SimpleWare - free legit hack

  • Developer: ziho
  • Status:
  • Updated: 30.03.19
  • Current version: [30/03/2019]

Previously, this software was very popular among fans to play CSGO with cheats on the legal settings, but the author abandoned the project. But today the author revives his project SimpleWare and gives access to all fans to play with cheats in CSGO. Do not expect from this software some miracles in the HVH arena, no, this will not be this hack is created exclusively for the invisible game and the author also tries to make this unnoticed for anti-cheat VAC. The developer of ziho will try to update this cheat daily and fix all detected bugs, and will also add new features.

What are the functions here? Cheat SimpleWare on CSGO contains in its functionality all the most famous and popular features to date in the field of hack-structure. Here you can find all the usual functions in the likeness of ESP, Aimbot, Triggerbot or find more new features like Skin/Knife/Glove Changer with auto-update. Cheat also works on servers Danger Zone.

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Comments: 43 Views: 16 420


  1. kapçık
    8 September 2019 16:27
    nice bonee fgdfgdfgfgdg

  2. EmAiSeven
    26 August 2019 15:01
    nice i love this cheat

  3. nanak
    Real Cheater
    7 August 2019 02:01
    nice one :) always update ;)

  4. zhenjan143
    5 April 2019 07:17
    idiots don't know how to use it...... smirk

  5. AnonymousChick
    4 April 2019 05:49
    Detected Now :(

    1. astralis
      4 April 2019 16:10
      Yeah it is sad

      got banned today

    2. astralis
      4 April 2019 16:13
      sucks ass heh

  6. astralis
    31 March 2019 20:57
    its not detected use the exe file not your injector @comk47

    1. comk47
      1 April 2019 21:23
      I'm not the only one who got vac banned with this cheat, my injector is undetected, i have never gotten banned with it, and other accs that i've used with the injector are clean. The cheat is detected man

      1. AnonymousChick
        3 April 2019 07:13
        It doesn't matter with the injector.
        No injectors are detected.
        They only inject .dll files into a process.
        CS:GO has a database filled with detected cheats and SimpleWare is one of them.
        So the author made a .exe that would replace CS:GO's crashhandler.dll to crashhandler.dll.old and rename SimpleWare.dll to crashhandler.dll.

      2. astralis
        4 April 2019 16:12
        what do you use

        1. AnonymousChick
          10 April 2019 05:04
          GH Injector

  7. comk47
    31 March 2019 19:37
    i got vac lol, too bad this cheat was actually really good for legit

  8. jekjeb
    31 March 2019 03:58

  9. KyinnHan
    30 March 2019 15:55
    Can someone plz help how to start it?

    1. AnonymousChick
      3 April 2019 07:14
      Use the exe file not an injector.

  10. sp00n182
    27 March 2019 03:50
    detected, just got vac

  11. KINNOM
    25 March 2019 06:38
    I got ban this Cheat

  12. pansito20
    24 March 2019 09:48
    really good hack 10/10 <3 that's perfect for only chams and skins ~

  13. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    22 March 2019 19:55
    its does chat spam how to remove

  14. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    20 March 2019 08:53
    its good not detected and psilent gets you overwatched with 2-3 games to increase more games with psilent just use it with snipers and barly use them with this method you can last 7-20 games

  15. AnonymousChick
    19 March 2019 10:22
    Great cheat, undetected.
    But it's really easy to detect by overwatch.
    Not recommended for starters.

  16. HanZ
    17 March 2019 22:37
    detected. Got banned in first competitive.

    1. AnonymousChick
      19 March 2019 10:23
      Probably because you had your settings on too high.

  17. astralis
    16 March 2019 13:30
    good cheat update please more u have talent in coding

  18. succ123
    16 March 2019 04:20
    I get VAC Banned playing totally legit, only chams and skins...

  19. SadSonic
    15 March 2019 21:28
    aimbot sucks a lot 

  20. NoAdyyy1
    Real Cheater
    15 March 2019 18:42
    where is the config?

  21. itschrissss
    15 March 2019 06:27
    Update please i love this one

  22. TimeOfDead
    14 March 2019 20:08
    OUTDATED because new update all cheat is OUTDATED go update it

  23. benebe
    14 March 2019 17:57
    not working

  24. astralis
    14 March 2019 13:30
    its detected got banned
    using extreme injector LOL

  25. NoAdyyy1
    Real Cheater
    13 March 2019 17:47
    the aimbot is really good 

  26. veliansquared42
    13 March 2019 16:00
    aimbot isnt good. bhop is wavy tho

  27. DarwinB
    13 March 2019 14:56
    I have a question, does this work if i'm playing csgo in GeForceNow?

  28. oliwerp
    12 March 2019 21:11
    This format is either damaged or unknown. Happends to all hacks here

  29. NoAdyyy1
    Real Cheater
    12 March 2019 18:29
    it is fucking amazing please update the cheat as soon as there is a update for it

  30. ynsemre19
    12 March 2019 18:07
    nıce legıt thnks