJ · P̶a̶u̶l̶i̶u̶s̶#7466
    20 October 2020 16:30
    /best lololol

  14. Stefyyyy_13
    20 October 2020 16:27
    The trashest hvh cheat ever

  15. tenag99992
    Real Cheater
    20 October 2020 15:35
    This is Supermacy is not skeet..
    Just to know

  16. elmatahacks
    20 October 2020 15:32
    Osiris tapped this xDD

  17. ElTitoMC
    20 October 2020 15:19

  18. girlfriend
    Real Cheater
    girlfriend · @notrealest.
    20 October 2020 15:04
    OMG SKEET CRACK bruh...

  19. risque
    risque · perkocet#6908
    20 October 2020 14:16
    Yooooooo it’s skeet dude

    1. Alejandro Portillo Pedrajas
      20 October 2020 14:22
      men that isnt skeet, that was a fking crack of supremacy, is a shit :(

      1. risque
        risque · perkocet#6908
        20 October 2020 15:43
        it was a joke and actually it's not that bad i tapped people ( onshot ) pand the resolver isn't that bad the only downside is the dt / hide shot and the aa are not working or retarded like it doesn't jitter with jitter on but yea some otv4 user missed me :)

        1. truta312312
          20 October 2020 19:11
          fatality and aw v5 miss me :D

  20. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    20 October 2020 13:18
    Fake Skeet lmfaooooooo

    //Supremacy for the people who dont know.
    //Skeet has never had this menu, It has always had the menu it has now (

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 13:27
      since its open source everybody can change the menu and compile it but im not saying you are wrong

      1. RelentlessHvH
        RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
        20 October 2020 15:35
        It's literally supremacy retard. Supremacy has had this menu since it released also.

  21. pretusqa
    20 October 2020 13:06
    i need a cfg for this cheat please share cfg for this cheat

  22. dafgerbergv
    20 October 2020 12:49
    ?? Skeet past

  23. PrayM_101
    20 October 2020 12:28
    i almost puked bruh

  24. myrry
    20 October 2020 11:23
    " Attention! This is a modified open source version of the old Skeet for the new game update. You can actually play with it on hvh servers, but some features may still not work "

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      20 October 2020 13:20
      This isn't an old skeet menu. Skeet has always had the menu it has now. supremacy has the menu in the screenshots in this thread.

      1. doman991
        Real Cheater
        doman991 · doman991#4236
        20 October 2020 13:26
        since its open source everybody can edit the menu

        1. risque
          risque · perkocet#6908
          20 October 2020 15:44
          where is da source pls gimme :)

      2. myrry
        21 October 2020 12:00
        i guess ppl cant take a joke

  25. jaydenlam
    20 October 2020 09:16
    omg skeet with supermacy watermark muahahah big brain

  26. ShibaHVH
    20 October 2020 08:58
    supremacy lmao its not skeet its a paste

  27. muymuy
    Real Cheater
    20 October 2020 07:33
    hello i need a cfg for this hack pls

  28. Razeteam23
    20 October 2020 07:29
    skeet oooo :D REAL = Fake Skeet Dislike !

  29. lambda
    Real Cheater
    lambda · soda#0495
    20 October 2020 07:02
    this is not skeet obv but its not that bad, N O T T H A T B A D

  30. iPhone_X
    20 October 2020 03:09