[GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

  • Developer: Kiddion
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0.1

Perhaps this is the most popular cheat mod Kiddion's modestexternal for the game GTA 5 Online. Already for a long time, this hack is one of the best among other hacks for the game GTA 5. Low probability of getting a ban, a large number of features, as well as hidden guides of money cheat and much more. Full control over the game and players in GTA Online mode. Installing and configuring this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will be sure to run it without any problems. Any questions? Ask in the comments.

Kiddion's Modest External Menu

Kiddion's Modest External Menu 2024

Version hack v1.0.1 for GTA V Online v1.69

How to make money in GTA 5 Online?

Cheat money through the casino: Online Services -> Casino Settings -> A Get Lucky Wheel Price


  1. Download the menu
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod
  4. Read the disclaimer, and press OK

Default keys include:

  • [F5] to show/hide the menu,
  • [Numpad 0] to go back,
  • [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
  • [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
  • [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

Unlimited XP With Kiddions! (Safe Way)

This is a tutorial on how to earn unlimited rp with the help of Kiddions!

Step 1. Open Kiddions and go to "Tunables" and put your RP Multiplier to 100 or less.

If you put it to any number higher than 100 you will not get any rp

Step 2. Download the Teleport.json file.

Step 3. Extract the Teleport.json file to your "modest-menu" folder and overwrite the existing file.

You have now installed the file

Step 4. Open Kiddions and go to Teleport > Custom Location and proceed to teleport to "Time Trail".

Step 5. You then want to start the time trail and teleport to "Finish Line"

Now you repeat the steps by teleporting back and forth

Don't forget to start the time trail.

Free Download [GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

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Comments: 1 734 Views: 1 051 887

1 734 comments

  1. olabuca
    Real Cheater
    22 August 2021 12:52

    The Best Cheat Ever
    Simple to use but it has alot of options to use 🥰 


  2. adwfdghth
    20 August 2021 14:47


  3. t1b4t
    19 August 2021 15:30

    I want to get lvl 100 when i did it it showed me that i have and when i reconnect it gets me back lvl 70 pls help

    1. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      19 August 2021 17:28
      you must gain RP for it to remain

    2. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      22 August 2021 12:51
      just enjoy doing missions/races bro, the game loses all the fun when you have everything and unlocked everything.

      1. soemguy
        25 August 2021 14:20
        Just like life

  4. SLAV786
    18 August 2021 19:28

    whats the pass


    1. fabysam123
      18 August 2021 19:49
      123 , you can see it in description next time :D

  5. DarkOpposite
    17 August 2021 20:55


    1. soemguy
      18 August 2021 09:53
      yes what? i dont get your reply

    2. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      18 August 2021 23:54
      yes what? please tell me

  6. MATY88823
    16 August 2021 19:01

     have problem. I am doing everything right. when i launch the menu its on the screen like 5 seconds and then it dissapears. and the F5 dont work


    1. Blutifull
      17 August 2021 23:28
      Put gta in windowed mode

  7. KinderGeld5
    16 August 2021 17:00

    Can i use this Cheat on FiveM Server?

    1. josuter
      24 August 2021 17:32
      no,becouse is cheat for gta:online or singleplayer

  8. Coppermonet
    15 August 2021 15:54

    very nice


  9. josuter
    13 August 2021 21:48

    this mode is injecting and no move



  10. Mateiutz :))
    13 August 2021 14:29

    the move things in the menu dont work



    1. zadd
      15 August 2021 12:50
      make sure you turn on num lock

  11. jiriscz
    13 August 2021 14:19

    no money drop


    1. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      13 August 2021 18:09
      Money drop was patched by rockstar

      1. Mxntalz
        22 August 2021 15:01
        there wasn't a money drop in this mod menu

  12. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    13 August 2021 00:49

    For all y'all assholes who were putting UPDATE in all caps in these comments you don't deserve access to the fucking update 

  13. LUCKY10710
    12 August 2021 19:38



    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      12 August 2021 22:21

      cayo perico solo, sell nightclub supplys, do x3 event missions/races, use the god mode for the missions or vehicle acceleration for the races.

    2. djmasterp
      17 August 2021 15:16
      bunker the best option

  14. yuctff
    12 August 2021 12:59

    someone got banned by using it and is it safe to use bunker and casino methode to get money and what methode is more safety???

    1. Zeuus25
      12 August 2021 16:15

      I used the one in the casino yesterday and thought it was good.

    2. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      12 August 2021 22:23
      i make money by doing cayo perico solo or sell nightclub supplys, i'm doing this for the last month and didn't got banned, i only make like 5million per day to not make it sus, but its better than getting banned

    3. DarkOpposite
      16 August 2021 23:08
      I literally made nearly 20M$ without being banned and I've been doing it for 3 days now no ban even though I bought very expensive things lol

  15. Florinel_1903
    11 August 2021 08:59

    how do i use cheat if i don't have numpads?


    1. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      11 August 2021 17:07
      you must change keybinds in config.json

      1. Mxntalz
        22 August 2021 15:21
        how do i change it

  16. vexy1vexy
    11 August 2021 00:48

    can this mode increase reputation in los santos car meet

    1. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      11 August 2021 01:06
      nope, use GTAHaX

      1. vexy1vexy
        11 August 2021 01:42
        I put it at 120 level and it doesn't work nothing was unlocked

        1. Gany_ganyant
          Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
          11 August 2021 01:51
          you must reach a specific level to unlock specific items so if you want lvl 100 wheels set your lvl to 99(just few xp below 100) and then do something to gain xp and lvl up to level 100 and all things at that lvl will unlock but nothing bellow

          or just go afk in LS car meet and set game speed to 50 with cheat engine to farm xp over time but it still takes hours to farm 100 levels

          1. vexy1vexy
            11 August 2021 01:59
            thank you bro

          2. angelbc15
            11 August 2021 02:13
            is that with gtahax ?where I download it?

            1. Gany_ganyant
              Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
              11 August 2021 02:42
              on unknowncheats

              just type GTAHaX to google and click first result

  17. AwareF1
    11 August 2021 00:00

    dousnt work even in windowed cant turn anything on or enter anything on the menu 

  18. furkansert06
    10 August 2021 22:39

    Hello friends, I'm planning to use this hule but I'm afraid of getting banned, should I eat it badly, thank you very much to those who helped

  19. erinzorig
    10 August 2021 14:37
    Thank You Kiddion, we will be waiting for your next update with an anxious breath!!!

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      10 August 2021 21:12
      this update is better than nothing bro

  20. Kingrrg
    9 August 2021 22:02

    how do i make my car go faster



    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      10 August 2021 21:14
      Open the menu
      Go to "Vehicle"
      Go to "Acceleration"
      Scroll the "Acceleration" to 100 (i dont recommend using more than that unless you are a very skilled driver)

      You are welcome

      1. Kingrrg
        13 August 2021 23:54
        thank you so much i realy appreciate it

  21. Kusuriii
    9 August 2021 16:43

    The cheat opens on my desktop but it doesnt work in gta for me.  Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


    1. zocks
      9 August 2021 17:43
      Put windowed mode in gta

  22. fabysam123
    9 August 2021 15:48

    best cheat, from update i used it on new gta5 account, and all worked, not banned, level 300+ and money$

    1. FUM3Z
      10 August 2021 04:25

      how did you get money ? i got rp but i cant find the option for money

      1. fabysam123
        10 August 2021 13:13
        go in casino, open cheat, online services, casino, and set on 25.000 coins, put macro with numpad 5 on it, and let it one day, after you change the coins in $, and you are done.

  23. Kvasnička Adam
    9 August 2021 14:51




    1. Thomass shelbyyy
      9 August 2021 15:37
      in this version it doesn't work or at least it doesn't work for me

  24. Forx1n
    9 August 2021 10:52

    Is there a ban risk?

    1. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      9 August 2021 16:10
      nope unless you are using one of the features marked with “⚠” and doing mess with it, or just killing people with godmode

  25. Jucatorrr
    9 August 2021 01:18

    I love it

    One of the best for gta 5 

  26. hiuersd
    8 August 2021 16:07

    ahoj, jak můžu přebindovat ty čísla na něco jinýho? Tu osmičku atak. díky


    1. hiuersd
      8 August 2021 16:08
      ovládání mod menu.

  27. FreeZyx
    8 August 2021 15:33
    Quote: Kvasnička Adam

    hmm když jsem to extrahoval tak kam? mám to extrahované na ploše co teď moc to nechápu prosím pomozte díky. ;)


    Necháš si to na ploše. A pak jenom zapni GTA v Borderless Window rozlišení. Otevřeš složku "modest_menuv0.9.0.7" ve které je napsaná další složka "modest" na tu klikneš a pak zapneš jen EXE. soubor (Aplikaci) s ikonou. A pak už F5 se zapíná mod_menu.

  28. Bald Fruitloop
    8 August 2021 14:16

    Just a heads up....


    the repair vehicle cheat under online services does not work and if you do try to activate it, it will stop you from being able to use any of the vehicle custom shops

  29. Alexuu112
    8 August 2021 11:34

    I can take ban if I put lvl 107?


    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      8 August 2021 13:57
      i think so yes

    2. myhad11
      9 August 2021 14:44
      if your acc is old enough, like 1-2 years old, i think you can put high level, like 100-200, my acc is 2 years old, and i put 120 level, and i didnt get banned.

  30. Eliot Mr
    8 August 2021 01:08

    Hola, esta es la ultima version