Aristois - Minecraft hack 1.12.2-1.16.1

  • Developer:
  • Status:
  • Updated: 28.07.20
  • Current version: Build 307
If You have not heard about the existence of such a hack under the name Aristois for Minecraft, then rather download this cheat for free from our website. To date, this is one of the best free hacks on Minecraft, which is updated under the most current versions of the game Minecraft, for example now the launcher is relevant for such versions as 1.12.2-1.16.1. Round the clock technical support that will help you in any matter, as well as ease of use and startup, a beautiful GUI menu for settings and many different functions are waiting for you while using the free hack on Minecraft Aristois. The cheat has a rich, but fairly standard functionality, with most of which you are probably already familiar. 99% of what you need is here. Here are unusual features that appealed to me personally, because I have not yet seen them in any other cheats.

Useful features of the interface, which displays a little text on your location and ping. A Phase feature that expands the possibilities of your movements by adding a double jump and the ability to move faster around the sides while you're in the air. FastLadders feature that speeds up climbing stairs. A Jetpack feature that allows you to fly up quickly by simulating the presence of a jetpack. Convenient to use in conjunction with Phase. Yes, there is a function of flight, but for it kicks almost all servers (use at your own risk). Spider feature that allows you to climb any walls.

How to install Aristois:
1. Make sure the Minecraft launcher and Minecraft is closed
2. Copy the folder in this zip file to .minecraft/versions/
3. Start the Minecraft launcher and click the three stripes in the top right corner
4. Press "launch options" and then click "Add new"
5. Select release and then in the dropdown select "release <mcversion>-Aristois" and hit save
6. Head to news and click the arrow to the right of the start button and select Aristois
7. Start Aristois

How to find .minecraft/versions/:
1. Press Win+R
2. Type %appdata% and press enter
3. Go into the .minecraft folder
4. Go into the versions folder

Free Download Aristois - Minecraft hack 1.12.2-1.16.1

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Comments: 24 Views: 22 952


  1. SFKamouz
    18 October 2021 07:28

    No funciona el link


  2. Xyzzzz
    5 July 2021 14:33

    cant download


  3. kaszus
    15 December 2020 12:28
    not working

  4. TheChosenOne
    12 December 2020 23:23
    You can also install it directly from the website you know?

  5. Sergiu692
    25 November 2020 18:07
    how to install with Tlauncher?

  6. yazankaed_464
    23 November 2020 10:30
    nice hack

  7. jaystation
    1 November 2020 12:03
    bruh read the instructions

  8. lo90pki8
    12 October 2020 03:24
    not working

  9. Coby Healy
    27 August 2020 05:34
    How do you put this in Tlauncher??

    1. Cristi_2
      28 August 2020 22:33
      cu talent

      1. Don Dani
        15 September 2020 16:08

  10. minecraft gamer
    14 August 2020 07:41
    nice hack but i play bed wars and i got kick i won on that game on many times and they say to me a aim boter and hacker so i can go back on my best server in minecraft pls fix this that no one can kick me pls i can go back on bed wars server i can play any bedwar any more i try in i make my new acc so pls fix got ban

  11. gr1ndy___
    6 August 2020 15:28
    Menu Key Right Shift

  12. fettsack
    5 August 2020 01:22
    there is no 3 points

  13. 11xXjeremiasxX11
    3 August 2020 22:04
    how to active the hack

    1. dudew
      Real Cheater
      3 August 2020 22:08
      %appdata%/ .minecraft/ version

      1. wei28
        14 August 2020 18:27
        So what are we going to do next?

    2. BOOST
      5 August 2020 21:19
      left shift i think

      1. Denis16
        24 August 2020 18:12
        Right shift

  14. ThatWasEsy
    ThatWasEsy · ⛧ThatWasΞsy⛧#0666
    2 August 2020 15:02
    there is no zip file i just get the .jar one

  15. fakoff2
    31 July 2020 22:24
    pls .dll file because i have cracked minecraft

    1. gigelemanevra
      9 August 2020 13:21
      you can use

  16. kristiankbd
    30 July 2020 19:00
    2. Type %appdata% and press enter
    3. Go into the .minecraft folder
    4. Go into the versions folder

  17. Bulldog
    29 July 2020 17:38
    very very nice hack

New Comments
Water Dependency Water Dependency

I'm the only one with problems for download just now?

Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^