Sea Of Thieves External Cheat | PidorG ArenA

  • Developer: MaddoG
  • Status:
  • Updated: 15.04.23
  • Current version: 2.2

New free External Cheat PidorG on Sea Of Thieves which you can download from our website. A large selection of features, a game without a ban, and many other advantages in relation to other players. For example, there are features such as: Aimbot with which you can shoot perfectly, the function Visuals where there are various settings for displaying enemies through textures on the map, for displaying treasures, mermaids, ships, and much more. There are also other additional functions like bhop, Panic key, Player List, etc. Download this hack on Sea Of Thieves from our site and you will not regret it :)


Support: Steam\MCstore + Insider

  • Key [Insert] - Open Menu
  • Show full ship info (like speed, damage and etc...)
  • Show Player's
  • Show cannon prediction.

WM option:

  • Big aspect ratio (FOV 120)
  • Day time changer

Tab other:

  • Double shot
  • LootSprint
  • Sword Lunge

Free Download Sea Of Thieves External Cheat | PidorG ArenA

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Comments: 180 Views: 85 328


  1. aployed
    22 May 2021 22:17

    don't work

  2. IronBlyat
    22 May 2021 20:23

    Map pin and auto pilot is not working

  3. Snipeeeey
    Snipeeeey · Snipeeeey#3870
    22 May 2021 19:47

    I have a problem that the ESP (for the quests with the x on it) does not open.

  4. Marcell2307
    6 May 2021 15:16

    This cheat got paid...

  5. qkqhgnr
    5 May 2021 16:25

    update plz~ thx

  6. Arpako
    3 March 2021 23:09
    Le fichier a été supprimé

  7. pk529077246
    3 March 2021 12:54
    its outdated

  8. Trodan
    27 February 2021 00:05
    where's the fck cheat?!! 

  9. DeXtRoYa
    24 February 2021 15:13
    "The file was deleted by the developer."  WoW

  10. kyznetsov12.200
    22 February 2021 22:38
    This is cool verison for game smile 

  11. pk529077246
    18 February 2021 21:10
    it doesnt work anymore

  12. windigox
    1 February 2021 01:17
    it doesnt work anymore

  13. Yogot
    31 January 2021 16:51
    wtf cheat is broked ? I want old version

    1. notsoangel
      31 January 2021 20:01
      its literally called lite version, you can find the coder site and buy the full version of this cheat, so no its not broken

      1. mitonitos
        1 February 2021 10:52
        where do I find it complete?

  14. Dhanushka Dilshan
    31 January 2021 13:58
    Loot Not show  please Fix Loot create Show Thanks For Esp, 

  15. hakan1500
    30 January 2021 18:33
    new version is not free ? right

  16. naimultusher
    naimultusher · Boss Baby#4322
    29 January 2021 17:01
    hlw sir update pls

  17. alizax94
    29 January 2021 11:16
    work after update with battlepass? 28/01/2021 plz  

    1. jugh3ad
      29 January 2021 17:04
      no but you can buy new version

      1. ɐʎɐ⅄ pǝʞɔɐH
        ɐʎɐ⅄ pǝʞɔɐH · ɐʎɐ⅄ pǝʞɔɐH#1496
        31 January 2021 11:50
        Or crack it :)

        1. chency
          31 January 2021 14:13
          its kind of expensive :(

        2. jugh3ad
          1 February 2021 12:30
          do you have crack version of pidrog?
          I'm trying to crack sot external premium version it may be over in the next few days :D

      2. mitonitos
        1 February 2021 10:56
        where I get that paid version ?

  18. Snipsworld
    28 January 2021 15:23
    work after update with battlepass? 28/01/2021

    1. Bobolo
      28 January 2021 17:03
      i think its outdated

      1. notsoangel
        28 January 2021 19:49
        when will it be updated

      2. Snipsworld
        28 January 2021 22:04
        asta e frate.. :))

  19. legitacek
    21 January 2021 16:49
    This is good cheat, esp and all works but aimbot doesnt, i dont know why, but its good cheat and i recommending this cheat

    1. znopez
      21 January 2021 21:24
      Try to enable only the enemy aimbot

      For me, the skeleton and enemy aimbot cause a kind of conflict

  20. hakan1500
    17 January 2021 20:53
    is ıt works ?

    1. mario clark
      18 January 2021 23:31
      yeah you need to play on borderless

  21. GiletteAbdi01
    16 January 2021 20:52
    Really good cheat! The aimbot doesn't work for me but I think that is just a problem for me and it works fine for others. All I can say is that I can RECOMMEND this cheat. Thumbs up!

  22. CaliGod
    CaliGod · uzi#2002
    15 January 2021 09:27
    I am amazed by this cheat!

    Hello everyone, at first I"ll admit that I was suspicious of the legitimacy of the cheat. Although after installing the cheat and having to try It, I was actually impressed by how perfect It actually was. I've played with the cheat for about 12 hours and my opinion is that this one is the best you could ever have/install. This cheat has some hard work put into It, I am thankful to the guy that made this cheat and I appreciate the time he put into this for people to use it. The Auto Fishing is probably the best thing in this, I've never thought I would see something like this in Sea of Thieves modding/cheating.

    P.S. Thank you, both the uploader and the developer of It, wish you the best of luck!

  23. Spylee01
    11 January 2021 20:10
    how to autosell fish after caught by fish bot. 

    1. CaliGod
      CaliGod · uzi#2002
      15 January 2021 09:16
      Hello, @Spylee01

      Well, first you need to open the Insert - go to the Fishing tab and enable the fishing menu. After doing so, make sure you are not having anything in your hands. Click F11 then click "K" to equip your fishing rod, after you did so there should be text making you click Right-Click for the area/place that It has to automatically throw the Fishing Rod to start the fishing process, after that It will ask you to click Right-Click again to the direction of the target (in this case the fisherman that you'll be selling the fish), after clicking both of them, It should start fishing on Its own. If It does not work, probably you'll have to click F11 and switch between the fishing rod and other items to enable the fishing bot.

      Good luck.

  24. Chandra12
    11 January 2021 15:44
    i can't run this cheat

  25. 70m1
    8 January 2021 18:17
    Cannot extract... i mean it extracts to destination folder for like half a second then it dissapears, and yes i unlocked it with the password,,

      12 January 2021 20:51
      try taking it off full screen and do borderless or windowed

    2. CaliGod
      CaliGod · uzi#2002
      15 January 2021 09:19
      Hey, @70m1

      You may or may not be experiencing this error, because of your antivirus program, make sure It Is stopped before extracting & when you'll be playing with this cheat.

      I hope that fixes It, because I had no problems extracting, nor injecting, and playing with it.

      1. 70m1
        20 January 2021 17:36
        The only reason i have been looking for another source for this cheat is the fact that it is identified as a Trojan, and i know it can be identified as that because of many reasons, just wanted more confirmation that it is safe.

  26. Tomas52769
    7 January 2021 18:34
    can add money with this cheat?

  27. JonnyAK
    7 January 2021 11:07
    havent had an issue been playying for 60 hours with it nice 
    (something is wrong with config tab wont sasveit though other than that nice thanks)

  28. noobsagkhar
    noobsagkhar · No Name#4050
    6 January 2021 12:32
    good CHEAT:) (Working)
    Thanks for sharing heart_eyes

  29. Virtually
    3 January 2021 07:07
    works great hope you cant get banned

  30. bbRuh
    3 January 2021 05:24
    I keep on getting a bug saying "Run game before use dlc" Even though im on my boat , Plz tell me how to fix

    1. JKnaps
      3 January 2021 18:09
      Run the cheat as Administrator

    2. orange juice
      9 January 2021 20:37
      first run the game and use cheat