[GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

  • Developer: Kiddion
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0.1

Perhaps this is the most popular cheat mod Kiddion's modestexternal for the game GTA 5 Online. Already for a long time, this hack is one of the best among other hacks for the game GTA 5. Low probability of getting a ban, a large number of features, as well as hidden guides of money cheat and much more. Full control over the game and players in GTA Online mode. Installing and configuring this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will be sure to run it without any problems. Any questions? Ask in the comments.

Kiddion's Modest External Menu

Kiddion's Modest External Menu 2024

Version hack v1.0.1 for GTA V Online v1.69

How to make money in GTA 5 Online?

Cheat money through the casino: Online Services -> Casino Settings -> A Get Lucky Wheel Price


  1. Download the menu
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod
  4. Read the disclaimer, and press OK

Default keys include:

  • [F5] to show/hide the menu,
  • [Numpad 0] to go back,
  • [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
  • [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
  • [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

Unlimited XP With Kiddions! (Safe Way)

This is a tutorial on how to earn unlimited rp with the help of Kiddions!

Step 1. Open Kiddions and go to "Tunables" and put your RP Multiplier to 100 or less.

If you put it to any number higher than 100 you will not get any rp

Step 2. Download the Teleport.json file.

Step 3. Extract the Teleport.json file to your "modest-menu" folder and overwrite the existing file.

You have now installed the file

Step 4. Open Kiddions and go to Teleport > Custom Location and proceed to teleport to "Time Trail".

Step 5. You then want to start the time trail and teleport to "Finish Line"

Now you repeat the steps by teleporting back and forth

Don't forget to start the time trail.

Free Download [GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

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Comments: 1 734 Views: 1 051 887

1 734 comments

  1. Kvasnička Adam
    7 August 2021 23:06

    hmm když jsem to extrahoval tak kam? mám to extrahované na ploše co teď moc to nechápu prosím pomozte díky. ;)


    1. jiop98
      Real Cheater
      8 August 2021 00:23
      1. na ploše to můžeš nechat
      2. zapni gta a dej do modu window bordeless, prostě, aby nevylo ve fullscreenu
      3. běž do té extrahovaný složky, pak jdi do druhé složky, co tam je
      4. dvakrát klikni na moddest_menu a ono se ti to zapne, pokud ne, zmáčkni F5
      ovládá se to numerickou

  2. getzia79
    7 August 2021 19:00

    the menue doesnt work anymore:/


    1. HeroJanik2
      8 August 2021 15:24
      It is working. What are you talking about?

  3. ShotoAN
    7 August 2021 17:10

    It gives me an error when i try to extract it


    1. einwildesm4xy
      7 August 2021 22:50
      Unzip it with winrar or 7z

  4. Tomas52769
    6 August 2021 18:17

    Good job man, but some features don't work. For example God mode and game crashes.

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      6 August 2021 20:27
      god mode works for me

  5. angelbc15
    6 August 2021 17:57

    I want the LS club level 100 wheels, is there a way to get them with this cheat?

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      6 August 2021 20:28
      no my dear friend, only by using vehicle speed cheat and win the races

    2. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      6 August 2021 23:09
      You can change game speed in cheat engine and go afk in LS car meet to gain xp

      1. cheatpays
        7 August 2021 13:46
        Legendary XD

  6. dejwiik
    6 August 2021 14:27

    i got banned for 2 months so idk but i did not any obvious activity just guns and heist god mode :D 


    1. pestji
      11 August 2021 00:25
      maybe somebody from heist group reported you....

  7. Chrissx99
    6 August 2021 14:01

    is updateted ?

    when the LS come out this mod stoped working

    1. EverLastThink
      EverLastThink · --KeNyéR--#0001
      7 August 2021 10:17
      yes, its updated!

  8. Afrijack
    6 August 2021 13:10

    the mod is good but when I enter Deluxo the game crashes

    1. A F
      6 August 2021 16:18
      same bro:((

  9. superege8
    5 August 2021 23:13

    this mod menu is really good


  10. stefan2005
    5 August 2021 19:02

    can i use this hack to unlock all of the tuners dlc modifications ?


    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      5 August 2021 20:23
      i dont think so buddy

  11. Costy_
    5 August 2021 17:50

    i can't navigate through the menu help pls

    1. jiop98
      Real Cheater
      5 August 2021 18:26
      [F5] to show/hide the menu,
      [Numpad 0] to go back,
      [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
      [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
      [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

    2. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      5 August 2021 20:24
      read the part on how to use the cheat before downloading it

  12. com3n
    5 August 2021 15:21

    The safest menu atm

  13. marenec
    5 August 2021 14:21

    i want to set my rp to 120 from 3 . is it safe ?


    1. Blacksix
      5 August 2021 15:19
      I think the RP change not safe...

    2. Gany_ganyant
      Gany_ganyant · Gany_Ganyant#0420
      5 August 2021 18:13
      You can't reach 2 of these levels(25, 50, 100) at the same day so first rank up to 30, 24 hours later to 80 and 24 hours after that to level 120 and it should be safe, but rather do it in 48 hour intervals just to be sure

      1. Slurpy
        6 August 2021 22:33
        its ok from 164 to 308 i made myself and its all good

    3. Coppermonet
      5 August 2021 19:55
      make it with cheat engine, but don t try make money with it

    4. spargatoruldebuci
      7 August 2021 12:45
      I have rp 396 and nothing happened

  14. kioshi666
    kioshi666 · toni#0003
    5 August 2021 02:31
    Quote: Fixak

    Guyes , please help me. I cannont drop money. What can i do now ?  

    Rig the slot machines, twice per day but still 100M.

  15. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    4 August 2021 21:36

    Its working and its safe now. But sadly the money drop is removed from it. Thank you so much developers! ❤️ 

  16. mellesterr
    4 August 2021 21:00

    does it work for solo mode?

    does it work for solo mode?

  17. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    4 August 2021 20:41

    Everything is safe. The money drop feature was removed and that's about it. The casino limit thing that GTA announced now kinda sucks but you can still get a little bit of money from it; just not as much as you could before. If you are wondering, It IS safe to use and you WONT get banned if you aren't a total dumbass that abuses all the features.

    1. Nightmareeee
      Real Cheater
      4 August 2021 20:42
      exactly, you know how it is

  18. Suplik
    4 August 2021 19:40

    Is it safe or not, i'm confused xddd ? 



    1. FreeZyx
      6 August 2021 14:24
      It is still (Undetected) even confirmed from creators on this website https://www.kiddionsmodmenu.com/
      But its not safe if you do risky actions like Changing RP and stuff...

  19. Kingrrg
    4 August 2021 19:14

    it is not safe to use


    1. Blacksix
      4 August 2021 19:45
      why not safe?

      1. Nightmareeee
        Real Cheater
        4 August 2021 20:42
        cause he is dumb and is griefing and etc...

        1. Kingrrg
          4 August 2021 23:16
          no because it says its a virus a have scaned the files with over 10 anti viruses and all say its a virus

          1. gamertag84
            5 August 2021 12:52
            stop going to people to tell them it's a virus...if you are an idiot who doesn't know a thing about cheating then don't spread misinformations

            1. Kingrrg
              5 August 2021 18:41
              so without knowing anything about me you think i dont know shit? I think i know enough to tell that is a virus

  20. NoN4m3Max
    4 August 2021 17:55

    I can´t open it please help anyone.

  21. Afrijack
    4 August 2021 17:52

    thank you so much for this mod, btw is it safe or not guys?

    1. Kingrrg
      4 August 2021 19:13
      i dont think its safe

      1. Kingrrg
        4 August 2021 23:15
        no because it says its a virus a have scaned the files with over 10 anti viruses and all say its a virus

        1. Martin Lawrence
          6 August 2021 07:29
          Of course, antiviruses detects it as a virus. Its an untrusted script for fucks sake but it doesnt mean its a virus...

  22. Dani.GG
    4 August 2021 16:19

      In the new verison of the menu, Moeny Drop isn't a featrure anymore because Kiddion doesn't know if it's safe, it will probably be added when it's safe to use

      Also the increase daily limit from the casion options was removed, so now you can only get the jackpot twice a day

      And the repair feature isn't working for some reason, kiddion will probably repair it in the next update

      There is no LSCM features, because Kiddion said that he didn't have time to look at the new update( We will probably get new feature in the next version of the menu


    The best way to get money is using the Bunker method (You can search a tutorial on Youtube.com to see how to do it)

    1. Bariii
      5 August 2021 22:38
      Will the option of increasing daily limit back next update ?

  23. Blacksix
    4 August 2021 15:58

    THX for update, but the "repair vehicle" option is dont work.

    1. Fixak
      4 August 2021 16:13
      Can you drop money ? Because i cannont

      1. Blacksix
        4 August 2021 19:42

        I never drop money, and never touch my RP. Im only use this menu for vehicle spawn, repair, max ammo, anti-afk and lose cops. I never use godmode or something unfair thing.

  24. Fixak
    4 August 2021 15:56

    Guyes , please help me. I cannont drop money. What can i do now ?  

  25. KDreamsen
    4 August 2021 14:54


  26. kioshi666
    kioshi666 · toni#0003
    4 August 2021 14:39

    took a while, thank you so much kiddion, we appreciate your work! <3

  27. thbjkhvugcfzgh
    4 August 2021 14:24

    i cant open can someone help me?


  28. nhla1771
    4 August 2021 13:19

    Very good thank you 

  29. mirda28
    4 August 2021 12:51

    Thanks for the update :D


  30. daniel1155455556552525252
    4 August 2021 12:35
    Quote: ztztrtzrtzrzrtztrrrr

    money drop is off
