[GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

  • Developer: Kiddion
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0.1

Perhaps this is the most popular cheat mod Kiddion's modestexternal for the game GTA 5 Online. Already for a long time, this hack is one of the best among other hacks for the game GTA 5. Low probability of getting a ban, a large number of features, as well as hidden guides of money cheat and much more. Full control over the game and players in GTA Online mode. Installing and configuring this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will be sure to run it without any problems. Any questions? Ask in the comments.

Kiddion's Modest External Menu

Kiddion's Modest External Menu 2024

Version hack v1.0.1 for GTA V Online v1.69

How to make money in GTA 5 Online?

Cheat money through the casino: Online Services -> Casino Settings -> A Get Lucky Wheel Price


  1. Download the menu
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod
  4. Read the disclaimer, and press OK

Default keys include:

  • [F5] to show/hide the menu,
  • [Numpad 0] to go back,
  • [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
  • [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
  • [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

Unlimited XP With Kiddions! (Safe Way)

This is a tutorial on how to earn unlimited rp with the help of Kiddions!

Step 1. Open Kiddions and go to "Tunables" and put your RP Multiplier to 100 or less.

If you put it to any number higher than 100 you will not get any rp

Step 2. Download the Teleport.json file.

Step 3. Extract the Teleport.json file to your "modest-menu" folder and overwrite the existing file.

You have now installed the file

Step 4. Open Kiddions and go to Teleport > Custom Location and proceed to teleport to "Time Trail".

Step 5. You then want to start the time trail and teleport to "Finish Line"

Now you repeat the steps by teleporting back and forth

Don't forget to start the time trail.

Free Download [GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

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Comments: 1 734 Views: 1 051 889

1 734 comments

  1. backup.beda
    22 July 2021 17:51

    The new update of Kiddion's Mod Menu usually takes few days, max. 1 week to have the new update :)

  2. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    22 July 2021 15:56

    Stop spamming: (update pls...). The developers are working on it, just wait.

    1. pajaxiik
      24 July 2021 09:03
      Už to je asi myslím

  3. edgas
    21 July 2021 23:34

    Guys, THE GAME GTA has just updated. You all need to BE FUCKING PATIENT for the creator to update the mod.

  4. TryToCryyydsdssdsfas
    21 July 2021 23:02

    Update please

  5. hhooo
    21 July 2021 22:22

    pls update


  6. khanbhai9787
    21 July 2021 22:12

    plzzz plzzz plzzzz update:))



  7. Vlad Hristea
    21 July 2021 20:48

    update pllssssss


    21 July 2021 20:23



  9. adam_or_max
    21 July 2021 20:01

    I need cheats

    I need cheats plsssss update ?! 


  10. kusacekCZ
    kusacekCZ · PTH Maty#7366
    21 July 2021 19:42

    OMG why u spaming update pls...... When u type it, dev cant do it faster lol... pls think about it, dev knows about update and doing everything for new version of mod menu .... just wait kids

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      21 July 2021 21:50
      And that's. on. facts.

      1. GooseBoiHasKnife
        Real Cheater
        31 July 2021 08:35
        bro who dislikes a comment telling y'all to be patient y'all really some bitches huh

        1. KingWithoutCrown
          31 July 2021 11:25
          Stfu you dumb bitch lmao, you coming here fcking every hour to watch if its already here, fcking pathetic kid

          1. GooseBoiHasKnife
            Real Cheater
            31 July 2021 20:09
            I come here twice a day to check. There’s nothing wrong with checking even 50 times a day. At least I’m not one of the ones spamming plz update in all caps in the comments. People are rushing the shit out of this dev knowing damn well that this developer is working his ass off trying to update this thing for you nagging, bitching pieces of shit

            1. r3maiN
              4 August 2021 03:54
              Sadly i need a new way to farm money & level , my account got banned and i simply added money from cheat engine .. sad but true . i see people destroying lobbies and still playing and i was just stancing cars and etc .. Sad

        2. hsantantan
          1 August 2021 22:45
          ur trying to be good at english but i can see u suck at it XD

    2. pajaxiik
      23 July 2021 10:17
      jo taky chci uz update

      1. GooseBoiHasKnife
        Real Cheater
        28 July 2021 07:18
        How many times have we said stop spamming update

    3. ImDeathSkull
      27 July 2021 11:20

    4. JonathanGamer2020
      27 July 2021 15:19
      nunca reclamei de vc sem problema :D

    5. gamertag84
      27 July 2021 17:27
      True my homie

    6. frank22
      29 July 2021 10:41
      kid is the guy that is younger than 18 years old, so let me guess 44 years old man
      is kid?

    7. Nadahan
      29 July 2021 19:00

      can you tell me how much time gona take like days weeks months beacus
      I do not want come here every day

      1. tomasraketa
        29 July 2021 20:53
        It will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (1 or 2 days)

        1. Nadahan
          29 July 2021 21:48
          I'll see you tomorrow

        2. GooseBoiHasKnife
          Real Cheater
          30 July 2021 05:14
          Just be fucking patient it's not that hard go play something else while you wait

          1. shionni
            30 July 2021 21:01
            furry hentai rule 34

            1. GooseBoiHasKnife
              Real Cheater
              1 August 2021 01:27
              lord god why would you bring up the rules or furry hentai

  11. Darius1234566657
    21 July 2021 18:58

    why is outdated

    1. edgas
      21 July 2021 19:14
      had update on gta5

  12. ewdfsewseses
    21 July 2021 17:22

    Stop spamming if you spam Developer wont be faster.

  13. Jmonnnn
    21 July 2021 17:00

    Dont spam Update they are working on it Thats why it says  Outdated due to the latest GTA DLC Update (07/20). Please be patient. underneath

  14. Coxatu69
    21 July 2021 16:13


  15. Nadahan
    21 July 2021 15:09

    update pls


  16. backup.beda
    21 July 2021 12:16
    Quote: pol.tron

    až to pujde tak dejte vědět dikes a jinak si počkam děkuji moc 

    Obvykle to má nový update do pár dnů, max. 1 týden :)


    1. adam_or_max
      21 July 2021 15:58
      dakujem typku

  17. maramres123
    21 July 2021 11:33

    update pls


  18. jesus juice
    21 July 2021 11:15

    Update plx


  19. pol.tron
    21 July 2021 11:07

    až to pujde tak dejte vědět dikes a jinak si počkam děkuji moc 

  20. mirda28
    21 July 2021 10:39

    please update ?!


  21. aaron_grand1
    Real Cheater
    21 July 2021 07:07

    Nice cheat :P need update

    21 July 2021 03:18

    Guys, THE GAME GTA has just updated TODAY. You all need to BE FUCKING PATIENT for the creator to update the mod.

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      21 July 2021 21:50
      Ong brother

  23. malossi279
    21 July 2021 03:16

    actualicen gracias

  24. rayenhdr
    21 July 2021 01:21



    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      21 July 2021 21:51
      Just give the dev time itll be within the next week I'm sure

  25. Tiborko
    20 July 2021 23:25

    this problem is because is neq version in gta 5 pls ubdate

  26. SKY__ECC
    20 July 2021 23:22

    same problem 


  27. FasoleBatuta
    20 July 2021 23:10

    i have a error it says :unable to find requierd GTA5 offsets what can i do fast pls

  28. mirda28
    20 July 2021 22:55

    menu not working :(

    1. Adi07hunn
      20 July 2021 23:03
      stfu idiot go and fix thats a lot of work

      1. graecus
        21 July 2021 11:27

        No need to be like that, he/she just said "menu not working" even with a sad face. Write this under other comments like "where the fuck is update!!!!!?????" and so on.

        1. Adi07hunn
          21 July 2021 13:10

          we know the menu is outdated the developer is fix it but dont write it down 999x

  29. mirda28
    20 July 2021 22:02

    please what is the password ???

    1. kusacekCZ
      kusacekCZ · PTH Maty#7366
      20 July 2021 22:12
      password is 123

  30. jednak
    20 July 2021 21:47

    Jaké je heslo ke stažení mě se bez něj nechce otevřít soubor ke stažení?


    1. kusacekCZ
      kusacekCZ · PTH Maty#7366
      20 July 2021 22:12
      heslo je 123