Payday 3 Save - Unlocking weapons and masks

  • Developer: DEFALT47
  • Status:
  • Updated: 29.09.23
  • Current version: 1.0

Payday 3 Save - Unlocking weapons and masks

Here is the first available save for Payday 3 (Steam, Windows Store) with unlocking the best weapons and masks. By implementing this save in the game, you will be able to activate some of the best weapons and masks for free and quickly. Follow the instructions, and you will succeed.

For the correct operation of the save, you will need to download the program Fiddler Classic.

How to use:

1. Download Fiddler Classic.

2. Open Fiddler Classic.

3. Tools > Options > HTTPS > Decrypt HTTPS traffic

4. Tools > Options > Connections > Capture FTP requests

5. (Optional) Tools > Options > HTTPS > Protocols > tls 1.0 to tls 1.2

6. Open the game.

7. Change something in Inventory.

8. Open the Composer on the right side of Fiddler Classic

9. In the left part:


Find this thing, press and hold and drag it to the Composer on the right side.

(if you can't find it (impossible) search "/cloudsave/v1/namespaces/pd3/users/" with CTRL+F)

10. Copy the code and put it in the "Request Body" and click Execute.

11. Exit the game and re-enter. That's it.

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  1. Humanityslasthope
    9 October 2023 01:14

    Emm, thank you for the save; however after I've send code via the request body and hitted execute then proceeded to close and re open the game, nothing happened, could you help? Thanks

    1. Humanityslasthope
      9 October 2023 13:34

      All good, it didn't work the first time, af5er a few trial and tribulations it did work, thank you

      1. Kazuo734
        5 December 2023 06:19

        if you dont mind my asking im running into the same issues maybe because im a little late to it but im not sure but do you mind telling me what you did that might help me fix it?

  2. dog pack
    30 September 2023 20:19

    it really works, that's cool!  I was wondering how this actually works

  3. MadRoxx
    Real Cheater
    30 September 2023 15:44

    thank you xD you are genius i appreciate you