Cheat-Mod Minecraft Gish Code 1.12.2 [JAR, DLL]

  • Developer: GishReloaded
  • Status:
  • Updated: 28.07.20
  • Current version: v0.4.9
Hi! Another free cheat mod for Minecraft that you can download for free from our site. A functional hack that is a pleasure to use. It has all the most necessary features for a comfortable game (see the screenshot). For example, using the cheat mod Gish Code on Minecraft, you can: control the player (include flight, fast running, automatically puts on the best armor from invetnar, allows you to pass through walls, etc.), there are also beautiful visual effects such as XRay, ESP, temESP, PlayerRadar, etc. It also has settings for perfect attack, shooting, critical hits, and more. In General, download this cheat for Minecraft And you will not regret your choice. I use it personally, everything suits me, and most importantly this mod is a cheat without a ban.

- How do I add blocks to XRay ?
There are two ways:
xray add mouse - Adds a block to which you are focused.
xray add <id:meta> <r> <g> <b> Where r g b - sets the color intensity (red, green, blue), from 0 to 255.

xray add 35:1 255 155 0 - Adds orange wool, which is highlighted orange.
xray add 73 255 0 0 - Adds a Redstone that is highlighted in red.

- How do I open the menu ?
By default, the menu opens to the right shift.

- How do I open settings ?
PCM by function.

How to use compiled (JAR, DLL). Three ways to use it:
[1] Using JAR as a normal Minecraft Forge mod (copying the JAR file to the mods folder)
[2] using JAR for injection in Minecraft Forge Client using JavaInjector []
[3] using DLL for injection in Minecraft Forge Client using any injector

Free Download Cheat-Mod Minecraft Gish Code 1.12.2 [JAR, DLL]

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Comments: 14 Views: 29 424


  1. Robloxx
    20 September 2022 14:15

    does tlauncher works

  2. murmucz99HUNmagyarxxx
    16 June 2022 21:42

    New link pls

  3. dsfadsads
    2 January 2022 11:06

    new link ?

  4. khoa13122006
    30 June 2021 23:38

    bruh the link is dead

  5. vapex
    22 May 2021 19:03


  6. Kraulus
    25 February 2021 11:30
    toto modové menu sa už nedá stiahnuť, tak prečo to tu stále máte :(

    27 August 2020 00:56
    who is open

    1. kamyab123
      15 October 2020 19:03
      press y are right shift

  8. Maimutacuputa1
    22 August 2020 00:29
    how to open ?

    1. kamyab123
      15 October 2020 19:04
      press y are right shift

  9. dudew
    Real Cheater
    3 August 2020 15:53
    nice design

  10. eeeeeeew
    1 August 2020 02:42
    nice thx
    no ban
    but i have
    a spoffer

    1. LUCKYQ0
      1 August 2020 08:18
      free spoffer ?

    2. Huntedtroll
      21 September 2020 20:14
      what spoofer ?

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work