Sea Of Thieves External Cheat | PidorG ArenA

  • Developer: MaddoG
  • Status:
  • Updated: 15.04.23
  • Current version: 2.2

New free External Cheat PidorG on Sea Of Thieves which you can download from our website. A large selection of features, a game without a ban, and many other advantages in relation to other players. For example, there are features such as: Aimbot with which you can shoot perfectly, the function Visuals where there are various settings for displaying enemies through textures on the map, for displaying treasures, mermaids, ships, and much more. There are also other additional functions like bhop, Panic key, Player List, etc. Download this hack on Sea Of Thieves from our site and you will not regret it :)


Support: Steam\MCstore + Insider

  • Key [Insert] - Open Menu
  • Show full ship info (like speed, damage and etc...)
  • Show Player's
  • Show cannon prediction.

WM option:

  • Big aspect ratio (FOV 120)
  • Day time changer

Tab other:

  • Double shot
  • LootSprint
  • Sword Lunge

Free Download Sea Of Thieves External Cheat | PidorG ArenA

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Comments: 180 Views: 85 472


  1. Iyman Jamil
    2 January 2021 21:01
    so far so good

  2. ottaner
    29 December 2020 12:39
    This is virus, will unistall your graphic drivers

    1. Ronan10th
      30 December 2020 23:10
      Dont listen to that guy ^ hes just mad cos he prbly cant get the hack to work.

  3. dark_tlx
    Real Cheater
    27 December 2020 03:13
    It 's really good cheat, I use it and it works very well, it is always updated, I'm very secretive.👌👌👌

  4. Hanzo_Ritsu
    Real Cheater
    24 December 2020 13:58
    Noice cheat bro

  5. MerkCryptic
    21 December 2020 06:53
    Does this work??

  6. swag420420
    20 December 2020 23:31
    client.exe dont even show up anymore

  7. seaofthieves
    15 December 2020 07:49
    Is there any kind of hack that could give us gold? because I would like to have the best things.

  8. Ronan10th
    14 December 2020 19:39
    please add PidorG v.20.3f  on here eager to try that cannon update :D

  9. Mitoxe113
    Mitoxe113 · Mitoxe™#9243
    11 December 2020 22:16
    Yo can you make a canon aimhelper or something?

  10. Mitoxe113
    Mitoxe113 · Mitoxe™#9243
    10 December 2020 23:18
    Need a update!

  11. Chloe
    10 December 2020 18:34
    Please Update to v.20.3b Thanks

  12. dinghan0217
    9 December 2020 19:59
    Need to update

  13. Pa beasty
    8 December 2020 00:27
    I've installed this before but 20.3 wont let me open because the .dll was not found I redownloaded about 8 times.

  14. Batspin
    3 December 2020 01:13
    who ever made this... I love you. keep up the work... Your the best person to exist

  15. Just deaw
    Just deaw · Carl.#2738
    2 December 2020 22:27
    Nice but i don't try it :'D If this cheat is not undetected then i protected this cheat _'D

  16. aviajxnny
    28 November 2020 17:15
    the password is not 123

  17. Ronan10th
    28 November 2020 16:27
    Edit yeah wrong password its not 123 lol

  18. tkachuk0308
    28 November 2020 16:14

    1. Ronan10th
      28 November 2020 16:24
      Bro it's basically right under the download button "123"  sleeping 

  19. Nerzay
    25 November 2020 23:33
    when will the aimbot. Because the Aim Helper I find it is useless

  20. Chetachok
    Real Cheater
    24 November 2020 12:43
    v20 nice work (like)

  21. Ronan10th
    23 November 2020 19:29
    v20 isnt on here yet sad face :(

  22. Nerzay
    22 November 2020 18:24
    my aimbot does not work I have the impression

    1. Ronan10th
      23 November 2020 15:25
      It's not aimbot its aimhelper it doesnt actucally aim on to the player it slights helps you get a lock on it

  23. Anon789
    21 November 2020 02:27
    v19.7, v19.8, and now v19.9 give me a black screen. Steam ver of game is in windowed mode and checking the box to "fix esp" sadly does nothing. Anyone else having this problem?

    1. nuhabkhan
      21 November 2020 06:50
      I am also having the problem

    2. Afki121
      21 November 2020 12:43
      did you try to delete the cfg file ? maybe it helps. i got steam version too and all works fine

      1. nuhabkhan
        22 November 2020 07:08
        Ok I am trying

        Doesnt work

  24. nuhabkhan
    20 November 2020 18:55
    After using both full screen and window mode I can only see titles Of barrels etc.The screen stays black What can I do?

  25. heyyaao
    20 November 2020 13:37
    does it work with the microsoft edition of sot ?

  26. Afki121
    20 November 2020 12:53
    v19.8 link is broken. Wrong password 123 is false 

    1. KATE
      KATE · Brother#4367
      20 November 2020 13:13
      tnx bro
      I updated it

  27. zedoppa
    19 November 2020 00:07
    new v19.7 has been updated in unknowncheats, pls update here too, thank you!

  28. ghkjagshjkbdvhkjasvbdhkjas
    18 November 2020 19:33
    rip,  its been patched. Please update it.

  29. Furiouz
    18 November 2020 17:16
    not working after update!

  30. Ronan10th
    18 November 2020 17:12
    Outdated as from now :(

New Comments
phantorios phantorios

Been using this on Asia server for a month now. Havent banned yet. Using nothing crazy, just auto talk, esp, infinite stamina, skill&ult, no dmg. Only using on world. No event, abyss, imaginarium.

zefkun zefkun

And there's another update in the game, and I still can use the cheat 😁

Small.Finger Small.Finger

It would be Cool if you add that the Weapon is under The Box to see what weapon they have. 

zefkun zefkun

There you go, another update, but this time its the launcher, hope its not gonna detect the cheat  😊