• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


Only authorized users can download files. Please Log in or Register on the website.
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19 335 comments

  1. makki132
    makki132 · Makki-Senpai#5324
    8 December 2020 23:23

    Okay guys, It's mabye detected don't ask okay.
    Nothing will happen if you ask because nobody knows for sure.
    And if you think it's detected just wait to tomorrow to see for an update or
    play with another cheat it's that simple


    1. ShyftBey
      8 December 2020 23:35
      Hey dude please help me I played with the "Protected Version" is there any risk to get vac banned or something like that i played super legit, I saw a comment that says "Protected Version" is detected too, i am scared., please answer!

      1. darisoctavian
        Real Cheater
        darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
        9 December 2020 00:03
        if u use the protected version,there are very very very low chances to get vacbanned

    2. helvetica
      10 December 2020 19:45
      it's no detected, stop talking trash

  2. noclipslinus69
    8 December 2020 20:22
    its detedted
    i just got vac banned 

    i played super legit 0.20 fov target nearest no wh no bhop just little aimbot with vmp and i still got vac ban somehow on my global acc with over 1500 hours on it nice

    1. nzkwjolo
      8 December 2020 23:06
      The same thing happened to me today ، i did not even use aimbot and i was very careful in using it :(( 
      All my skins are gone ....

      1. darisoctavian
        Real Cheater
        darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
        9 December 2020 00:04
        dont use free cheats on accounts that u care about

    2. NinjaIsaCoder
      Real Cheater
      8 December 2020 23:25
      LMAO imagine using a free cheat on main LOLOLOLOLLOOLOLOL

    3. darisoctavian
      Real Cheater
      darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
      9 December 2020 00:05
      First u dont know how vac works
      Second dont use free cheats on accounts that u care about

      1. accuracy100
        9 December 2020 07:29
        you can actually use free cheats in ur main but not those pub and always shared public dlls

  3. xtra_gg2006
    8 December 2020 20:13
    cheat detected?????

  4. Reza.Gh1
    8 December 2020 19:13
    it's detected.
    i think

  5. HaZe12
    8 December 2020 17:38
    its detected?

    1. F95S1
      10 December 2020 17:02

  6. XenooS
    8 December 2020 17:36
    don't use it, unfortunately, it became detected :(
    even the secure protected version, bacame detected.
    I liked this cheat, but now, gotta say goodbye

  7. kalashnikovs
    8 December 2020 13:35
    very very shit cheatt

  8. suneater
    8 December 2020 06:29
    Use a VAC bypass, don't play blatantly.
    99% undetected.

    1. zptppl
      Real Cheater
      8 December 2020 11:42
      VMProtect also decreases chances of detection

      1. darisoctavian
        Real Cheater
        darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
        8 December 2020 11:48
        i use vmp on otc3 for legit and still no vac ban after 2 weeks of playing

        1. BUR17K
          8 December 2020 13:08
          VMprotect nasıl kullanabilirim ?

      2. BUR17K
        8 December 2020 13:09
        VMProtect nasıl kullanabilirim ?

  9. SuicidePit
    8 December 2020 01:44
    i test it guess what, They Fuckin BAN ME, use osiris protected version not this 

  10. SuperSayanin
    7 December 2020 23:31
    Should i use  protected or 6/12/2020  ?

    1. skycakk123
      8 December 2020 14:13
      protected version

  11. fopele142
    7 December 2020 21:05
    Is anybody here that is unable to use the aimbot anymore??

    1. sranic
      sranic · sranic#1984
      7 December 2020 23:38
      yeah i cant use aimbot for some reason

  12. zptppl
    Real Cheater
    7 December 2020 19:15
    I don't know what people are doing wrong... probably all of your VACs are just game bans, i have over 300h without any VAC

    1. Make82777
      Make82777 · Make8#2777
      7 December 2020 20:31
      Yep, or just maybe they got VAC ban from VACNET .

      1. ezreallul
        8 December 2020 08:43
        They're probably using like 100 FOV Aimbot Atuo Shoot or blatantly wallhacking or sth like that, you don't get VAC easily if you play smart and not blatant

        1. darisoctavian
          Real Cheater
          darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
          8 December 2020 11:50
          u dont get vacbanned if u play blatantly,only overwatch ban

  13. patatokopbg
    7 December 2020 15:58
    This cheat is detected not play on your acc accaunt you get VAC ban is not safe i play i game to test i close csgo i start game and i see messege you have VAC ban! And i brock my mause 

  14. sebko888
    7 December 2020 13:00
    plz help which one should i use if i dont want VAC ?? protected or 6/12/2020

  15. Triq
    Real Cheater
    6 December 2020 22:28
    Protected version is still UD but normal is detected
    Huh ? -2 likes hah

  16. ATOXIC
    6 December 2020 17:42
    when i load a config my game crashes
    when i load a config my game crashes
    when i load a config my game crashes
    when i load a config my game crashes

    1. ariss
      7 December 2020 11:48
      config problem

  17. reizorlak
    6 December 2020 16:32

    1. dedpul
      6 December 2020 17:16
      you only vac if you blatantly cheating.. like the replay overwathc can see you spinning or made a ridiculous shot or predicting (wall hacking) enemies.. cheat never been detected.. you just dumb

      1. Juh
        6 December 2020 18:25
        overwatch ban is called game ban 

      2. suneater
        8 December 2020 06:26
        VAC is an anti cheat, so if you play blatantly you won't get VAC but OVERWATCH
        OVERWATCH ban is when you play blatantly cheating and many people report you, you will send to OVERWATCH to see if you actually cheating, if yes then you get ban

        fucking dumb.

    2. Kabiggles
      Real Cheater
      7 December 2020 02:53
      if it IS a vac ban it is likely the injector but if you're confident it's not and you'd like to keep using the cheat, this cheat is open source and you can find it on github so you can add your own junk code making it a bit more safe

  18. batulxrd
    6 December 2020 16:10
    well idk where should i put the dll file on to?

    1. batulxrd
      6 December 2020 16:13
      can somebody help me please?

      1. zptppl
        Real Cheater
        6 December 2020 20:43
        you just need to open it using a injector, you can save it anywhere

  19. SkiftY
    6 December 2020 15:47
    When i save  a cfg my game crashes, it wanst doing it with the older version, any solution?

  20. SuperSayanin
    6 December 2020 13:56
    Should i use OsirIS
    Protected version or  Osiris update 06/12/2020 version

    1. Lucitrash
      6 December 2020 15:07
      Should u get VAC. Its open-source dude xD

  21. ildothecheater
    6 December 2020 12:53
    crash in loading

  22. BUR17K
    6 December 2020 11:49
    Osiris Protected Version detected ?

    ---Osiris Protected Version vs new update 06/12/2020 version---
    which one should I use ?

    1. Kab0ss
      6 December 2020 17:13
      me too the same what should i use?

  23. Relampijaso
    6 December 2020 07:28
    alguien sabe que es GOTV en lista de espectadores?

    anyone know what GOTV is on viewer list?

    1. FaDe_Raven141
      6 December 2020 08:31
      Si GOTV Es spectator tipo no esta adentro de la partida pero la esta especteando

    2. lambda
      Real Cheater
      lambda · soda#0495
      6 December 2020 11:26
      GOTV es donde pasan las retransmisiones, es solo un bot

    3. vladi2109
      Real Cheater
      6 December 2020 15:10
      gotv es cuando te reportan, pues es como un bot que te revisa por si llevas archivos externos como dll...basicamente es cuando te reportan pues valve manda un bot para que compruebe si estas usando hacks

    4. Anselmo123
      6 December 2020 15:17
      nao te preocupes

    5. _Dilaw__XQ
      _Dilaw__XQ · dilaw_xq
      10 December 2020 08:14
      its Just a BOT records The Highliths Don't Worry About iT

  24. dzpatchica
    6 December 2020 02:20
    any good injectors guys 

    1. Loisen259
      6 December 2020 03:48
      sazz injector

  25. jasveer_babbar
    5 December 2020 22:34
    Guys i dontget vac banned at all when i use vac bypass

    1. AidasLTU
      6 December 2020 00:00
      how do you get vac by pass?

    2. leetjack99
      6 December 2020 01:30
      Bypass vac Daniel?

  26. andrik58002
    5 December 2020 22:01
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!
    Game crashes when try to change custom clantag !!!!!

  27. LukeOmar34254
    5 December 2020 20:27

    1. jack85
      5 December 2020 20:59
      what code bro?

  28. ertzreadfafgasdf
    5 December 2020 20:04
    someone know how I'm can get themida newest Pro For free? Veksiuu#0002

  29. Alkashas42000
    5 December 2020 18:58
    Don't download this madafuka after one match u will get global cooldown n then VAC it doesn't matter if u use aim or wh or just skin changer

  30. DenemeHvHtr90
    5 December 2020 18:15
    O lot of thanks 

    Link : https://mega.nz/file/dwgFCaSS#RBfIv0GbZfRBnAghA8kw4sjWu6igQpTM4WB6WFF_NMA

New Comments
josipcilic2 josipcilic2

plise add untunred cheats a lot people will install it from this site that game is poular now in 2025 alll unturned servers are almost full plise add some cheats we need itt

zuhu zuhu

you know its outdated right for like 2 years.