Cheat for Craftopia - GodMode, ESP, Inf Ammo, etc.

  • Developer: wh0am15533
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.01.21
  • Current version: v1.2
Cheat for Craftopia
Playing the new Craftopia game? Especially for you, we upload a free cheat for this game that you can download from our website. This is a universal cheat from wh0am15533 with good functionality and convenient management. You can edit all the functionality directly during the game via the global hack menu. It has all the necessary features for a beautiful and progressive game. For example, there are functions such as: GodMode, ESP, Inf Ammo and other functions (the full list is under this entry). You'll be able to see enemies through textures, use God mode on game servers, enable infinite gear, and more.

How to use it:
If using Doorstop - Place file anywhere and specify it in the Doorstop.ini
If using BepInEx - Place file within the 'BepInEx\Plugins' folder

If using Standalone Injector, place file anywhere and within your chosen injector specify the following:

Namespace: Trainer
Class: Loader
Method: Init

Free Download Cheat for Craftopia - GodMode, ESP, Inf Ammo, etc.

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Comments: 3 Views: 7 351


  1. Karapuz
    8 November 2020 19:54
    А есть читы на Андроид и так что бы только сам мод поверх игры???

  2. Hunting Hacker
    31 October 2020 22:29

  3. WhoStone_
    24 September 2020 19:03
    Tanks worked for me !  :D ♥