Lost Light WH/Chams

  • Developer: Stoned
  • Status:
  • Updated: 06.04.23
  • Current version: 1.2

Disclamer: This Project is based on D3D11-Worldtoscreen-Finder by DrNseven.
 I just modified it adjusted it for Lost Light and releases it here cause there People that dont know how to Compile etc.

How to use:
1. Put both files in Same Directory
2. Run the Injector As Admin (the dll name has to be 'inject.dll' else Injector dont find dll)
3. Run Lost light

How to Open Menu
Open Menu: INSERT

Tutorial/Preview: [media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhE4eBafFTs]

Update 1.2:
- Added Simple Recoil Helper
(It only moves the Mouse down if Mouse1&Mouse2 both holded)
Update 1.1:
- Fixed Color Bugs in Main Menu / Lobby

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Comments: 16 Views: 24 322


  1. PolkaLopka
    10 December 2023 21:35

    need update pls

  2. nearhoshinova
    16 November 2023 13:47


  3. adriannnn1612
    10 July 2023 13:16

    now i think is detected bc it kicks u out the game whit the screen "ur using 3rd party apps" 😪 

  4. Polerbare
    9 June 2023 05:19

    updated game on the 7th enyupdates for this or?

  5. kapkfaa awfhioahf
    22 April 2023 18:28


  6. XfreddyX
    21 April 2023 23:39

    actualizacion yaaaa 

  7. Borodach56789
    13 April 2023 10:14

    update the cheat

  8. andre454
    11 April 2023 16:07

    what injector i need to use

  9. Zombie7HD
    7 April 2023 22:10

    So the cheat you posted may work but the game you made it for, The servers in the game are all down, So you can't even use the cheat because they won't let anyone play it.

    1. Stoned_Live
      Stoned_Live · .xml#2157
      8 April 2023 21:47

      I already posted the Cheat earlier but it took some time to get approved.

  10. Near_Hoshinova
    Near_Hoshinova · XiaoXiao#5925
    7 April 2023 21:16

    is this legit?

    1. Stoned_Live
      Stoned_Live · .xml#2157
      8 April 2023 21:48

      Yes it is, else it would not get approved 😉

      1. darofo5810
        20 April 2023 16:20

        not anymore. please kindly update the cheat? ty

  11. Dpnstar
    7 April 2023 00:35

    When get approved?

    1. Stoned_Live
      Stoned_Live · .xml#2157
      7 April 2023 11:18

      It got approved 😎

      1. Follish
        13 April 2023 17:32

        lol its detected 

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work